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The Amazing Sanction Race


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[quote name='brickyard' timestamp='1299683432' post='2657751']
Easily said while hugging infra

It is quite difficult to type [i]anything[/i] when you are hugging something :ehm: Take your IC baawwing somewhere else, this is not the place.

Edited by Ogedei Khan
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[quote name='Great Lord Moth' timestamp='1299653228' post='2657592']
When was the last time the lowest sanctioned alliance had a score this low? @_@

And further to that question, what is the biggest gap that has existed between the lowest sanctioned alliance and the highest?

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[quote name='Lord Caspian' timestamp='1299690145' post='2657788']
And further to that question, what is the biggest gap that has existed between the lowest sanctioned alliance and the highest?

April 8, 2008 was a 57 point spread, wider than now. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&view=findpost&p=1395644

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[quote name='TIEIXIAIS' timestamp='1299653217' post='2657591']
Now I have to adjust my rear view mirror so I can look at ODN in a couple of days.

I don't understand why you guys are so excited on passing us, especially with these daily mentions. We are participating in a war and not sitting around building up, so of course you are going to pass us, anyone could see that. :huh:

Once the war is done and we actively start attempting to build, we will be passing you again.

Edited by Mr.Shadow
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[quote name='Mr.Shadow' timestamp='1299697200' post='2657841']
I don't understand why you guys are so excited on passing us, especially with these daily mentions. We are participating in a war and not sitting around building up, so of course you are going to pass us, anyone could see that. :huh:

Once the war is done and we actively start attempting to build, we will be passing you again.

Chill out buddy, people in here quite often post Jargan such as that you have quoted. It is harmless fun and has nothing to do with politics. Quite frankly our score is largely irrelevant in light of the tech shortage we currently have and I will be saving my champagne for when that deficit has been somewhat addressed :blush:

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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1299700328' post='2657865']
Chill out buddy, people in here quite often post Jargan such as that you have quoted. It is harmless fun and has nothing to do with politics. Quite frankly our score is largely irrelevant in light of the tech shortage we currently have and I will be saving my champagne for when that deficit has been somewhat addressed :blush:
War is the best way to fix your ratio's. :P

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1299708139' post='2657969']
I would like to register a complaint.

GOONS has bounced back up to 11.88 score, which is higher than iFOK's current score. We want back in the sanction race.
It's the top 36 now:
[quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1299532054' post='2655733']
Top 36, unless you're just below that number.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1299715360' post='2658084']
I would like to request that Gopher start doing the ASR for the entire Display All Alliances list. He obviously doesn't do enough work for how much he gets paid. Chop chop!

I vote ceasefire until he figures out a new way to do it. :P

<3 ya Gopher

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