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An Imperial Decree


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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357753713' post='3073250']
Never assume NSO's brothers and sisters aren't ready to have some fun and laughs.

Feel free to aid bomb NSO then my friend. Noone has questioned if you, or NSOs other allies, are ready.

Though know that all they have to do is offer white peace; and not come to us with hostile intents and the threats of reparations. Sometimes it is easier to coax a beast out of the way than to fight your way through.

The GOONS war dragged on because Sardonic refused to accept anything less than a couple hundred million in reps and it lasted 3 times as long as this one has so far. It was at about this point into the war where GOONS started getting aid funneled from Umbrella (well a little later but GOONS had more nations than NSO started with).

Is there a specific reason you are frustrated? I assume it is because we have not agreed to end this war. Well we refuse to pay reps; therefore peace talks are not necessary at this time. I'm sure a man in your position can understand that. Anything else that bothers you?

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1357757963' post='3073269']
Who threatened reparations? You keep spouting that, but we sure as !@#$ haven't asked for them.
[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357758056' post='3073271']

No reparations asked.

I took the line quoted below to mean reparations. Sorry if you meant something like mercy board terms or something instead.

01[10:54:55] <@Rayvon[NSO]> Message: Not to sound like a dick, but rather to be completely blunt and honest; [b]it's going to require more than 'white peace' to end this war.[/b]

&#8203;Of course it is your prerogative to ask for any terms you may want but it is also within Kaskus' rights to reject them (I believe).

Forgive me if that line is no longer valid but I'm working under the assumption that those were the last serious attempt at discussing peace.

EDIT: Formatting

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357758278' post='3073273']
I took the line quoted below to mean reparations. Sorry if you meant something like mercy board terms or something instead.

01[10:54:55] <@Rayvon[NSO]> Message: Not to sound like a dick, but rather to be completely blunt and honest; [b]it's going to require more than 'white peace' to end this war.[/b]

&#8203;Of course it is your prerogative to ask for any terms you may want but it is also within Kaskus' rights to reject them (I believe).

Forgive me if that line is no longer valid but I'm working under the assumption that those were the last serious attempt at discussing peace.

EDIT: Formatting

And right down a couple lines of that very message, is the [i]'more than white peace'[/i].

"Easy terms, no decomming of equipment or buildings. No reparations. Just a simple admission of error (you guys have already admitted your error, but for the sake of clarity to add it to this message also) and surrender."


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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357758831' post='3073280']
And right down a couple lines of that very message, is the [i]'more than white peace'[/i].

"Easy terms, no decomming of equipment or buildings. No reparations. Just a simple admission of error (you guys have already admitted your error, but for the sake of clarity to add it to this message also) and surrender."


yiu know surrender is not gonna happen.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357758831' post='3073280']
And right down a couple lines of that very message, is the [i]'more than white peace'[/i].

"Easy terms, no decomming of equipment or buildings. No reparations. Just a simple admission of error (you guys have already admitted your error, but for the sake of clarity to add it to this message also) and surrender."


I forgot about that part, sorry.

Point stands though, despite what the terms are Kaskus is exercising its right to refuse them at this time. A.K.A. Kaskus does not wish to "surrender" at this time.*

[size=2]* = Of course I am just speaking as a member gauging the interests of other members. [/size]

[quote name='Tank4ever' timestamp='1320511470' post='2839659']
Well I admire you for that. Some would prefer to save their pixels, as shown by anyone currently in a "POW" AA

[quote name='WorldConquerer']
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We would rather keep fighting than accept their demands. We don't believe they are in the position to be making such demands. Make of that what you will.[/quote] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106320&st=1060#entry2836566"]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106320&st=1060#entry2836566[/url][/font][/color]

[quote name='Rayvon']
We won't admit defeat when we aren't truly defeated.[/quote] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106320&st=1080#entry2836583"]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106320&st=1080#entry2836583[/url]

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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[quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1357753722' post='3073251']
From the aid screens it looks like NSO is the one running low. Shangri La is pounding NSO with it's dongs.

*sigh* You really missed the point of my post. Read it while pumping your fist with excitement. Then you will understand, my son.

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357754082' post='3073255']
*opens the door to the house party* i wont stop anyone from doing what this gane is for that being as you said fun and laughs :).

but might i direct you to my signiture it actually is about NPO. make sure you kniw what your objective is and achieve it. Kaskus kniws whats going on and we are achieving what we want but I ask does NSO?

I love the quote. So true. Who said it?

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357717752' post='3073150']
Look I don't want to argue but even though I don't agree with what most of NSO has said; I have been able to understand where they are coming from until now.

Kaskus refused to give up a member; they didn't attack you.

Yes Kaskus maybe shouldn't have accepted a member that you wanted to attacked. Yes maybe Kaskus should have given up that member. But it was their right as a soverign alliance to not do those things. However NSO did declare on a member of Kaskus after being told that attacking said member would result in full alliance warfare.

NSO declared on Kaskus with that act of war. NSO declared war first.

Maybe [b]I[/b] gave NSO a CB with faking those logs; its debatable but I don't want to because we will never see eye to eye on it. But NSO gave Kaskus a CB by attacking a member; despite what that member did to you.


EDIT: Better Lawyered: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GcgS79_TR0"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=4GcgS79_TR0[/url]

To be fair that was said by many in Kaskus; though not early enough in negotiations for some peoples liking I guess. That said:


OH ARDUS MY ARDUS! Save us from this PR debacle.

Dammit that was actually a pretty good response.

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[quote name='Prozenz' timestamp='1357710596' post='3073105']
How long you've been fighting before flew into peace mode?

/go Kaskus! gantanX :wub:

Man oh man you caught me, spent the minimum days in PM to rebuild a little to re-engage in a war (I know totally not a smart tactical move) and came out to start smacking some kids again. Cheers Kaskus!

[quote name='death from above 82' timestamp='1357710627' post='3073106']
20:41:35] <&Dilber> ok, taking a dump
[20:41:35] <&Dilber> be back soon
[20:41:35] <&Dilber> I'M DROPPING A KASKUS

I laughed at this one. First time for everything lonshadow

Bit I'm glad you enjoy the humor we share on IRC on a daily basis, albiet it is not all about you though ;)

[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357753005' post='3073245']
to say NEW and Kaskus are not allies is about as crazy of a statement as to say NPO never existed and were all in the matrix and fed the illusion that your pixels exist and that you are an illusion as well. is this real life?

Can I save this quote for later use when NEW tries to talk their way out of aiding y'all? Or if Hiro comes in and tries to play the troll again.

[quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1357753722' post='3073251']
From the aid screens it looks like NSO is the one running low. Shangri La is pounding NSO with it's dongs.


When you have the likes of Furqan, Pollard and many others in one place you needs lots of dongs... Just sayin'...

[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357757776' post='3073268']
Feel free to aid bomb NSO then my friend. Noone has questioned if you, or NSOs other allies, are ready.

[b]Though know that all they have to do is offer white peace; and not come to us with hostile intents and the threats of reparations. Sometimes it is easier to coax a beast out of the way than to fight your way through.[/b]

The GOONS war dragged on because Sardonic refused to accept anything less than a couple hundred million in reps and it lasted 3 times as long as this one has so far. It was at about this point into the war where GOONS started getting aid funneled from Umbrella (well a little later but GOONS had more nations than NSO started with).

Is there a specific reason you are frustrated? I assume it is because we have not agreed to end this war. Well we refuse to pay reps; therefore peace talks are not necessary at this time. I'm sure a man in your position can understand that. Anything else that bothers you?

The bolded section is what I want to focus on, I think the only thing you are required to do is admit your mistake in harboring a war criminal (IE YOU) other than that what reparations would be forced to pay? We don't do reparations, we simply do war ;)

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Smurf in the end, all you had to do was be accountable for the grievences against you. All your alliance had to do was honor the agreement you had with NSO about your punishment. So talking about "all you want" at this point is a bit of a spit in the face again.

I know you guys don't see it, but that is what it is.

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sure you can save that quote all it says is were alliex doesnt mean were bonded by any treaty or anything. if we are not enemies and we are not neutral then we are allies.i consider NSO allies. use my quotes all you want but dont twist my words love or ill just refer back this this in the future :3

allies only means we have no ill grudge towards each other and we sjare a common idea that being in this situation having fun. so in that sense NSO is an allie as is any alliance and nation having fun this very moment.

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357769637' post='3073364']
sure you can save that quote all it says is were alliex doesnt mean were bonded by any treaty or anything. if we are not enemies and we are not neutral then we are allies.i consider NSO allies. use my quotes all you want but dont twist my words love or ill just refer back this this in the future :3

allies only means we have no ill grudge towards each other and we sjare a common idea that being in this situation having fun. so in that sense NSO is an allie as is any alliance and nation having fun this very moment.

I'm glad you have that opinion yet the rest of bob will disagree with you. As for being allies with us, while we might be having fun with war (I know I am :D) it doesn't change the fact that we are not allies; and if the pulse of our membership is anything to go on we probably won't be allies in the near future.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357768907' post='3073350']
Smurf in the end, all you had to do was be accountable for the grievences against you. All your alliance had to do was honor the agreement you had with NSO about your punishment. So talking about "all you want" at this point is a bit of a spit in the face again.

I know you guys don't see it, but that is what it is.

So Brehon, is that guy from NPO thats attacked us a rouge, or is this a sanctioned Government action hes carrying out?

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1357772267' post='3073405']
So Brehon, is that guy from NPO thats attacked us a rouge, or is this a sanctioned Government action hes carrying out?

I didn't know rouge is what its called nowadays. Mayhap you meant rogue?

;) Love you Hiro

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[quote name='Longshadow' timestamp='1357772145' post='3073404']
I'm glad you have that opinion yet the rest of bob will disagree with you. As for being allies with us, while we might be having fun with war (I know I am :D) it doesn't change the fact that we are not allies; and if the pulse of our membership is anything to go on we probably won't be allies in the near future.

it is the crazy and the taboo that change the world

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[quote name='Longshadow' timestamp='1357772145' post='3073404']

I'm glad you have that opinion yet the rest of bob will disagree with you. As for being allies with us, while we might be having fun with war (I know I am :D) it doesn't change the fact that we are not allies; and if the pulse of our membership is anything to go on we probably won't be allies in the near future.
[/quote]Good! because you guys need to rewipe. I think you have swamp A$$. I see cats following you around. stinky poo poo, we don't want to be friends then. so as TOSH says " na na bo bo stick your head in do do" My mom is gona hit me for not being nice, but I had to get my babble on.

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