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Imperial Announcement from the New Pacific Order

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1338936268' post='2977882']
GOONS have spent months trying to keep me a smoldering crater, with no success. Non Grata have tried keeping me a smoldering crater with no success. Both of them got a lot of their smaller nations ZIed a few times trying, both even got me to ZI a few times. ODN fought me a few months trying to make me into a crater during the DH-NPO War after I declared on MK to assist you guys, although they never had success in getting me there. Keeping someone at ZI is much harder than you might imagine it to be, especially if its someone like me who has nearly a full set of wonders and know the war mechanics very well.

Even so, bravery [i]still[/i] does not equal invincibility. Though I feel you and The Pansy are trying to needlessly argue semantics at this point which is something I refuse to do. Best of luck in your continual avoidance of craterdom.

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[quote name='Colonel Herzog' timestamp='1338937883' post='2977895']
Even so, bravery [i]still[/i] does not equal invincibility. Though I feel you and The Pansy are trying to needlessly argue semantics at this point which is something I refuse to do. Best of luck in your continual avoidance of craterdom.

You obviously don't know me sprinkles :D

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[quote name='Colonel Herzog' timestamp='1338937883' post='2977895']
Even so, bravery [i]still[/i] does not equal invincibility. Though I feel you and The Pansy are trying to needlessly argue semantics at this point which is something I refuse to do. Best of luck in your continual avoidance of craterdom.

Calm down you muppet

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[quote name='Colonel Herzog' timestamp='1338937883' post='2977895']
Even so, bravery [i]still[/i] does not equal invincibility. Though I feel you and The Pansy are trying to needlessly argue semantics at this point which is something I refuse to do. Best of luck in your continual avoidance of craterdom.
The most you can do is reduce a nation to 0 infra, 0 tech and 0 land purchases in CN, all it takes is one or 2 aid packages to rebuild from that to being a nuclear capable nation with nukes, with only nations who don't have nukes and very little in regards to improvements & wonders within range. So while it might be possible to somewhat make someone into a crater, the nation itself is invincible and can keep fighting afterward even it it is reduced to ZI. At zero infra you have 0 bills to pay pretty much, so the longer you wait to have someone send you aid after you've been ZIed, the more that money will help you build up faster due to having more collections saved up.

Usually if you run into problems you can get aid within a week, if you're sanctioned on every color it might take a little longer. Within 20 days the odds are almost impossible that no one will be willing to send you aid, which is when the aid would benefit you the most. So a nation truly is invincible unless they either haven't built up enough wonders/improvement yet or they manage to make everyone turn against and want them gone. Although the mentality of the enemy of my enemy is my friend almost always prevents an alliance from being able to completely isolate a nation enough to prevent them from interacting with any other nations. With full wonders the only times I've hit ZI is when I get hit by heavy sanctions, although I can always find replacement trades and those willing to do tech deals if even one color doesn't have me sanctioned. So from all my wars in seeing if it is possible for a nation to be invincible, the conclusion I've reached from my tests is an invincible nation is possible. While sanctions provide the possibility of cutting a nation off from finding trades easily or conducting deals with most other nations during a war, unless a nation is sanctioned on every color it mostly provides an inconvenience without actually finishing them off. Although even when sanctioned on every color, it would be possible for a nation to continue rebuilding itself continuously during war to nuclear range even if those in range manage to knock it down again.

Although with my comment I meant nothing bad towards NPO, you guys made CN interesting when you were on top. Its competitiveness that makes CN interesting, if you guys can reclaim your old status as being the main hegemonic power after losing it, I will be very impressed and it will make for an interesting atmosphere.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1338940056' post='2977918']
The most you can do is reduce a nation to 0 infra, 0 tech and 0 land purchases in CN, all it takes is one or 2 aid packages to rebuild from that to being a nuclear capable nation with nukes, with only nations who don't have nukes and very little in regards to improvements & wonders within range. So while it might be possible to somewhat make someone into a crater, the nation itself is invincible and can keep fighting afterward even it it is reduced to ZI. At zero infra you have 0 bills to pay pretty much, so the longer you wait to have someone send you aid after you've been ZIed, the more that money will help you build up faster due to having more collections saved up.

Usually if you run into problems you can get aid within a week, if you're sanctioned on every color it might take a little longer. Within 20 days the odds are almost impossible that no one will be willing to send you aid, which is when the aid would benefit you the most. So a nation truly is invincible unless they either haven't built up enough wonders/improvement yet or they manage to make everyone turn against and want them gone. Although the mentality of the enemy of my enemy is my friend almost always prevents an alliance from being able to completely isolate a nation enough to prevent them from interacting with any other nations. With full wonders the only times I've hit ZI is when I get hit by heavy sanctions, although I can always find replacement trades and those willing to do tech deals if even one color doesn't have me sanctioned. So from all my wars in seeing if it is possible for a nation to be invincible, the conclusion I've reached from my tests is an invincible nation is possible. While sanctions provide the possibility of cutting a nation off from finding trades easily or conducting deals with other nations during a war, unless a nation is sanctioned on every color it mostly provides an inconvenience without actually finishing them off. Although even when sanctioned on every color, it would be possible for a nation to continue rebuilding itself continuously during war to nuclear range even if those in range manage to knock it down again.

Although with my comment I meant nothing bad towards NPO, you guys made CN interesting when you were on top. Its competitiveness that makes CN interesting, if you guys can reclaim your old status as being the main hegemonic power after losing it, I will be very impressed and it will make for an interesting atmosphere.
Stop using 3 paragraph replies in a [u][i][b]milestone topic[/b][/i][/u].

Congrats NPO

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[quote name='Colonel Herzog' timestamp='1338939708' post='2977914']
I was talking to Methrage there, cupcake.

Comrade Herzog, if you could do me a favor... just "baaaaa" a bit. Pansy won't be able to resist you at that point.

[quote name='Unkajo' timestamp='1338940246' post='2977922']
Stop using 3 paragraph replies in a [u][i][b]milestone topic[/b][/i][/u].

Congrats NPO

This man gets it. Thanks! :)

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[quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1338940642' post='2977929']
Comrade Herzog, if you could do me a favor... just "baaaaa" a bit. Pansy won't be able to resist you at that point.

This man gets it. Thanks! :)
at least put him in a wool sweater for me first :wub:

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1338940056' post='2977918']
Although with my comment I meant nothing bad towards NPO, you guys made CN interesting when you were on top. Its competitiveness that makes CN interesting...

On that we're totally agreed. And I don't think anyone here though you meant anything bad. My apologizes if it seemed that way.

Edited by Colonel Herzog
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1338940056' post='2977918']
Although with my comment I meant nothing bad towards NPO, you guys made CN interesting when you were on top. Its competitiveness that makes CN interesting, if you guys can reclaim your old status as being the main hegemonic power after losing it, I will be very impressed and it will make for an interesting atmosphere.

Thanks Methrage, I know not all of my comrades realized you were actually being complimentary but I did.

[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1338940735' post='2977931']
at least put him in a wool sweater for me first :wub:

What, don't like your toys sheared anymore?

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[quote name='Garion' timestamp='1338943423' post='2977970']
Maybe I will be able to experience what hegemony really means in my lifetime as ruler... :P

Oh, that's not hard to experience at all...

*Paints a bullseye on the back of Garion*

There you are.. now that everyone wants impulsively to shoot you.. you know what hegemony feels like.

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[quote name='Colonel Herzog' timestamp='1338937883' post='2977895']
Even so, bravery [i]still[/i] does not equal invincibility. Though I feel you and The Pansy are trying to needlessly argue semantics at this point which is something I refuse to do. Best of luck in your continual avoidance of craterdom.

You are being an idiot... stop.

Pansy one of our staunchest allies and you aren't getting the joke... again stop Herzog.

Metha who was having some fun and offered us good support, you aren't getting it... again stop Herzog.

You know there is no radio silence. That means you are also supposed to know to post intelligently. So remove your head from your fourth point of contact or I will remove it for you.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1338945017' post='2977982']
You are being an idiot... stop.

Pansy one of our staunchest allies and you aren't getting the joke... again stop Herzog.

Metha who was having some fun and offered us good support, you aren't getting it... again stop Herzog.

You know there is no radio silence. That means you are also supposed to know to post intelligently. So remove your head from your fourth point of contact or I will remove it for you.

You told him

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