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The Amazing Sanction Race


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June 8, 2009

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 1 [663] (+2) Sparta : 47.42 --> 47.27 (-0.15)

top.png 2 [210] (-1) The Order of the Paradox : 45.69 --> 45.70 (+0.01)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [703] (-5) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 45.09 --> 45.19 (+0.10)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [400] (+4) New Polar Order : 37.65 --> 37.79 (+0.14)

sanctionodnto4.png 5 [409] (-10) Orange Defense Network : 32.99 --> 32.71 (-0.28)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 6 [664] (-2) The Democratic Order : 32.55 --> 32.02 (-0.53)

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 7 [735] (-2) New Pacific Order : 30.90 --> 30.43 (-0.47)

gpa.png 8 [234] (-1) Green Protection Agency : 28.20 --> 28.28 (+0.08)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 9 [341] (-1) Fark : 27.71 --> 27.77 (+0.06)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [260] (+1) FOK : 26.73 --> 26.81 (+0.08)

11 [526] (-3) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 25.08 --> 25.24 (+0.16)

12 [286] (-1) The Order of Light : 24.85 --> 24.87 (+0.02)


{94} (+0) The Grämlins : 23.39 --> 23.48 (+0.09)

13 [406] (-2) Ragnarok : 23.39 --> 23.26 (-0.13)

14 [304] (-3) Viridian Entente : 23.26 --> 23.01 (-0.25)

{162} (+3) World Task Force : 20.81 --> 21.86 (+1.05)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 21.70 --> 20.48 (-1.22) Nuclear Winter starts begetting Nuclear Spring!

[390] (-2) The Legion : 19.26 --> 19.24 (-0.02)

[279] (-1) United Purple Nations : 16.88 --> 16.85 (-0.03)

{143} (-2) Mushroom Kingdom : 16.96 --> 16.68 (-0.28)

{164} (+1) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.38 --> 16.41 (+0.03)

{187} (-1) Nueva Vida : 16.05 --> 16.04 (-0.01)

[282] (+0) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 15.86 --> 15.93 (+0.07)

[249] (-2) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 15.62 --> 15.66 (+0.04)

[225] (+0) Monos Archein : 15.34 --> 15.34 (+0.00)

{142} (-1) M*A*S*H : 15.27 --> 15.07 (-0.20)

{174} (-2) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.50 --> 14.52 (+0.02)

{168} (+2) Invicta : 13.29 --> 13.34 (+0.05)

{82} (+0) Umbrella : 13.22 --> 13.25 (+0.03)

{153} (+1) RnR : 12.77 --> 12.82 (+0.05)

{177} (+0) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 12.65 --> 12.68 (+0.03)

{166} (+0) Greenland Republic : 12.57 --> 12.62 (+0.05)

{186} (-1) The Dark Evolution : 12.60 --> 12.58 (-0.02)

{162} (+1) Random Insanity Alliance : 12.49 --> 12.52 (+0.03)

{121} (-1) The Templar Knights : 12.47 --> 12.46 (-0.01)

---------- Add Line : 12.43 --> 12.44 (+0.01)

{184} (+0) New Sith Order : 12.24 --> 12.17 (-0.07)

---------- Drop Line: 12.13 --> 12.14 (+0.01)

Biggest Gainer:

World Task Force (+1.05)

Biggest Loser:

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke:(-1.22)

For alliance-folk...

The Democratic Order (-0.53)


The Grämlins passes Ragnarok

World Task Force passes :nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke:

United Purple Nations passes Mushroom Kingdom

Greenland Republic passes The Dark Evolution


Warning: Bad update coming because I'm lazy and triple-tasking.

I'm going to start off by mentioning The Democratic Order, who only lost two nations today (a far cry from a double-digit loss yesterday), but dropped over a half-point today on top of their massive loss on June 7th. Taking up their title as top nation killer is the Orange Defense Network, who lost ten members today for a quarter-point loss. Also rounding out the big losses are the New Pacific Order with a half-point loss, and a double-digit loss from Sparta.

And then we get into the non-sanctioned alliances. Ragnarok declares red to be the new green, causing the Viridian Entente to try and be twice as good. The Mushroom Kingdom doesn't want to be left out, and drops a quarter-point as well. M*A*S*H gets a shoutout as well.

On the positive end of things, the World Task Force cause me to triple-check their stats with a one-point-plus gain after adding three members. That's something like 300k NS. The New Polar Order and the Independent Republic of Orange Nations also post nice gains.

*Pokes the New Sith Order* GROW FASTER.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en


Edited by Gopherbashi
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Think of Sparta pre-war, they were on 50 points, IRON was on 75 - now they were the ones who should be complaining about their huge gains not amounting to any passes... and now even more so as there is nothing left to pass :P

One point gains, in the scheme of things are now quite larger now, as the gaps between alliances narrow. It doesn't make sense, but congrats to them as in this new world, any point is worth much more than what it was before this war.

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Congrats to WTF on their massive gain. It also appears that TDO's recent gains were nothing more than a reflection of war-time defectors using them as a hiding spot until the war ended and they could make for greener pastures.

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I'm wondering if there is some mathematical formula that calculates where the Magical Gap is...

It's after the second 12, the same number as sanctioned alliances. Does that count as a mathematical formula? :P

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Congrats to WTF on their massive gain. It also appears that TDO's recent gains were nothing more than a reflection of war-time defectors using them as a hiding spot until the war ended and they could make for greener pastures.

In the end they benefit as it seems they gained a good 7 spots and 6 points. Even if they lost half of it, this war gave them sanction and made people notice the true power of the neutral menace.

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In the end they benefit as it seems they gained a good 7 spots and 6 points. Even if they lost half of it, this war gave them sanction and made people notice the true power of the neutral menace.

Assuming anyone who is going to leave has already left and that those who joined are actually viable members. Not saying this is the case, but if an alliances strenght is merely fluff and are incapable of protecting themselves, does the achievement of a sanction really matter?

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It's after the second 12, the same number as sanctioned alliances. Does that count as a mathematical formula? :P

Yeah, I just added it after the second 12 to break up the wall of text a little bit.

Also, how do people feel about the member count, member count change, and coloured change tags?

Edited by Gopherbashi
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Assuming anyone who is going to leave has already left and that those who joined are actually viable members. Not saying this is the case, but if an alliances strenght is merely fluff and are incapable of protecting themselves, does the achievement of a sanction really matter?

Amen. TDO reminds me of the NADC back in the day, before the BLEU war. We got all our nations from wars. We were nothing but a paper tiger, and we paid dearly for it. 400+ members and sanction. -_-

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