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Freedom From Tryanny


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I cant believe I wasted 3 Mins of my life that I will never get back reading your babbling it reminds me of when you spread your vile lies and convinced 75% of The Mafia's members to Jump ship and come to the Immortals with you, and as you can see you did nothing at all with your time in The Mafia except have it and its Leadership labeled as cowards and untrustworthy, It wasn't until I seized control of what was left of the alliance and brought it back from 11 members to just shy of  the number of members it took you 2 years to build, once you saw I was gaining credibility and some allies you got scared, so while we were concentrating on recovering and rebuilding our alliance and making friends across the planet, you were saving cash and plotting our destruction.  If we had a little more time this would not have happened but I'm not ashamed to admit we were not able to withstand the onslaught of your worthless warmongering alliance, but the core leadership of The Mafia, the ones responsible for actually building the alliance and gaining allies and trust from planet BOB survived when we were accepted into our good friends at Crap so, you ultimately failed because we are still alive and thriving in our new home.  you on the other hand are still so starved for attention that you turn to frivolous attacks on an alliance that you have no chance at beating.  This just exposes you as the looser that you have always been, achieving nothing and starving for attention.


The lulz keep rolling in. You make this all the more worth it.


He won't have anything left after step 3. Anyone who plots for days on end is incompetent and worthless anyways.



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 They have also called in the Old Guard!


While it seems that there is something you are trying to say here, I must humbly point out that our friends over at the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers did not 'call us in' as it were.


We saw a friend being set upon by vagabonds and churlish thugs and we did what any friend would do, we put a boot up your tuckus.In the future you might consider attempting to resolve your issues in a less painful manner.


Have a nice day.

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I was an irrelevant pest to CRAP before it was cool. 



I support this war of terror and or war on terror and or Chuck making people get nude. 

They have been doing this since before I knew of your existence. 


Nonetheless, you (and only you) have my permission to join their cause.  :wub:

Edited by Chuck Normis
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Am I still in CN or have I stumbled into an insane asylum? These last few topics..........


Is there really that much of a difference between the two?


Good point.

All should embrace the insanity. It is the one true path in the world!

Have fun stomping these guys CRAP. o/ CRAP
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