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A Briefest Comment on RIA


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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1322649733' post='2856853']
I read their treaty with Polaris and I saw the bit where they added the requested part. So I suppose RIA is waiting for Polaris to ask for help eh? That kind of wording is the reason why this game sucks ass and I hope you all feel ashamed for it. :(

There is actually no way for us to activate this treaty without Polar requesting assistance.
We could always just attack anyways I guess.

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1322673371' post='2857071']
There is actually no way for us to activate this treaty without Polar requesting assistance.

Literally impossible!! It's not like it says you're "obligated to act," which is fairly open to interpretation if you want to get imaginative. Not that I really expect you to.

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1322673542' post='2857076']
Literally impossible!! It's not like it says you're "obligated to act," which is fairly open to interpretation if you want to get imaginative. Not that I really expect you to.

Actually it doesn't say "obligated to act". It says "obligated to [i]defend upon request[/i]"

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1322673769' post='2857078']
Actually it doesn't say "obligated to act". It says "obligated to [i]defend upon request[/i]"

You're right, my bad. Off the top of my head, I was trying to refer to the lines that precedes that one:

[quote]As such, an attack of any kind on one is considered a valid casus belli that must be acted upon by the other[/quote]

The key word being "must," which really makes the whole "upon request" clause quite a contradiction if you ask me.

Edit: inb4 "we didn't ask you nyah." The contradiction of terminology remains.

Edited by Leet Guy
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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1322673769' post='2857078']
Actually it doesn't say "obligated to act". It says "obligated to [i]defend upon request[/i]"
I'm pleased to see you veil your cowardice behind legalese. I do hope you continue, as I've got another wonder purchase coming up here real soon.

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1322667619' post='2857023']

Arguments here are so petty and dumb, and extending them beyond three responses is monotonous to the highest degree.

[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1322675418' post='2857093']
Fantastic retort.

I guess he just agreed with you :)

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1322675865' post='2857103']
I guess he just agreed with you :)

My comment actually had a fairly large unclarity I'd love to hear commented on before putting this argument to rest, and it's an angle I have yet to see addressed here.

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Just noticed this and good god. A little late I suppose, but as a member of STA gov I'll just say that the STA-TPF treaty is not up for interpretation by third parties; it's an agreement between STA and TPF alone and everyone else can shove it. We have absolutely excellent relations with TPF and that's all any of you really needs to know.

Other than that, carry on.

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[quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1322676216' post='2857108']
Just noticed this and good god. A little late I suppose, but as a member of STA gov I'll just say that the STA-TPF treaty is not up for interpretation by third parties; it's an agreement between STA and TPF alone and everyone else can shove it. We have absolutely excellent relations with TPF and that's all any of you really needs to know.

Other than that, carry on.

How STA and TPF interpret and act on their treaty is indeed no one else their concern. But then memoryproblems started pointing at how RIA and Polar interpret and act on their treaty, which is hypocritical at best when you are hiding behind a non-chaining clause.

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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1322676977' post='2857116']
MK has an optional aggression clause, why aren't you helping your ally TOP?
Must be cowardice.

My argument has absolutely nothing to do with invoking optional or request clauses, nor cowardice, rather it entirely has to do with a contradiction within the wording of your treaty.

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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1322649276' post='2856849']
A clause they are still obligated to adhere to regardless of how the war started. At least they understand how a "mandatory" clause works and they adhere to it in a timely fashion.

if we follow this line of argument then i get to point out that WAPA is not in Aztec, meaning there entering into the war was via an oA. now its your turn.

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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1322676977' post='2857116']
MK has an optional aggression clause, why aren't you helping your ally TOP?
Must be cowardice.
A [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106876]bunch[/url] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106885]of other[/url] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106985]people[/url] cut in line when we weren't looking. Now the show's sold out and the best we can do is wait to see if any other acts worth checking out come to town.

Then there's guys like you with front row tickets sitting at home with their hands down their pants, too lazy to go.

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1322676817' post='2857113']
How STA and TPF interpret and act on their treaty is indeed no one else their concern. But then memoryproblems started pointing at how RIA and Polar interpret and act on their treaty, which is hypocritical at best when you are hiding behind a non-chaining clause.

Do you even know what hypocritical means? Because theres nothing hypocritical about it.

On one hand, there is no obligation, simply the option to enter at our discretion. On the other hand, RIA has a clear and obvious [b]obligation[/b]. They signed, sealed and delivered it, and now they aren't owning up to it.

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[quote name='im317' timestamp='1322677872' post='2857128']
if we follow this line of argument then i get to point out that WAPA is not in Aztec, meaning there entering into the war was via an oA. now its your turn.


How they enter a war is meaningless, unless you are Xiph and go ape because an ODP was used.

This is how non-chaining works (in a standard non-chaining claused treaty, your mileage may vary if you write crappy treaties.)

Alliance A and Alliance Z have a MDP with a non-chaining clause.

Event: Alliance A is attacked.
Result: Alliance Z is required to defend their treaty partner

Event 2: Alliance A defends Alliance 1 via their own treaty, and attacks Alliance 2. Alliance A is subsequently attacked by Alliance Q, an MDP partner of Alliance J.
Result 2: Chaining clause makes Alliance Z's defense of Alliance A optional.

Event 3: Alliance A defends Alliance 1 via their own treaty, and attacks Alliance 2. Alliance A is subsequently attacked by Alliance Q, an MDP partner of Alliance J and Alliances S & T via their own optional Aggression portion of their MDoAP with Alliance Q.
Result 3: Chaining clause makes Alliance Z's defense of Alliance A optional.

Event 4: Alliance A defends Alliance 1 via their own treaty, and attacks Alliance 2. Alliance A is subsequently attacked by Alliance Q, an MDP partner of Alliance J and Alliances S & T and 800 other alliances, via their own optional Aggression portion of their MDoAP with Alliance Q.
Result 4: Chaining clause makes Alliance Z's defense of Alliance A optional.

Basically, if the scenario involves an alliance declaring war to assist another treaty partner, non-chaining makes every subsequent attack no matter what !@#$@#$ kind of treaty it is, OPTIONAL.

Edited by janax
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1322678207' post='2857133']
Then there's guys like you with front row tickets sitting at home with their hands down their pants, too lazy to go.
I'm actually at a friends house, they wouldnt let me bring my hard liquor to the show, so I'm having a friend stream it to me while we have a party here!

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1322678207' post='2857133']
A [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106876]bunch[/url] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106885]of other[/url] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106985]people[/url] cut in line when we weren't looking. Now the show's sold out and the best we can do is wait to see if any other acts worth checking out come to town.

Then there's guys like you with front row tickets sitting at home with their hands down their pants, too lazy to go.

I always suspected you were hipsters.

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[quote name='DemonSpawn' timestamp='1322634307' post='2856657']
Ohhhh a "Come at me bro" thread.

It seems your more worried about what RIA and/or FARK will do in response to the attacks the TOP and IRON launched, that you and your alliance had no part of mind you. To me, if your so worried about it, why don't you attack RIA, FARK, or hell, R&R for that matter?

This please, do what this man says. And Umberella while their at that, please attack GPA, ODN, Legion, and Valhalla, (note the before mentioned alliances are not mentioned for malice, but simply because it would allow all hell to break out and for once we could have us an old fashion bar room brawl)

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