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FEAR pay attention, this is how you do it


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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1315083645' post='2793927']
As much as I appreciate directing the fun our way, [i]please[/i] tell me we're not going to get a new thread for each one of you.

Ha! You wish, NoFish. Every member of our divine order must post their own thread. It's a right of passage.

Now suffocate under our paper weight.

Ha ha ha, the true darkness arises: Bureaucracy.

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I love how GOD is somehow able to make people rage quit their alliance by merely existing as a political force, and supposedly a political force which is nearly out of time at that. Why couldn't you wait until winter like normal people?

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1315065175' post='2793668']
Members of TOP may or may not support this. Talk to your local FA representative to decide.

People always want to !@#$%* and complain about others, well, who's got the intestinal fortitude to do something? I'm sick of it and I want the world to see that power rest in the hands of those who have the steely nerves to use it.

People don't like Xiphosis, he's spoken out against my alliance so I'm doing all my compatriots and supporters (and all you others silently cheering on the sidelines) a favor and punching his alliance right in the nose. $%&@ that guy and $%&@ GOD, too. Talk !@#$ and this is what you get. Even better, another has tackled Xiph himself.

I don't give a $%&@. I am the harbinger of destruction and chaos.

Bring it.
Yeah, you're the harbinger of destruction and chaos, guy. At least Stukov has some muscle to back up his words.

It's just a pity that both you rogues are out of range.

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[quote name='Avakael' timestamp='1315097064' post='2794088']
I love how GOD is somehow able to make people rage quit their alliance by merely existing as a political force, and supposedly a political force which is nearly out of time at that. Why couldn't you wait until winter like normal people?

We are harbingers for what yet is to come.

[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1315098590' post='2794102']
Yeah, you're the harbinger of destruction and chaos, guy. At least Stukov has some muscle to back up his words.

It's just a pity that both you rogues are out of range.

The only rogues here are you and your alliance. We are divine messengers sent to destroy your sniveling pathetic excuse of an organization. It's a pity that you're out of range, too, nuke-sucker.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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The fact that you basically called out to us in your thread name means you are trying to mention something to us.

However, why dont you try talking to a FEAR member or two who never posted in the callout thread and see what we actually wanted to do?


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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1315100618' post='2794142']
The fact that you basically called out to us in your thread name means you are trying to mention something to us.

However, why dont you try talking to a FEAR member or two who never posted in the callout thread and see what we actually wanted to do?


Eh, I'm actually quite fond of FEAR. And I approve of !@#$ talking, goading, taunting, ect., in general. But I also think that if you are going to call some one out, you better be ready to throw down and it didn't seem like you guys were ready to do that. It was handled awkwardly by Lord Boris and with only a flimsy premise to launch the thread. Not the end of the world, but I have seen FEAR perform better. I still like you guys. That's all.

So, for future reference, if you ask someone if their honor is worth defending, and they say "yus"... punch them in the face.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1315079652' post='2793856']
What's funny about this is you wait until there are a lot of people speaking out against GOD/Xiph to go rogue on him. That takes absolutely no "steely nerves" at all. It only shows you have no balls, because you waited until it was safe to do something about it. How about you go rogue on someone with some actual power or respect?

Doing this when people are speaking out has a larger chance into snowballing into something bigger, like what happened with GOONS last year. Doing it while nobody cares that much about the target will just fizzle out.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1315102249' post='2794164']
Eh, I'm actually quite fond of FEAR. And I approve of !@#$ talking, goading, taunting, ect., in general. But I also think that if you are going to call some one out, you better be ready to throw down and it didn't seem like you guys were ready to do that. It was handled awkwardly by Lord Boris and with only a flimsy premise to launch the thread. Not the end of the world, but I have seen FEAR perform better. I still like you guys. That's all.

So, for future reference, if you ask someone if their honor is worth defending, and they say "yus"... punch them in the face.

We weren't ready, to be honest the whole thing should never have been posted seeing as the person who said he would want to see a war with us vs them was an ex member of FEAR and 2 of the chancellors apparently knew him inside and out, who should of seen it as a joke, or at least turned the call out into a duel at least. less call outs means less war, which equals less fun in CN.

Honour is never worth defending, your alliance however is, IF you value it.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1315102249' post='2794164']
And I approve of !@#$ talking, goading, taunting, ect., in general.

I thought this whole war was started because you people were mad at Xiph for talking !@#$? There was a sig about it and everything.

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[quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1315132661' post='2794538']
I thought this whole war was started because you people were mad at Xiph for talking !@#$? There was a sig about it and everything.

'Supporting it', and 'doing something about it' are opposite sides of the coin. Doesn't mean they'll sit and take it.

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[quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1315132661' post='2794538']
I thought this whole war was started because you people were mad at Xiph for talking !@#$? There was a sig about it and everything.

Sure, and if I talk smack at someone, which is not common but it happens, I would expect them to get up and start swinging. Or just sit there like a !@#$%* or otherwise have a [i]very[/i] convincing argument.

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[quote name='Tromp' timestamp='1315148560' post='2794599']
Vlad should send you some money, it appears you won't last long otherwise. :P

And Muz, when are you usually on IRC?

Oh, I have a few other tricks up my sleeve. Besides, your comrades are are subsidizing my war nicely. Two of GODs members are almost just giving me money. It's like walking into a bank vault while the guards are dozing. If this is the level of adversaries I face, I'll be in this war for a while. Ironically, you and Muz are the only challenges. Did you have to sell infra to get down to my level, Tromp? :lol1:

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Nah, I didn't sell anything. I just never bothered to rebuild after the last global war, so I have been at this level for some time now. You can verify by checking my techlevel. It's bad!

I'm eager to see what other tricks you will surprise me with though! :P

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[quote name='Tromp' timestamp='1315148560' post='2794599']
Vlad should send you some money, it appears you won't last long otherwise. :P

And Muz, when are you usually on IRC?

I'm in early retirement, I'm on whenever I feel like it, and I'm doing fine enough here that I don't really feel the need to coordinate :P But yeah, I can get on whenever, I just don't want to be on the whole day. Drop my nation a personal message with whatever time you're good with.

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