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The Amazing Sanction Race


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Given the way the formula is calculated, having a 300 member requirement no longer makes sense.

It's been a long time since a few 60 k + ns nations could have score which would even register on the radar. So we don't have worry about fake alliances getting a sanction.

Basically, TOP deserves the sanction, they have like the 8th highest NS and 2nd most nukes (not to mention their high average NS).

Edited by Black Death
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Given the way the formula is calculated, having a 300 member requirement no longer makes sense.

It's been a long time since a few 60 k + ns nations could have score which would even register on the radar. So we don't have worry about fake alliances getting a sanction.

Basically, TOP deserves the sanction, they have like the 8th highest NS and 2nd most nukes (not to mention their high average NS).

This man speaketh the truth.

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I like the 300 member requirement. We have far to many alliances as it is, this requirement gives incentive to merge.

Merging is just a cheap trick to get sanctioned. Thats why it would be great if the 300 member requirement gets dropped to lets say 150 or so. TOP deserves it more then mergers, because they have reached this level on their own strength.

edit: for the spellz

Edited by erikz
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Given the way the formula is calculated, having a 300 member requirement no longer makes sense.

It's been a long time since a few 60 k + ns nations could have score which would even register on the radar. So we don't have worry about fake alliances getting a sanction.

Basically, TOP deserves the sanction, they have like the 8th highest NS and 2nd most nukes (not to mention their high average NS).

In your post you say a few high strength nations can't affect the score, and then say that the sanction should be given to an alliance who has a high score from having a, relatively, few members with high Nation strength.

My one man alliance is .23 score...I am on my way.

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I think the 300 requirement should stay,... it's a merit badge for organizing that many people.

I agree with you completely.

Actualy I think the requirement should be at 500. That really is an achievement to be proud of. 300 is a little bit of an odd number.

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I agree with you completely.

Actualy I think the requirement should be at 500. That really is an achievement to be proud of. 300 is a little bit of an odd number.

If it was 500 members, there wouldn't be enough sanctioned alliances to fill all the slots. That's sorta silly from an IC point of view.

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In your post you say a few high strength nations can't affect the score, and then say that the sanction should be given to an alliance who has a high score from having a, relatively, few members with high Nation strength.

My one man alliance is .23 score...I am on my way.

It used to be that OBR had twice the score of NPO, then it made sense.

Nowadays, when the nr 8 alliance in NS and nr 2 in nukes is excluded because of it... not so much.

I dare say TOP has slightly more importance to the goings-on of the cyberverse than Monos archein, if they were indeed to be sanctioned due to TPF's losses. With TPF/FOK it can be argued that they're on the same field as TOP at least, so there's no need to reform, but when TOP, TPF, VE, Gre and TOOL might be skipped because of it it just seems a bit weird.

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It does set a goal to strive for however. And I for one believe that sanctioning is something that should be difficult to achieve, so I don't think it should be made easier my taking away the 300 member requirement.

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If it was 500 members, there wouldn't be enough sanctioned alliances to fill all the slots. That's sorta silly from an IC point of view.

Maybe there would be more alliances with 500+ members if they had an incentive to reach te 500 members point. It could help to clean up the mdp-web.

Could it be that before the Unjust War there were more large alliances that used to tech raid or attack small alliances for fun like FAN and Goons. Maybe thats why there are so many small alliances now? Large alliances are to nice to them by signing a lot of protectorate treaties?

Edited by Il Principe
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having more than 300 people doesn't mean that the alliance is really organized.p.

So true, that's why the real organized survive and the chaotic fade away after some time.

It does set a goal to strive for however. And I for one believe that sanctioning is something that should be difficult to achieve, so I don't think it should be made easier my taking away the 300 member requirement.

It is, BUT, I think it's better to give sanctioned alliances slight benefits against alliances who are not sanctioned. This will level down the various number of 20 - 60 people alliances in the game. Because everyone wants to benefit from being sanctioned.

Everyone (Well a lot of you) here's screaming that the 300 member level should be maintained as a requirement to get sanctioned.

But if you'd gave High NS alliances like the Grämlins and TOP a shot at being sanctioned, the only way to catch up with those insane high Avg Strenght for other alliances is to recruit.

This would make the game "fair" You can get sanctioned with a low # of nations, but it's so much easier to get the benefits of a sanction with more nations. Alliances will be recruiting anyway.

Edited by Cylon
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I don't see any mistakes, great first update!
Nice update (although I didn't check the math)

Thanks for the compliments - I may do more in the future. However, there was one error: Dracule Mihawk of Rogue Nation has notified me that Greenland Republic should've been on the list. Of course, it's a bit late to add them now, and a bit early for today's update, but here's a minidate for him:

Greenland Republic: 10.28

Sons Of Liberty In Defiance: 10.21

---------- Add Line: 10.04 --> 10.03 (-0.01)

Finally, you may now mock me: instead of halving the 12th-placed alliance's score, I actually searched for the "Add Line" AA before remembering how the system worked!

Edited by KingsIndian
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If only there were any actual benefits to being sanctioned besides the "status" of it, then perhaps we the way alliances were structured would change for the better. And I don't mean spam recruiting inactives to inflate your stats...

Also, congrats to the NADC.

Edited by Hayzell
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Finally, you may now mock me: instead of halving the 12th-placed alliance's score, I actually searched for the "Add Line" AA before remembering how the system worked!

I lol'd. :P Great job though, hope to see more updates from you.


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