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GOD Declaration of War

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1340666719' post='2996282']
Not at all - I don't think an ages old split has much do to do with it. The hostage taking of LoSS and DT as a means of drawing NoR out has gone down in our memory as the first time someone actively screwed with us after the Viceroy ended. We befriended The Brain, who came with their own baggage of hate. I suppose we consider GOD to have been a "bad influence" in the sense that it was them all along.

At the time, Xiph and his crew were pretty untouchable, so maybe we'll feel a bit more comfortable with that chapter after this, because honestly I'm impressed we got here in the first place.

Your'e acting as if LoSS and us were helpless, which is funny. Thats was one of the most interesting wars I've had and I'm sure members of LoSS would agree.
I'm not trying to sway or deflect your reasoning for disliking GOD, for all means go right ahead. I just don't see you wouldn't jump on the band wagon last war?

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[quote name='Supa_Troop3r' timestamp='1340667124' post='2996288']
Your'e acting as if LoSS and us were helpless, which is funny. Thats was one of the most interesting wars I've had and I'm sure members of LoSS would agree.
I'm not trying to sway or deflect your reasoning for disliking GOD, for all means go right ahead. I just don't see you wouldn't jump on the band wagon last war?

I'm not saying you were helpless, sorry to phrase it in that way; you guys did incredibly well in some pretty tight circumstances, and I think that probably pushed them to make their demands even more ridiculous at the time iirc, at least for a while. There were obvious political reasons for what they did, and that didn't sit right with us, considering everything had been friendly enough on our front until then. It was a car crash to watch from afar and a reason to try and up the game GATO was playing, both politically and in terms of standards.

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1340666719' post='2996282']
Not at all - I don't think an ages old split has much do to do with it. The hostage taking of LoSS and DT as a means of drawing NoR out has gone down in our memory as the first time someone actively screwed with us after the Viceroy ended. We befriended The Brain, who came with their own baggage of hate. I suppose we consider GOD to have been a "bad influence" in the sense that it was them puppeteering all the way through. We don't even have half the grievance LoSS and DT do, but it's nice to have a goal to drive yourself forward every day, y'know?

At the time, Xiph and his crew were pretty untouchable, so maybe we'll feel a bit more comfortable with closing that chapter after this, because honestly I'm impressed we got here in the first place.
You are clearly confused. LoSS was offered peace with a no re-entry clause very early on. They were not 'held hostage'. I can understand they didn't want to leave DT on the battlefield, but they had a clear and clean way out of the war the entire time. As for DT, I felt wronged by their ODP activation. At the time they declared we'd already been having peace talks with LoSS, and they declared on Legacy who I cared for deeply at the time. I felt that they were out of line with what they did. At the time, I was in a position to do something about it. I likely overreacted and now CSN is one of the more hated alliances.

As for us (CSN) trying to draw NoR out, that is patently false. Would it have been nice if they'd reneged on their peace treaty and re-entered against us, sure. I didn't like the first NoR for how they tried to 'run' Maroon, and I carried my dislike forward to their resurrected form. I figured they would keep their word and stay out. I do recall catching some heat in that for some reason NoR couldn't declare on NPO while we were still at war with DT, but I didn't pay much attention to it, as it didn't make sense.

Either way, the alliances that CSN has actually wronged (namely DT and by extension LoSS), have had their pound of flesh and gotten over it. I can't say we're best of friends, but at least DT isn't foaming at the mouth like some of the vocal GATO members that weren't really involved in it.

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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1340667938' post='2996304']
You are clearly confused. LoSS was offered peace with a no re-entry clause very early on. They were not 'held hostage'. I can understand they didn't want to leave DT on the battlefield, but they had a clear and clean way out of the war the entire time. As for DT, I felt wronged by their ODP activation. At the time they declared we'd already been having peace talks with LoSS, and they declared on Legacy who I cared for deeply at the time. I felt that they were out of line with what they did. At the time, I was in a position to do something about it. I likely overreacted and now CSN is one of the more hated alliances.

As for us (CSN) trying to draw NoR out, that is patently false. Would it have been nice if they'd reneged on their peace treaty and re-entered against us, sure. I didn't like the first NoR for how they tried to 'run' Maroon, and I carried my dislike forward to their resurrected form. I figured they would keep their word and stay out. I do recall catching some heat in that for some reason NoR couldn't declare on NPO while we were still at war with DT, but I didn't pay much attention to it, as it didn't make sense.

Either way, the alliances that CSN has actually wronged (namely DT and by extension LoSS), have had their pound of flesh and gotten over it. I can't say we're best of friends, but at least DT isn't foaming at the mouth like some of the vocal GATO members that weren't really involved in it.

Thank you. That explains [i]exactly[/i] why GATO hates GOD

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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1340667938' post='2996304']
You are clearly confused. LoSS was offered peace with a no re-entry clause very early on. They were not 'held hostage'. I can understand they didn't want to leave DT on the battlefield, but they had a clear and clean way out of the war the entire time. As for DT, I felt wronged by their ODP activation. At the time they declared we'd already been having peace talks with LoSS, and they declared on Legacy who I cared for deeply at the time. I felt that they were out of line with what they did. At the time, I was in a position to do something about it. I likely overreacted and now CSN is one of the more hated alliances.

The way in which DT entered meant that their fate was pretty inseparable from LoSS, as while they'd be exempt from the reps, it did mean they'd be getting steadily more piled on throughout the war while you tried to extract the reps. In that sense, they were held to ransom.

As for us (CSN) trying to draw NoR out, that is patently false. Would it have been nice if they'd reneged on their peace treaty and re-entered against us, sure. I didn't like the first NoR for how they tried to 'run' Maroon, and I carried my dislike forward to their resurrected form. I figured they would keep their word and stay out. [b]I do recall catching some heat in that for some reason NoR couldn't declare on NPO while we were still at war with DT, but I didn't pay much attention to it, as it didn't make sense.[/b]

How did that not make any sense?

Either way, the alliances that CSN has actually wronged (namely DT and by extension LoSS), have had their pound of flesh and gotten over it. I can't say we're best of friends, but at least DT isn't foaming at the mouth like some of the vocal GATO members that weren't really involved in it.

As I said - they're far more entitled to feel upset about it than we are, and they've done something about that for the most part, but it did give myself and some others a much needed boot up the ass. I didn't like what happened, or the fact it could have happened at all, and I've wanted to see those who'd pull that kind of stunt take a dive since. So days like this are good by my book, very good indeed :)

Edited by Laslo Kenez
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I don't think I have ever read any statement with less sincerity and more hypocrisy than what you just wrote, Xiphosis. For those who have no idea about anything, this is an example of the morality of Xiphosis:

[quote]Yesterday we launched a preemptive war against the group calling themselves the League of Free Nations. This League, as their representatives have stated countless times in countless threads, is a self-defense league - both for participating alliances, and unaligned nations. Action is optional, but encouraged when it's politically or military feasible (see: CSE). Those of us who have run into these people before; be it GOD, FOK, or Avenguard know their tactics and know how they operate and this was nothing ground-breaking.

When I'm contacted with information that a group is gathering in private around a man who's known for ordering hit-and-run attacks on people engaged in tech raiding, when I'm given a list of alliances involved in this group, and when I see their veteran members (Zanth had 900 posts and registered in June of LAST year) requesting sanctions against my members - it becomes my problem, and I deal with it.

Some will undoubtedly ask - but why did you hit them all? Why not just The Corps, or just The Guard? Simple. As with other undesirable elements on Bob, the NONE groups have a habit of dropping their alliance affiliation, joining legitimate alliances, scamming aid, and then coming back out to do more hit-and-runs. I wasn't about to go in half-assed and give them that chance - if one of them was going to burn, they all were.

Rosters for all signatories were drawn up, divided between the participating groups, a date was set and we went to town with a tomahawk. Some may think we went overboard, that's your prerogative, we felt the action was necessary and will continue in our course. [/quote]

Xiphosis, defender of honour, decency, and the right for his members not be requested for sanctions after nuking their tech-raid victims. Burn in hell, you pig.

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[quote name='Bordiga' timestamp='1340668600' post='2996311']
I don't think I have ever read any statement with less sincerity and more hypocrisy than what you just wrote, Xiphosis. For those who have no idea about anything, this is an example of the morality of Xiphosis:

Xiphosis, defender of honour, decency, and the right for his members not be requested for sanctions after nuking their tech-raid victims. Burn in hell, you pig.
Is that really the best you can do? A DoW from [i]four years ago[/i]? If Xiph and GOD are really such evil people, surely you can find something more relevant.

PS - As has been said hundreds if not thousands of times, our member got nuked first. At the time the nuclear reports screen only showed the most recent interaction between two nations, i.e. the retaliatory nuke fired in response.

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[quote name='Bordiga' timestamp='1340672794' post='2996342']
It's the best example, and it's what is relevant to me. And besides, here you are defending it. So... obviously still pertinent to any claims by Xiphosis to the moral high ground.

I thought you and yours got your piece (and peace) last war.

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[quote name='Bordiga' timestamp='1340673168' post='2996345']
I guess a GOD member wouldn't be able to tell the difference between calling out hypocrisy and declaring war.

I guess its easier to look at his AA tag and nurse a grudge than it is to let the past go. You gave GOD terms. You had your attempt at justice. If it was not enough for you, then why did you did not demand more?

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Obviously this isn't clear to you. The past actions of Xiphosis and GOD are not erased by them losing a small war to us. That might mean we don't seek revenge anymore. But what it doesn't mean is that GOD is suddenly not an alliance of machiavellian tech-raiders. The only way that GOD will change my opinion of them as scum is not losing a war but actually acting like they are different. But here we are again, still seeing GOD defend alliance disbandment on the basis of a CB with similar worth to "lol, Dave". GOD has not changed.

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Nofish, stop skirting the issue and just say you support disbanding alliances. Unless you have changed, then "four years ago" still applies. You were one of the foremost defenders of the actions of GOD at the time and ever since.

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[quote name='Bordiga' timestamp='1340674844' post='2996357']
Obviously this isn't clear to you. The past actions of Xiphosis and GOD are not erased by them losing a small war to us. That might mean we don't seek revenge anymore. But what it doesn't mean is that GOD is suddenly not an alliance of machiavellian tech-raiders. The only way that GOD will change my opinion of them as scum is not losing a war but actually acting like they are different. But here we are again, still seeing GOD defend alliance disbandment on the basis of a CB with similar worth to "lol, Dave". GOD has not changed.

The last time we demanded terms was in Karma. I'd like to point out our "machiavellan tech-raiders" haven't done serious raiding in literally years. Point at GOONS, NG, and MK for that. We are different, and if you got to know us, you'd see. But you won't. But thank you for proving my point. It is easier for you to hold a grudge than to resolve it. This is my last post here with you, it's pointless to argue with someone who doesn't understand the irony of calling someone stubborn while at the same time referring to a grudge from a DoW from four years ago.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1340672926' post='2996343']
I thought you and yours got your piece (and peace) last war.
Why would you think that? SF, and especially, spent the last war being shielded and only having to fight a relatively modest battle, one dictated by their own allies. Chasing down SF wasn't really the point of the last war, and it showed - SF was largely let off the hook. GOD has spent the last couple years dodging bullets, and even now transparently attempts to mitigate the damage of this conflict by painting themselves as downtrodden victims. Such woe, to be oppressed by the demonic Mushroom Kingdom and her acolytes - a hegemonic force more evil than even the reviled Continuum, seeking out the misery of poor, innocent GOD and SF for no other reason than...sadism?

This declaration is nothing more than the desperation of a pathetic, cowardly alliance.

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1340675704' post='2996364']
Why would you think that? SF, and especially, spent the last war being shielded and only having to fight a relatively modest battle, one dictated by their own allies. Chasing down SF wasn't really the point of the last war, and it showed - SF was largely let off the hook. GOD has spent the last couple years dodging bullets, and even now transparently attempts to mitigate the damage of this conflict by painting themselves as downtrodden victims. Such woe, to be oppressed by the demonic Mushroom Kingdom and her acolytes - a hegemonic force more evil than even the reviled Continuum, seeking out the misery of poor, innocent GOD and SF for no other reason than...sadism?

This declaration is nothing more than the desperation of a pathetic, cowardly alliance.

A post so accurate it needs repeating!

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1340675614' post='2996363']
The last time we demanded terms was in Karma. I'd like to point out our "machiavellan tech-raiders" haven't done serious raiding in literally years. Point at GOONS, NG, and MK for that. We are different, and if you got to know us, you'd see. But you won't. But thank you for proving my point. It is easier for you to hold a grudge than to resolve it. This is my last post here with you, it's pointless to argue with someone who doesn't understand the irony of calling someone stubborn while at the same time referring to a grudge from a DoW from four years ago.

I never even said you were stubborn. I said your alliance hasn't changed. I am "stubborn" because I am correct. Avoiding your own responsibility by talking about the actions of other alliances is a red herring, I think? And don't give me garbage about "getting to know you". You people never have ceased to defend your previous crimes, and your dictator Xiphosis, the person who actually matters in your alliance, never will because [b]he hasn't changed one iota[/b]. The only point I prove is that some people actually have a memory on Planet Bob and aren't shifted by rhetorical flourishes and outright lies.

Edited by Bordiga
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[quote name='Bordiga' timestamp='1340676276' post='2996375']
I never even said you were stubborn. I said your alliance hasn't changed. I am "stubborn" because I am correct. Avoiding your own responsibility by talking about the actions of other alliances is a red herring, I think? And don't give me garbage about "getting to know you". You people never have ceased to defend your previous crimes

I've seen this one play out before. Don't worry GOD, you'll get a TLR treaty soon.

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1340675704' post='2996364']
Why would you think that? SF, and especially, spent the last war being shielded and only having to fight a relatively modest battle, one dictated by their own allies. Chasing down SF wasn't really the point of the last war, and it showed - SF was largely let off the hook. GOD has spent the last couple years dodging bullets, and even now transparently attempts to mitigate the damage of this conflict by painting themselves as downtrodden victims. Such woe, to be oppressed by the demonic Mushroom Kingdom and her acolytes - a hegemonic force more evil than even the reviled Continuum, seeking out the misery of poor, innocent GOD and SF for no other reason than...sadism?

This declaration is nothing more than the desperation of a pathetic, cowardly alliance.


He was talking specifically to bordiga, which is in one of the alliances that was at war with us last time, along with NEAT. 2 alliances which have members that were in LoFN and/or sympathizers of the LoFN conflict which happened 4 years ago.

Edited by CptGodzilla
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