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Can we all just get along?

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1339987085' post='2987049']
Yes, I think is easier from MK to deal Invicta alone than waste allies to deal with BFF and its allies.

But your alliance is free to destroy BFF if you wish to do so. ;)
Thanks for your blessing. It means the world to us.

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[quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1339985699' post='2986985']
So you're going to defend you allies? Well yeah, that's kind of what treaties are for.. But good to know you feel the same about that.

[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1339985854' post='2986998']
I'm glad to hear that BFF will be defending their allies. What a relief.

Actually, when it comes to MADP blocs like BFF stuff needs clarified. They just said "if any BFF ally gets hit. All of BFF will fight for that ally". That's different than honoring individual treaties, not honoring treaties because of conflicting ones, or honoring only your defensive treaties.

Since everyone just waited days watching CnG do nothing, I'm glad BFF has stated their stance publicly.

Edited by Omniscient1
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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1339987087' post='2987051']
NG is about the only alliance that won't be scared off by this. If NG goes in, I would expect GOONS to follow. We'll have to wait and see how they go about this.

I didn't said nor I suggested they are scared, was more something about we were talking in MIRC.

[quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1339987425' post='2987059']
Thanks for your blessing. It means the world to us.

You're welcome.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1339987589' post='2987061']
It surrrrre would be a shame if the DoW's keep coming in [i]just so[/i] the way they have been so far, and BFF was too busy defending one of its allies to defend the other one(s).

Not liking the sound of that. Better brace ourselves for more DoW's

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1339987662' post='2987064']
Since everyone just waited days watching CnG do nothing, I'm glad BFF has stated their stance publicly.

CnG was too busy watching others squirm while waiting on us.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1339989280' post='2987091']
haha nope sorry
I clearly can't argue with your superior knowledge of the situation inside CnG over the past 3-4 days. You win. Welp. :v:

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[quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1339989520' post='2987095']
I clearly can't argue with your superior knowledge of the situation inside CnG over the past 3-4 days. You win. Welp. :v:
I know that everyone pretty much knew that with the lot of cowards breathing down their necks, Int wouldn't be able to do anything to help LSF.

But also that nobody's afraid of GATO. Ever.

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[quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1339990643' post='2987112']
Ouch MCXA taking stabs at us. Thats when we know something is wrong.
You know something is wrong when you'd rather defend one ally just because their side is bigger.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1339990487' post='2987109']
That was your attitude towards LSF?
Attitude towards LSF?

My friends in INT/NsO/Tetris love them, and so by that extension I don't think ill of them. ( I don't actually know them .)

The issue was mostly handled by INT to my knowledge, I didn't pry or butt in, and I didn't harass INT about it. I gave them my support and trusted them to deal with it. I don't envy Trot for the scenario, and I regret he had to make a choice like that. I promise you whatever his choice would have been, CnG would have bled out for INT. Calling CnG cowards because a more favorable choice was made is silly. You have the ability to chop off your own hand at any time. It doesn't make you a coward for not doing it.

So forgive me if I enjoyed watching the opposing side sit and let an ally get beat on for days waiting for a move to come that wasn't going to happen, though. Clearly that means I have a demeaning view of my allies, or their allies, or that I was a coward that forced someone's hand, ect.

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[quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1339985699' post='2986985']
So you're going to defend you allies? Well yeah, that's kind of what treaties are for.. But good to know you feel the same about that.

Well tell this to ODN. Maybe they will learn what a treaty is for. I hope The International didn't catch the same disease..

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[quote name='King Louis the II' timestamp='1339991348' post='2987119']
Well tell this to ODN. Maybe they will learn what a treaty is for. I hope The International didn't catch the same disease..
Says: Sparta

O gawd

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[quote name='Sunny Side King' timestamp='1339991757' post='2987123']
You guys seem like the most unified bloc all of a sudden and I thought that title belonged to C&G.

BFF 4 lyfe.

[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1339991930' post='2987128']
They're united in a sense that they don't want to get rolled.

Still waiting for GOD's counter.

Seems like you guys are the opposite, enjoying the view of CSN burning? Don't worry take your time.

Edited by dcrews20
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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1339991930' post='2987128']
They're united in a sense that they don't want to get rolled.

Isn't that(bloc unity) a good thing? They have alot better chance standing together as one versus if i.e. NG counters Invicta, Europa counters NG and then NG doesn't call it counters because it doesn't need it leaving one of the BFF signatories out to get slaughtered. There current stances ensures that they fight together as one if anyone is dumb enough to counter any of their MD+ level allies.

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To clarify and reiterate what has been said, yes, it is expected that an alliance would ride for its allies, we've all seen how seldom that happens these days. This was just a blocwide declaration that we weren't going to divide ourselves to follow our individual chains. You hit The International? Sure, NEW is the only BFF member with a treaty, but we're not gonna do that ghost declare and roll in !@#$%^&*. We roll in as one.

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[quote name='Sunny Side King' timestamp='1339992529' post='2987146']
Isn't that(bloc unity) a good thing? They have alot better chance standing together as one versus if i.e. NG counters Invicta, Europa counters NG and then NG doesn't call it counters because it doesn't need it leaving one of the BFF signatories out to get slaughtered.

I was referring to CnG's unity. BFF is cool beans.

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