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Does INT have to pay the same price for defending UMB as CnG was going to make them pay for defending LSF? Or is it okay this time since UMB is MK's big strapping son?

What price is that? That we would have rolled in with them to get our asses kicked? I don't see you defending them. Infact you are part of the force that sent 22 alliances to attack them. You authorized the use of that force against a treaty partner of yours. You have no ground to stand on here calling someone a bad ally. Edited by AirMe
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What price is that? That we would have rolled in with them to get our asses kicked? I don't see you defending them. Infact you are part of the force that sent 22 alliances to attack them. You authorized the use of that force against a treaty partner of yours. You have no ground to stand on here calling someone a bad ally.


Neither has you, since INT did the same thing against R&R. Double Standards much? 

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Not really, I spoke with many Spartans back when I was in Polaris and everyone said that ODN threw them under the bus, you want to share the blame(what is a start, since you recognize that ODN is guilty),but the fact is that ODN is who ignored the treaty, not Sparta. Also the end of the paragraph is one of the best examples of CnG mentality: "Screw them."


Sparta's ally attacked an ally of TLR and TLR committed ourselves to their defense. Where one goes, the rest follow. The beauty of a MDAP. Furthermore, Sparta declared war upon two small alliances prior to the pre-empt on MHA therefore rendering any defense obligations to Sparta as optional. 


Would also like to point out that when it was decided that a preemptive attack upon MHA was necessary, the mutual aggression clause of the C&G treaty was invoked upon GATO's request and you know that the C&G treaty we share with one another reigns supreme over all others. ODN couldn't refuse even if they tried.   

Edited by Jgoods45
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You can avoid that by not buying to 35K infra and entering a war with $700 million. Just sayin. You are a victim of your love of stats. You loved how your nation looked as you bought all that tech, until the reality that fighting while broke is not such a smart thing. You will soon be broke again. And with each subsequent bill lock you face, your tech will dwindle and dwindle until you resemble a Kaskus nation.


I have never reached 35k infra in game man!


My max was 20k when I had 33k tech.


I rebuilt at 8.5k infra this time with 20.5k tech.


I may become smaller (in size) but never small like others!


Hellas has written its glorious history in CN! Can you claim the same for your nation?

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What price is that? That we would have rolled in with them to get our asses kicked? I don't see you defending them. Infact you are part of the force that sent 22 alliances to attack them. You authorized the use of that force against a treaty partner of yours. You have no ground to stand on here calling someone a bad ally.


Removal from CnG. They said they chose staying in the bloc over defending LSF.



Edit to add:


We both knew this was coming, we both agreed as to what would happen if CnG just had to choose the path of going down with DH one time as some sort of atonement for what was going on. I have pressed them about this DH tie for quite a while now but the answer is always the same.

Edited by Vol Navy
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I have never reached 35k infra in game man!


My max was 20k when I had 33k tech.


I rebuilt at 8.5k infra this time with 20.5k tech.


I may become smaller (in size) but never small like others!


Hellas has written its glorious history in CN! Can you claim the same for your nation?


What modesty, for the sake of us lesser beings would care to tell us the depth of the glorious history of your nation?

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How many allies and coalitions has Polar thrown under the bus? Double standards much?


I love when people ignore my posts and start to attack my ex-AA. 

If by throw allies and coalitions under the bus, you mean NpO wasting all their political capital to honor their treaty with MK when requested, and now with Sparta, then you would be right.








Sparta's ally attacked an ally of TLR and TLR committed ourselves to their defense. Where one goes, the rest follow. The beauty of a MDAP. Furthermore, Sparta declared war upon two small alliances prior to the pre-empt on MHA therefore rendering any defense obligations to Sparta as optional. 


Would also like to point out that when it was decided that a preemptive attack upon MHA was necessary, the mutual aggression clause of the C&G treaty was invoked upon GATO's request and you know that the C&G treaty we share with one another reigns supreme over all others. ODN couldn't refuse even if they tried.   


So now you are blaming all the mistakes that alliances in CnG committed on the MADP clause. It's like people blaming alcohol when they crash their car or when people blame cigar because they have cancer. They just forget/ignore that they are who choose to use it in first place, when there are tons of warning about the hazards of both products.

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Removal from CnG. They said they chose staying in the bloc over defending LSF.
Edit to add:
We both knew this was coming, we both agreed as to what would happen if CnG just had to choose the path of going down with DH one time as some sort of atonement for what was going on. I have pressed them about this DH tie for quite a while now but the answer is always the same.

No one ever threatened them with removal from the bloc. At least not in any of the discussions I was part of. They had discussed going it alone but we told them we wouldn't allow that. If they went, we went. Edited by AirMe
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I love when people ignore my posts and start to attack my ex-AA. 

If by throw allies and coalitions under the bus, you mean NpO wasting all their political capital to honor their treaty with MK when requested, and now with Sparta, then you would be right.


So now you are blaming all the mistakes that alliances in CnG committed on the MADP clause. It's like people blaming alcohol when they crash their car or when people blame cigar because they have cancer. They just forget/ignore that they are who choose to use it in first place, when there are tons of warning about the hazards of both products.

First we don't follow our treaties and now we follow our treaties? Which is it? Bloc has a supremacy clause. Deal with it.
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So now you are blaming all the mistakes that alliances in CnG committed on the MADP clause. It's like people blaming alcohol when they crash their car or when people blame cigar because they have cancer. They just forget/ignore that they are who choose to use it in first place, when there are tons of warning about the hazards of both products.

You think they are mistakes. We don't. There is hardly any regret over the actions we have taken the past few years and this silly little war that you so proudly support won't change that very simple fact. 

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First we don't follow our treaties and now we follow our treaties? Which is it? Bloc has a supremacy clause. Deal with it.



I hate to repeat myself(not really), but: 


Now you are blaming all the mistakes that alliances in CnG committed on the supremacy clause. It's like people blaming alcohol when they crash their car or when people blame cigar because they have cancer. They just forget/ignore that they are who choose to use it in first place, when there are tons of warning about the hazards of both products.

Edited by D34th
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I hate to repeat myself(not really), but: 
Now you are blaming all the mistakes that alliances in CnG committed on the supremacy clause. It's like people blaming alcohol when they crash their car or when people blame cigar because they have cancer. They just forget/ignore that they are who choose to use it in first place, when there are tons of warning about the hazards of both products.

You are the one placing blame and no one else. Jgoods summed it up pretty well. Edited by AirMe
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You are the one placing blame and no one else. Jgoods summed it up pretty well.


So you and Jgoods really believes that I'm the only person who thinks that all the alliances that I mentioned were wronged? Ok, then I'm done here. 

"The worst blind is the one who doesn't want to see."

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No one ever threatened them with removal from the bloc. At least not in any of the discussions I was part of.


That was certainly their belief as of just a couple of days ago. Pretty much "we'll roll with you, but you're out post-war."


This is basically the same situation. Umbrella prodded an enemy that started a war that is likely to cost CnG quite heavily. The difference is that INT Gov members didn't assist in planning this with UMB.


The other difference being of course the magic Mushroom tie that cures up all vision into which way the treaty obligations beyond the bloc should fall.


Before we ever signed the treaty I asked INT diplomats how the MK tie affected their FA, because from an outside perspective it appears that MK still defacto controlled the bloc. I even specifically asked them about their ties with unconventional alliances like NEW and LSF but they assured me that the Kingdom would have no sway in their FA and that anyone who attacked either NEW or LSF would find that out.


Fast forward to the events surrounding the LSF war, the Dave war etc and the answers we were given at the time and since then and my fears appear very justified.


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So you and Jgoods really believes that I'm the only person who thinks that all the alliances that I mentioned were wronged? Ok, then I'm done here. 

"The worst blind is the one who doesn't want to see."

None of them deserved our support. None of them. They all did something that resulted in their treaties being cancelled or us refusing to come to their aid and these reasons were laid out before you within this topic and many more god damn topics where this discussion comes up. 

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What modesty, for the sake of us lesser beings would care to tell us the depth of the glorious history of your nation?


Been a Spartan!


Also a Black Team Senator!


1,202,867 Attacking + 4,314,555 Defending = 5,517,422 Casualties


94 nukes taken!


Reached #2 in game and in tech!


Sent out one of the biggest ever nukes


 To: Enrique Barrentos From: Alexandros o Megas Date: 12/11/2011 12:10:10 AM

Subject: Nuclear Attack
Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by Alexandros o Megas. Your fallout shelters have limited the damage caused by this attack. You lost 3821 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 756.836 miles of land, 472.647 technology, 1,417.942 infrastructure, 50% of your aircraft, and 18% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience several days of economic devastation.


Participated in all major wars of CN during the last 5 years!


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That was certainly their belief as of just a couple of days ago. Pretty much "we'll roll with you, but you're out post-war."
This is basically the same situation. Umbrella prodded an enemy that started a war that is likely to cost CnG quite heavily. The difference is that INT Gov members didn't assist in planning this with UMB.
The other difference being of course the magic Mushroom tie that cures up all vision into which way the treaty obligations beyond the bloc should fall.
Before we ever signed the treaty I asked INT diplomats how the MK tie affected their FA, because from an outside perspective it appears that MK still defacto controlled the bloc. I even specifically asked them about their ties with unconventional alliances like NEW and LSF but they assured me that the Kingdom would have no sway in their FA and that anyone who attacked either NEW or LSF would find that out.
Fast forward to the events surrounding the LSF war, the Dave war etc and the answers we were given at the time and since then and my fears appear very justified.


Sound like I need to have a chat with some people then because that is something I don't remember ever being brought up. It certainly wouldn't have passed vote because TLR would have been against a move like that.

IMO, the Dave War was a terrible situation and I did not like it at all.
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Been a Spartan!


Also a Black Team Senator!


1,202,867 Attacking + 4,314,555 Defending = 5,517,422 Casualties


94 nukes taken!


Reached #2 in game and in tech!


Sent out one of the biggest ever nukes


 To: Enrique Barrentos From: Alexandros o Megas Date: 12/11/2011 12:10:10 AM

Subject: Nuclear Attack
Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by Alexandros o Megas. Your fallout shelters have limited the damage caused by this attack. You lost 3821 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 756.836 miles of land, 472.647 technology, 1,417.942 infrastructure, 50% of your aircraft, and 18% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience several days of economic devastation.


Participated in all major wars of CN during the last 5 years!



And this proves what exactly? that you have been a tech whore? :P also for a nation of that size how come your not challenging for the top 20 in casualties despite fighting in all major wars in the last five years? seriously dude what is with that?. But hey if your arrogance keeps you warm at night more power to you.


EDIT: Also lol at the tee shirt, did you really get that made for yourself?

Edited by Cataduanes
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Removal from CnG. They said they chose staying in the bloc over defending LSF.



Edit to add:


We both knew this was coming, we both agreed as to what would happen if CnG just had to choose the path of going down with DH one time as some sort of atonement for what was going on. I have pressed them about this DH tie for quite a while now but the answer is always the same.


There was never ANY threat to kicking INT out of C&G had they rolled with LSF. The notion that you present here, that there was one, is ludicrous.

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I can't remember if you were around for the Hegemony, so I'm going to take the charitable route and assume that you were not. I'd hate to have to think of you as dishonest.

for the sake of complete honesty, let us not forget you were part of the said hegemony until one day before the war and oh, you had no problems calling in your friends in the 'hegemony' to rescue you when VE thought your friends reneged on their promises. 


How many years has it been since you were not part of the hegemony? I think its longer than any other significant alliance. 

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