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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1338927048' post='2977755']
Such a pessimist Bob.
Not really. I'm not the one to usually call people out on being alliance hoppers, but Rota has been in as many alliances in the past week as I have since Karma. And I've moved around more than quite a few people.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1338926973' post='2977753']
Bets on how long until Rotavele changes alliances [i]again?[/i]

Sometimes you just gotta roll the hard six.

also zoom should join. It'd be great.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1338927187' post='2977757']
Not really. I'm not the one to usually call people out on being alliance hoppers, but Rota has been in as many alliances in the past week as I have since Karma. And I've moved around more than quite a few people.

Bob, Hey hey. Its been 6 alliances. Calm down.

Why cant we just be friends? I love you :(

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1338927187' post='2977757']
Not really. I'm not the one to usually call people out on being alliance hoppers, but Rota has been in as many alliances in the past week as I have since Karma. And I've moved around more than quite a few people.

How long do you recon? I'll see if its worth me taking your tech/money.

Give me your estimation and we will place a wager of 6 x 3/50 packages.

Money, mouth, place it.

BBBBBob, pm me with your proposed plan and lets get some tech/dongs wager action going.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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I really [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=111258&view=findpost&p=2977013"]wanted[/url] to see Rota go on managing an alliance, but I guess my tendency towards optimism got the best of me. There's no way it would hold together.

You guys could at least give her a government job, though. Why is she being left out in the cold?

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[quote name='longnameislonger' timestamp='1338927292' post='2977762']
I really [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=111258&view=findpost&p=2977013"]wanted[/url] to see Rota go on managing an alliance, but I guess my tendency towards optimism got the best of me. There's no way it would hold together.

You guys could at least give her a government job, though. Why is she being left out in the cold?

I chose to not be in the government.

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[quote name='longnameislonger' timestamp='1338927554' post='2977767']
Do you have no interest in leadership? If so, why did you start your own alliance?

I do, but not at the moment. I lead Sovrana with flying colors. Ask anyone who was associated with it, I did an outstanding job if I do say so myself, but I burnt myself out on it. I continue to do tasks for BM, yes... but do not wish to have a gov't position as of yet.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338927618' post='2977768']
I do, but not at the moment. I lead Sovrana with flying colors. Ask anyone who was associated with it, I did an outstanding job if I do say so myself, but I burnt myself out on it. I continue to do tasks for BM, yes... but do not wish to have a gov't position as of yet.
[/quote]You were burnt out after only one week? Do you not see the absolute idiocy of saying you lead it with flying colors when you only lead it for literally one week?

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338927618' post='2977768']
I do, but not at the moment. I lead Sovrana with flying colors. Ask anyone who was associated with it, I did an outstanding job if I do say so myself, but I burnt myself out on it. I continue to do tasks for BM, yes... but do not wish to have a gov't position as of yet.

I'm sure it was a difficult seven days. I'm just surprised you wouldn't want to lead something when Sovrana was all about your independence. You were all about independence a week ago but you are just a serf again.

How long do you plan to stay in BM?

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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1338927841' post='2977771']
You were burnt out after only one week? Do you not see the absolute idiocy of saying you lead it with flying colors when you only lead it for literally one week?

Not burnt out, Hmm, How should i say this? I was beginning to grow tired of it, and I love serving in Government and helping the members be elite. So, i stepped it up and kept myself from burning out.

[quote name='longnameislonger' timestamp='1338927963' post='2977774']
I'm sure it was a difficult seven days. I'm just surprised you wouldn't want to lead something when Sovrana was all about your independence. You were all about independence a week ago but you are just a serf again.

How long do you plan to stay in BM?

Well if you'd stop distracting me I could finish my NG application.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Dr William Westcher' timestamp='1338925975' post='2977742']
Thanks for the relevant reply devoid of libel. Bear in mind I am a new player, so I am unfamiliar with certain past happenings. How did he single handedly get umbrella to drop his alliance? (Are you referring to MHA?)
Yes, I'm speaking of MHA. Myth log-dumped a lot of things to XX (which is to be expected but it was just godawful on top of everything else) as well as bad-mouthing Umbrella on such illustrious stages as CNtel. He was also in general just really bad to talk to about serious issues and the other tri barely knew Umbrella. So it was either someone they were uncomfortable giving any information, or people who were very distant.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338927973' post='2977776']
Well if you'd stop distracting me I could finish my NG application.

You wouldn't make it. We require applicants to actually answer the questions posed to them in their application threads, and you seem to be dodging mine.

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[quote name='longnameislonger' timestamp='1338928122' post='2977778']
You wouldn't make it. We require applicants to actually answer the questions posed to them in their application threads, and you seem to be dodging mine.

Well good because I would of only stayed there for another week.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338927973' post='2977776']
Not burnt out, Hmm, How should i say this? I was beginning to grow tired of it, and I love serving in Government and helping the members be elite. So, i stepped it up and kept myself from burning out.
That must have been such a stressful and tiring week to lead the alliance that you always wanted to create since time immemorial, causing you to merge into another alliance...

I mean, what. :mellow:

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1338928058' post='2977777']
Yes, I'm speaking of MHA. Myth log-dumped a lot of things to XX (which is to be expected but it was just godawful on top of everything else) as well as bad-mouthing Umbrella on such illustrious stages as CNtel. He was also in general just really bad to talk to about serious issues and the other tri barely knew Umbrella. So it was either someone they were uncomfortable giving any information, or people who were very distant.

Meh, honestly, they proved him right more or less. I remember people were trying to make a big deal of log posting to XX in order to nail him on something before that. I never really had any issues dealing with Myth and regret figuring out who he was.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1338918071' post='2977643']
Well being the bad player(tm) that I am, I sent out some angry e-mails, but there is one ghost that is sub 500 ns that won't go away. I haven't texted anyone yet, tbh. Though we might have a twitter soon!

cool i'll be sure to login to it soon.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1338929310' post='2977790']
cool i'll be sure to login to it soon.

Oh no. Perish the thought. Of course, you'd have to actually have the password and some sort of connection to the alliance to begin with! Only then could I make it into a big deal and rage about it.

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[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1338929551' post='2977794']
This was not a good idea...

Absorbing a small alliance? I don't really know. Worst case scenario in terms of this is Rotavele hops again. It doesn't really change any other dynamics.

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[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1338929551' post='2977794']
This was not a good idea...

Why not? We get a couple more nations, some of them active, some not, but since growth is hard to come by in this world these days, this is overall a plus for the alliance.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338927973' post='2977776']
Not burnt out, Hmm, How should i say this? I was beginning to grow tired of it, and I love serving in Government and helping the members be elite. So, i stepped it up and kept myself from burning out.
[/quote]Get over yourself.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1338929790' post='2977798']
Absorbing a small alliance? I don't really know. Worst case scenario in terms of this is Rotavele hops again. It doesn't really change any other dynamics.

You've absorbed a bunch of people who came to an alliance just for Rota. You have to deal with 1) the quality of people who would do this (perhaps questionable?) and 2) what happens when Rota hops (half of your alliance is disgruntled and doesn't like you as a leader?).

Why you would want to absorb the fan club of an alliance hopper is unclear, but they are going to be your problem when she splits.

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