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The Amazing Sanction Race


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This is the highest it's ever been. As more and more nations get Manhattan Projects, each war will drive the GRL higher.

Cant wait for the day everyone goes negative in collection, cant collect and thier nations die off. End of the world ftw

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Dannnnnnnng that is high

I suppose we are thankful for the GRL cap otherwise Bob would be beyond screwed upon screwed...

And double thankful for Rad Clean Up to minimise some of that GLOWTASTIC green stuff

Any guesses where GATO might end up tonight on this race?

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Any guesses where GATO might end up tonight on this race?

I suppose you could go through the recent updates and make an educated guess, but I'm just going to assume we're on the bottom.

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I suppose you could go through the recent updates and make an educated guess, but I'm just going to assume we're on the bottom.

You'll be above the add line, which would put you above GGA, TDE, RIA, Umbrella, GDA, Valhalla and Echelon.

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6 May 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 1 [928] (+5) New Pacific Order : 54.67 --> 52.75 (-1.92)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 2 [646] (-6) Sparta : 48.89 --> 48.47 (-0.42)

Top_flag_small-1.png 3 [209] (+1) The Order of the Paradox : 44.49 --> 44.49 (+0.00)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 4 [637] (-3) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 43.95 --> 43.63 (-0.32)

sanctionironcd8.png 5 [711] (-5) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 45.04 --> 43.28(-1.76)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 41.28 --> 41.93 (+0.65) Glowtastic!

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 6 [386] (+4) New Polar Order : 34.72 --> 34.73 (+0.01)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 7 [378] (+2) Fark : 32.83 --> 32.59 (-0.24)

sanctionodnto4.png 8 [443] (-1) Orange Defense Network : 32.50 --> 32.39 (-0.11)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 9 [635] (+13) The Democratic Order : 30.10 --> 29.98 (-0.12)

sanctionrokyt0.png 10 [445] (+0) Ragnarok : 28.62 --> 28.52 (-0.10)

sanctionvedj7.png 11 [392] (+1) Viridian Entente : 27.56 --> 27.49 (-0.07)

sanctionfokqu8.png 12 [265] (+1) FOK : 27.60 --> 27.44(-0.16)


13 [211] (+1) Green Protection Agency : 26.04 --> 26.13 (+0.09)

14 [307] (-5) The Order of Light : 24.74 --> 24.66 (-0.08)

{101} (-1) The Grämlins : 23.76 --> 23.71 (-0.05)

[394] (-10) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 21.62 --> 20.14 (-1.48)

{152} (+0) World Task Force : 19.34 --> 19.38 (+0.04)

{157} (-1) Mushroom Kingdom : 18.58 --> 18.25 (-0.33)

[367] (+0) The Legion : 17.93 --> 17.98 (+0.05)

{187} (+6) Karma PoW : 17.06 --> 17.44 (+0.38) Internment Camps Overflowing! Send in UN aid already!

{194} (-2) Nueva Vida : 17.08 --> 17.02 (-0.06)

[231] (-3) Monos Archein : 16.44 --> 16.15 (-0.29)

{154} (-2) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.03 --> 15.98 (-0.05)

[284] (-1) United Purple Nations : 15.94 --> 15.97 (+0.03)

[210] (-3) The Phoenix Federation : 16.33 --> 15.88 (-0.45)

{148} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.02 --> 15.04 (+0.02)

{183} (-3) Greenland Republic : 15.07 --> 14.87 (-0.20)

{168} (-3) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 13.93 --> 13.86 (-0.07)

[234] (+0) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 0.00 --> 13.86 (+13.86)

---------- Add Line: (13.72)

[210] (-1) The Dark Evolution : 13.73 --> 13.62 (-0.11)

---------- Drop Line: (13.42)

{178} (-1) Random Insanity Alliance : 13.40 --> 13.22 (-0.18)

{79} (+1) Umbrella : 12.73 --> 12.67 (-0.10)

[189] (-2) Global Democratic Alliance : 10.36 --> 10.26 (-0.10)

{112} (-2) Echelon : 10.59 --> 10.25 (-0.34)

[235] (-2) Grand Global Alliance : 10.50 --> 10.19 (-0.31)

{114} (+0) Valhalla : 9.94 --> 9.51 (-0.43)

Biggest Gainer

[211] (+1) Green Protection Agency : 26.04 --> 26.13 (+0.09)

With honorable mention to...

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 41.28 --> 41.93 (+0.65) Glowtastic!

Biggest Loser

sanctionnpoec6.jpg [928] (+5) New Pacific Order : 54.67 --> 52.75 (-1.92)


The Order of the Paradox passes Independent Republic of Orange Nations

Mostly Harmless Alliance passes Independent Republic of Orange Nations

Viridian Entente passes FOK

Karma PoW passes Nueva Vida

Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations passes The Phoenix Federation

United Purple Nations passes The Phoenix Federation

M*A*S*H passes Greenland Republic

Global Democratic Alliance passes Grand Global Alliance

Global Democratic Alliance passes Echelon


First and foremost, holy crap, this ain't as easy as it looks. I give my respect to anyone else who has updated in the past.

As for the actual race, either there's quite a bit of military decommissioning going on or the new rounds of war are kicking in. Numerous alliances showing increases yesterday have taken a loss today. Perhaps there's hope yet of the GRL reaching 50? Speaking of the GRL, is the slow growth due to the lack of war funds or just the over all lack of targets? Just how many more nations can Planet Bob expect to see nuked before there are no more nations available? We'll just have to wait and see.

Starting off, Independent Republic of Orange Nations continued it's plummet today, dropping to 711 members. Both The Order of the Paradox and Mostly Harmless Alliance over took Independent Republic of Orange Nations today, bouncing them down to number 5. However, despite their heavy 1.72 loss in points, they did not regain the title of biggest loser from the New Pacific Order.

Another major pass goes to Viridian Entente, making their way past FOK. Due to the pass, FOK has been punted to the back of line, getting ever closer to the final boot. Will they regain their position or forfeit to Green Protection Agency?

Speaking of neutral's, what's up with The Democratic Order today? Taking in 13 members, but losing .12 points? Don't they know not to take in unlucky amount of members?

Farther down the food chain, The Phoenix Federation managed to lose two places to United Purple Nations and Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations. At this rate, they will quickly be joining the others below the dreaded drop line.

And since my girlfriends threatening pain and disembowelment if I don't join her to sleep soon, that's all for tonight folks. Please let me know of any mistakes in which I've made.

P.S. If anyone who actually understands the spreadsheet would care to inform me on how to use it, I would appreciate it.

P.P.S. Forgot about GATO till just now, and thanks to the increased traffic on CN, I can't get the required info. I'll add you tomorrow if I remember.

P.P.P.S. Please remember to keep all political discussion free from this topic unless it directly deals with the Sanction Race. Seriously. I doubt anyone who's put enough effort into this topic to update regularly wishes to see it locked. So, please, for their sake, be nice.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

End of line.

Edited by Don Yoku
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P.S.S. Forgot about GATO till just now, and thanks to the increased traffic on CN, I can't get the required info. I'll add you tomorrow if I remember.

Dang. Guess we have to wait one more day.

Thanks for doing update.

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His statements are for:

100 - current strength/strength after buildup (8% stat)


100 - current strength/before buildup strength (2% stat)

I'm saying that

100- ( current strength - (strength after buildup - strength before buildup) ) / strength before buildup

would be a better way to figure out how much they have really lost.

Ahh, I didn't look into it that much, but thanks for clarifying.

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And since my girlfriends threatening pain and disembowelment if I don't join her to sleep soon, that's all for tonight folks. Please let me know of any mistakes in which I've made.

I would just like to bring attention to this man's man who has girlfriends (plural) and gets to sleep with them ALL. :lol1: (I just saw this smiley. wtf is up with that?)

Anyway, I look forward to the Spanish cat joining the ranks. I wish them good luck on their goal to become resanctioned. One of the oldest (the oldest?) alliances should be near the top.

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Karma POW is officially in the race, I do not see why it did not gain Biggest Gainer...?

If we're keeping politics out - call it fair and make the alliances who actually are above the Add Line or even all alliances currently in, the chance to get those.

Because it isn't really an alliance. It has no organization or anything, nor a charter or flag. It's just a place to dump people.

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