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Killuminati Empire: Declaration of War

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I know my word isn't worth a darn in relation to the terms of surrender for Loki Laufeyson, but I think he should post a picture of him eating ice cream as his punishment. :P

There isn't a soul that wishes to see Loki eat ice cream.  Promise. Besides, who are we punishing here??

Edited by mmansfield68
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Lol. You believe every word in this post don't you.

Yes, every post I make is 100% serious and I would never mess around with your wild perceptions of me. This is my serious face.


Although to be honest you guys just aren't evil enough to be worth my attention anymore. I know many of you guys admire me and love the attention I give you guys at times, with me having taught most of you how to fight and the joys of nuclear winters. However in the last big war you weren't even able to secure reps from an alliance who declared on you in defense of an ally, you guys don't have Beefspari going on and on about how much you guys enjoy being evil anymore; I don't even know who you guys are anymore. 


You guys have become soft and lost your touch, now you are just subpar evil. If my goal was to make you less evil, than I've already won and lost interest. -_-

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I didn't read all the threads for the full background on this, but I'm pretty sure you guys and your mercy board is at fault for the issues caused

Hardly the case, but I guess you can assume whatever the hell you want. Loki is trying to play victim here and you seem like the only person to buy his crap. Basically what the owf did to buckaroo, is what GOONS did to Loki. He didn't listen to advise, thus he got flamed.
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Hardly the case, but I guess you can assume whatever the hell you want. Loki is trying to play victim here and you seem like the only person to buy his crap. Basically what the owf did to buckaroo, is what GOONS did to Loki. He didn't listen to advise, thus he got flamed.

Loki will be rebuilt to new heights peacefully, you guys no longer always seek reps from all those who declare on you in defense of allies, as you ended that practice in the previous war with GOD. I don't buy any crap and didn't even read his OP to be honest, I was testing you guys. To see whether you would complicate this peace enough so he would forced into to deletion, but you guys seem to of made some accommodations so he was able to complete it. (which I haven't been informed on the details yet or have any interest in as long as they work out for Loki). 


We ended our last war not through negotiation on the mercy board, but through mutually beneficial tech deals discussed over IRC. Since then your worst of practices have declined over time, so I think you guys no longer qualify as being as being among the top evil alliances. I think my interactions have changed you guys in several ways. Many of you now know how to fight after battling me and many of you have learned right from wrong by reading my posts.


No longer do I need to or have a desire to put an end to your evil, as I think you guys have changed to no longer represent the evil I once opposed. I guess what I'm saying is we should break up, this arch nemesis thing just no longer is working out. If you guys no longer remain a force for evil in this world, then I no longer have reason to oppose you guys. So congrats on reforming your ways. Loki I think brought a valuable lesson for all to learn, even GOONS can change. Just as you guys have from back when I fought you guys.


So later, it was fun arching you guys for a while. Although when you guys are bound by political conventions in your actions and are basically forced into reacting to any situation, and I said I wouldn't rogue you guys again after you helped build me up with those well timed tech deals after our last war; there just is no realistic way things will ever properly work out between us as arch nemesis. So its best to move on and go our own ways. You guys softening your bad practices I think are an improvement, but if you guys are already reducing bad behavior on your own now. My work is done.

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Uh. Our practices re: the mercy board literally haven't changed. MS Paint stuff had always been one of our go to's...

Not when visited it and formed my dislike for it. I even offered you guys a piece of art drawn by me personally, which I spent at least a full minute drawing, You guys rejected it and got more riled up, wanting me to write some retarded essay which require me portraying myself negatively in it.


Now that our war is over and you can an view it from an impartial historical perspective as an art piece for its time, I'm sure even you can appreciate the artistic piece I offered you guys. I know even now all GOONS keep a copy and value it as an artistic portrayal of a war since gone, as so many of you experienced what is being portrayed in the picture time and time gain,




However an artist can't work without artistic freedoms. I can not draw the war how you can guys perceived it, but only as I envisioned it. Similar to how a GOONS member later came out with his own artistic portrayal of the war from how he perceived and envisioned it with "A the Mountains of Methrage".



Both pieces use different mediums to portray the war, but for a mercy board post if you want people to be able to have fun with you guys while doing it and not hate it so much; you need to allow them artistic freedom and not be overly demanding. Both portrayals depict the struggles GOONS nations faced one after another as they faced me, but allowing artistic freedom is key and to not be babies about it if someone's art doesn't idolize you guys. You need to be willing to accept some criticism as well.

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It's literally the mercy board where people come to get off our EoG list. In what alternate universe does painting the people who are mutilating your nation to the point you want to tap out in a bad light a good idea if you do want peace?

If the mercy board isn't for fun, but to humiliate nations; then you may have a point. Unless you see their pride is broken and they humiliate themselves before you, its not satisfying enough. There is wide gap between the someone being at the stage where they think it was a good fight, but they are willing to agree on peace so everyone can move on ;and a nation being at the point where they would rather give up all pride and beg for mercy than fight a moment longer. You can't really hurt someone beyond their nation, so not everyone ever reaches the point where are willing to beg and give up all pride to preserve their nation. 


If it was just for fun you guys would have more of a sense of humor about it, instead if someone makes the mistake to post on the mercy board without being ready to do whatever it takes for GOONS to give them peace and beg, then that's when you get your confrontations with people not doing it how you want. With a good amount of people it doesn't matter how many times a nations get ZIed or how long they are ZIed, they will never beg and would cease their existence with their pride in tact. So your mercy board has the effect of making many nations give up instead who are unwilling to do whatever it takes to preserve their nation or stats. If your going to ask for creative works right after someone has been fighting you and are still fighting you; then don't expect them to make a pro-GOONS propaganda piece.

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Your work is not done yet, methrage. Now you must convince Loki that GOONS is not tteh ultimate ebil in CN, since you played the role of white knight it makes sense that you now take the turn of reforming him.

Whatever you mean by "reforming", I want no part of it.

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Your work is not done yet, methrage. Now you must convince Loki that GOONS is not tteh ultimate ebil in CN, since you played the role of white knight it makes sense that you now take the turn of reforming him.

He needs no reforming, only rebuilding, knowledge and patience.

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Also I'm hearing from Loki now they are just posturing on the forum about giving him peace without giving it to him and he's going to have to reroll, so I'm not sure what the deal is anymore.  I don't like dealing with GOONS, so go check it out for me Tywin.

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