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A Mostly Harmless Announcement from The Apparatus

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Although I believe we're all still in mourning over the death of Nutsy Bolts, The Apparatus continues its quest to update old treaties and forge new ones.

This time around on "Name That Cog", we're going to recognize an alliance that continues to stand by us in our foreign policy principles while continuing to provide us with everlasting entertainment, and an overabundance of smelly towels needing steam cleaning. We have excess steam -- it's a win-win folks.

Thus I present to you with the following re-write of MHApparatus, replacing the former treaty in its entirety:

[color="#0000FF"][size="5"][font="Arial Black"][b]The Mostly Harmless Apparatus Accords[/b][/font][/size][/color]
[size="1"][i]An Optional Defense and Aggression Pact[/i][/size][/center]

[b][color="#0000FF"]Article I:[/color] This Be Our Land -- We shall call it “Our Land”[/b]

In order to foster the bond that already exists due in part to the overproduction of super glue in an Apparatus factory, both signatories hereby agree to respect the sovereignty of one another. This respect includes refraining from military attacks upon one another, acts of espionage or sabotage, verbal disrespect through any public channel, and the mandatory use of “respec-knuckles” during all future diplomatic encounters.

It is also agreed that both signatories will act in good faith to promptly forward any pertinent information regarding the safety and security of either party. Furthermore, both signatories shall have the option at their discretion, to forward along intelligence of any other nature, should they choose to do so.

[b][color="#0000FF"]Article II:[/color] Steamed Interplanetary Solidarity[/b]

In order to reaffirm our affinity for well-pressed garments and to increase general camaraderie, both signatories pledge economic, diplomatic, towelrific, and other forms of aid to each other when deemed necessary by the leadership of either alliance.

[b][color="#0000FF"]Article III:[/color] Steamrolling and Towel-chucking[/b]

Should the Gears of The Apparatus be forced to crank the mechanisms of war in an act of defense, or should the Hitchhikers of the Mostly Harmless Alliance be forced to protect their soft, velvety towels -- both signatories agree that they may choose to exercise the option of engaging in hostile activities against the aggressing party upon request.

If either signatory enters into a conflict due to acting upon a third party, the other signatory is not required and will not be asked to enter the conflict on that third party’s behalf.

[b][color="#0000FF"]Article IV:[/color] Hitch-hikers welcome on the War-Machine[/b]

Should either fleet of war-machines choose to go to war in an aggressive manner, the other party is welcome to hitch-hike with them into battle. This way, both Destructor fleets and Airships may support each-other in any mission they choose to take on.

[b][color="#0000FF"]Article V:[/color] How Could You Choose Alaska?[/b]

With respect to the competition that nurtured this friendship, it is hereby agreed that this Article shall remain in place as a momento of our beloved, defunct game of Nutsy Bolts.

Remember “The Boston Red Sox”.

[b][color="#0000FF"]Article VI:[/color] Black Holes and Out of Coal[/b]

If for any extremely unfortunate reason, either signatory should feel that this document no longer reflects the relationship of the two parties, the respective signatory may issue a letter of intent to hitchhike their way home.

When both parties grok each other, this treaty may expire upon completion of a seventy-two (72) hour waiting period.

Signed for The Apparatus:

Randalla, Patroness
King Ernie, Director
Maximillian Thorton, Emissary
DevilDog, General
Elbryan, Chief Engineer
Phaedron, Professor
Amarynth, Propagandist
Big Kif, Speaker of the Assembly

Signed for The Mostly Harmless Alliance:

Julia Rose Vicious, Triumvir
Doctor Doc, Triumvir
GasGiant405, Triumvir

Signatures added via edit because I am slow that way.

Edited by Phaedron
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Thanks to everyone for their support. Love it when many of our favorite peoples are here without us even having to spew propaganda at them.

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1335406987' post='2959447']
MDoAP would have been better but the oA clause will come in handy. :feanor:

As per always, I would ask that any detractors from our optional treaties just look to the last time MHApparatus was activated. Should answer any questions :)

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