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I'll still send you that bounty aid mentioned in the other thread if you manage to declare on Neo Uruk, but I don't consider him representative of Doombirds or anything other than himself regardless of what he puts for AA.


Also you can't even declare on Doombirds. :P

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I'll still send you that bounty aid mentioned in the other thread if you manage to declare on Neo Uruk, but I don't consider him representative of Doombirds or anything other than himself regardless of what he puts for AA.


Also you can't even declare on Doombirds. :P


None were in range, but hopefully they will be taken care of soon :/

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While on the subject of bullying small nations, good job hitting a 4 day old and a 30 day old nation.


They should have not joined an alliance that supports bullying of smaller/newer nations.


Please don't make me support NG, DS, or DBDC, Rotavele. 


This is pointless attention seeking.




Which round is this now? My low attention span is getting the better of me.


This would be round 2.

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None were in range, but hopefully they will be taken care of soon :/


lol doubt it, they've been running a train on Polar for 3 days now and nobody has done anything :/

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lol doubt it, they've been running a train on Polar for 3 days now and nobody has done anything :/

Not sure what about three DBDC folks attacking two or three Polars makes this a train. I'm pretty sure those attacked have not peaced out, and a few nukes have been launched and eaten. I would question your experience as a conductor (or adventurous college student, depending on the type of "train" referred to), this is not how trains are run. There could only be two DBDCers involved for this to qualify as a train. Edited by Orville Reginbacher
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Sometimes it seems like Neo Uruk has posted so badly for so long and so consistently, most have just accepted him as a voice they have to accept as part of the forum. When I think of that, I realize he must of tried hard being less hated than before to reach the level of acceptability Rotavele currently has with his posts.


So I will give credit to Neo Uruk for his efforts in improving his image and try not to be so hard on him. I hold no grudge for Neo Uruk and will allow him to restart his reputation a new. Only if he does things wrong or annoying in the future will I judge him as such.


I will allow him a fresh start, just as I've decided to allow Rotavele a fresh one after he started posting again.

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No, they did something.

Their senator moved to peace mode.

First off, the nations rejected peace offers following a raid and are fighting back. I'd consider that doing something, especially given that 99% of the people they raid jump on the peace offer. I'd say even the DBDC nations can respect that they are still fighting.


Next, common sense dictates you move your senator to peace mode when fighting nations 3 times your size at about a 10 to 1 disadvantage, but we can't expect you to understand that, can we? (OOC: He also has RL stuff going on this week. No sense in getting hit by the most active upper tier nations while you are gone.)


Lastly, keep being a DBDC blowhard, maybe your sucking up will get you somewhere with them but to the rest of us you're still a joke.

Edited by Starfox101
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Look at Polar, rushing to defend their getting raided and still not doing anything about it.  :frantic:



Also, thanks for the war, although if you'd allow yourself to build back up to somewhere above 10k NS, I'd love to war you back for that lovely spy attack earlier this month.

Edited by dane0
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Look at Polar, rushing to defend their getting raided and still not doing anything about it.  :frantic:

Apparently fighting back against a raid is no longer an appropriate level of doing something about it?


Do you want us to activate treaties or something?

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Apparently fighting back against a raid is no longer an appropriate level of doing something about it?
Do you want us to activate treaties or something?

I know if I was a sanctioned alliance, allowing my nations to get shitcanned would be embarrassing.

But that's just me.
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I know if I was a sanctioned alliance, allowing my nations to get !@#$canned would be embarrassing.

But that's just me.

Honestly at this point you should be the expert on getting embarrassed. How exactly are we letting our nations get shitcanned? They elected to fight back rather than let DBDC hit them and peace out, and until the nation strength ranges change, there's honestly not much that can be done. The fact that you are here parading a 50k tech nation hitting 20k nations without any cause or justification is a bit childish. What, do you expect a 140k nation to jump in, and have a 700k nation counter? 


I understand that you support anything and anyone who is allied to you, but give up the dick riding for once.

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Apparently fighting back against a raid is no longer an appropriate level of doing something about it?


Do you want us to activate treaties or something?

You're being raided by a sovereign alliance... I thought that was kinda the point of treaties, you know to prevent this kind of thing? Especially seeing as you can't prevent it on your own


Or maybe treaties don't mean the same to y'all.

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You're being raided by a sovereign alliance... I thought that was kinda the point of treaties, you know to prevent this kind of thing? Especially seeing as you can't prevent it on your own


Or maybe treaties don't mean the same to y'all.


Actually... Sadly you have a good point.


Starfox101, you've made me agree with NG... Thanks a lot.

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You're being raided by a sovereign alliance... I thought that was kinda the point of treaties, you know to prevent this kind of thing? Especially seeing as you can't prevent it on your own


Or maybe treaties don't mean the same to y'all.

So you're essentially saying we aren't doing anything because we aren't activating treaties, and instead are handling it on our own by fighting back? That seems like the exact opposite of doing nothing. Are you sure that you grasp the argument you are attempting to make?


Rotavele is on your side, which means I win.  :awesome:

Edited by Starfox101
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You're being raided by a sovereign alliance... I thought that was kinda the point of treaties, you know to prevent this kind of thing? Especially seeing as you can't prevent it on your own
Or maybe treaties don't mean the same to y'all.

What does this even mean?
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