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[quote name='Trigger' timestamp='1312335997' post='2770599']
You really do come across as a flaming idiot. I don't even see the point of explaining it to you, because of your inability to understand basic concepts... but I'll try.

First... Cynic being ZI'd has nothing to do with the Fark incident. The internal spying and log dumping to try and prevent a separate treaty from being signed is plenty of reason for that. Once that sentence was laid out, then this Fark issue was brought public. An issue that was already resolved in private channels. It really doesn't compare to past examples that are being thrown around because NG actually went to Fark with this information first.

Second... What Cynic did was far worse in the eyes of most. Who do you think should deserve the most severe punishment? Cynic's crime was far worse in my eyes because he was a member of our family. He took that trust and crapped on it, leaking internal logs. The proposed treaty partner is the one that brought this to out attention. Read again that this was not involving Fark.

Third... No one here really cares if you think the punishment is just. There are only two entities that matter here. NG for Cynic as we feel we were wronged by him. Fark for our member. No one else was affected by this. If Fark finds the situation resolved then thats all that matters. There should be no bawwwing or crying involved from the outside. No cries of "Hypocrocy"! Its only hypocritical if Fark handled this exact situation differently in the past.

Fourth... you're a flaming idiot... can't say that enough.

Edit: basic typos... I'm sure there are more...
Character attacks, how typical of someone with a low IQ. Fully expected from a member of Non Grata.

Say what you will, it's clear that Cynic's sentence has been increased because of this Fark incident. But listen good, because you're not hearing what I'm saying: your MoD spied on a member of Fark, and he is recieveing a lenient punishment, Cynic exposed logs and such to the public so we can all get a look at what the fools in NG are really like, and he's recieving a harsh punishment. Now if it were me, I'd give my MoD the same punishment I am giving Cynic, because he knows better than to go and spy another alliance's member, a Farker at that. I don't care if Fark is lying down over the issue, my point is your MoD committed an act of war (a traitorous act in itself) but he't not even being subjected to a limited warfare op, merely a slap on the wrist. NG's idea of justice and fairness is so misguided it's unbelievable.

Oh man, I want to laugh out loud at this second bit. Yeah, you're right, Cynic was a solid NG member who took your trust and crapped on it. Heh heh. Now, I appreciate your focus on Cynic, he has after all, royally $%&@ed up your PR, at least temporarily. But you seem to want to ignore the fact that your MoD was also a solid member of NG, and also took your trust and crapped on it when he made that spy op. Do you not realise he took a risk that could have destroyed NG? No, I don't think you do. Never mind eh.

You're wrong there kiddo. You see, the thing about being one of the top strongest alliances is that you have a public face. There is a third entity that matters here, and it's the outside world, mkay? I mean, what are people going to think now that they know you let a spy off with nothing more than a kick up the backside? Hm? Do you think that in future, people will be more likely to sign treaties with you, or less? Does that even bother you at all? It should. If it doesn't, then there's something wrong with NG's FA skills. You are so lucky that Fark put the issue to rest and didn't roll the !@#$ out of your collective asses.

There is no bawwing or crying from the outside. This is protestation; what you see is anger. If you can't recognise the difference between the two, you need to go back to school and learn about simple human emotions all over again. Erm...please point me to an instance of someone crying "Hypocrisy!". This is not a hypocritical issue, though there may be some double standard in there somewhere, given the attitudes of some of your merged members in the past. I'm an idiot huh? That's cute. You should take a look in the mirror before you say such silly things again.

[quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1312337324' post='2770616']
What is your point? again..i am still failing to see any point..

Are you affected in any of this by any chance? No...would be the answer. So why the !@%# would it mean anything to you? are you butthurt that FARK has accepted our apology?

Seriously go find something to do..you really aren't saying anything that will make a difference..

Also you think we are unfair and unjust? Yes we are . We are evil... Deal with it!
That you still haven't grasped my point yet just goes to show what I mean by "fools in NG".

I'm not physically affected, no. But you think I'm just going to sit by and watch as someone gets treated unfairly? $%&@ you if you think I will. If you (by you, I mean others, not just you Diabloz) think that because I'm from Pacifica, there is a shedload of hypocrisy coming out of my mouth, well $%&@ you. This is the new Pacifica, so either take your head out of your ass and stop living in the past, or keep spewing brown crap that is now two years old.

No mate, I am most certainly not butthurt that Fark accepted their apology. Sure, I was hoping Fark might have the sense to come and rip NG's balls off and shove them down their throats but sadly Fark has, for a long time now, wished to avoid warfare. In my opinion, NG is lucky they accepted this apology.

There we are, "we are unfair and unjust", "we are evil", "deal with it!". You sound like some ten-year old wannabe mastermind. But given that you are in fact, the Minister of Trades for Non Grata, I can safely assume this is the word of the government of NG? Rightio.

Edited by Vladius Dreadfire
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[quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1312380585' post='2770909']
We really don't give a damn what you think...

We are evil we are unjust...Deal with it!

Obviously you do give a damn otherwise you wouldnt reply to me.

Evil and unjust? Cheers for giving me the biggest laugh in this thread more pathectic as you only had the balls to give punishment to the weaker goverment rogue :lol1:

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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312381076' post='2770913']
Character attacks, how typical of someone with a low IQ. Fully expected from a member of Non Grata.
Do you realize how ironic it is to accuse NG of character attacks when you post something like this. If character attacks=low IQ, then the CN community is a van full of retards.

Edited by Steve Buscemi
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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312381076' post='2770913']
Character attacks, how typical of someone with a low IQ. Fully expected from a member of Non Grata.

Say what you will, it's clear that Cynic's sentence has been increased because of this Fark incident. But listen good, because you're not hearing what I'm saying: your MoD spied on a member of Fark, and he is recieveing a lenient punishment, Cynic exposed logs and such to the public so we can all get a look at what the fools in NG are really like, and he's recieving a harsh punishment. Now if it were me, I'd give my MoD the same punishment I am giving Cynic, because he knows better than to go and spy another alliance's member, a Farker at that. I don't care if Fark is lying down over the issue, my point is your MoD committed an act of war (a traitorous act in itself) but he't not even being subjected to a limited warfare op, merely a slap on the wrist. NG's idea of justice and fairness is so misguided it's unbelievable.

I don't know if you read zoom's, arexes's, xanders's and about a dozen comments made by others, but this situation was resolved between FARK and NG before Cynic did his attention whoring thingy. We discovered the spying and we went to FARK to explain the situation and apologised.

Anyways, you call my alliance a bunch of idiots, but for someone who has English as his mothers' tongue you're quite the fool yourself, because the statements made in this thread by NG officials aren't hard to comprehend.... at all.

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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312381076' post='2770913']
bunch of crap

Dude do you really not see the difference in what Cynic did and a freaking "Gather Intel" spy op? If not, I don't care if you write a whole bible about how you feel about this issue, you are dumb.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1312379620' post='2770898']
Just because Fark chose not to prosecute does not change the fact it was a community accepted rogue action, not unless spying on each others nations is now an acceptable thing and not a rogue action?
Gather intelligence is not automatically a rogue action, spying away a nuke is a rogue action, gather intel is what you do at 2am when you're hammered and think it'll be funny. This is not the first time someone has done this.

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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312381076' post='2770913']
There is no bawwing or crying from the outside. This is protestation; what you see is anger. If you can't recognise the difference between the two, you need to go back to school and learn about simple human emotions all over again. Erm...please point me to an instance of someone crying "Hypocrisy!". This is not a hypocritical issue, though there may be some double standard in there somewhere, given the attitudes of some of your merged members in the past. I'm an idiot huh? That's cute. You should take a look in the mirror before you say such silly things again.

Please don't talk about PR..most of NG government has years of experience and know what they are doing..so you don't have to worry about our PR its more than fine if that is whats bothering you.

[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312381076' post='2770913']
There we are, "we are unfair and unjust", "we are evil", "deal with it!". You sound like some ten-year old wannabe mastermind. But given that you are in fact, the Minister of Trades for Non Grata, I can safely assume this is the word of the government of NG? Rightio.

You really are butthurt. And Yes i am a 'wannabe' Mastermind. I think Pacifica does offer a lot of jobs and i advice you to get more stuff to do seen as you have so much time to show us how much butthurt you have right now..

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1312385488' post='2770944']
I don't know if you read zoom's, arexes's, xanders's and about a dozen comments made by others, but this situation was resolved between FARK and NG before Cynic did his attention whoring thingy. We discovered the spying and we went to FARK to explain the situation and apologised.

Anyways, you call my alliance a bunch of idiots, but for someone who has English as his mothers' tongue you're quite the fool yourself, because the statements made in this thread by NG officials aren't hard to comprehend.... at all.
No I read them, but then I'd have to ask why is NG shifting stories? First you were all like "zomfg Cynic you !@#$%*, you leaked all that private stuff, pzi for u" then you were all "nonono Cynic is being punished for something he did way before" and now you're all "the two incidents are completely unrelated! we resolved one long before the other! whoop de doo!" Seriously folks, tone down the lies, it ain't helping with the way other alliances look at you.

[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1312385572' post='2770946']
Dude do you really not see the difference in what Cynic did and a freaking "Gather Intel" spy op? If not, I don't care if you write a whole bible about how you feel about this issue, you are dumb.
Why are you simplifying it so much, "dude"? Is NG becoming so desperate to save face that they have to reduce these incidents to their foundations? It seems that [i]you[/i] are the one who doesn't see the difference in what Cynic did and a "gather intel" spy op. See, if you actually stopped trying to make this look like it was nothing, you'd see that that little "gather intel" spy op was in fact, far more dangerous than what Cynic did. I can tell you now, if the offended alliance had been anyone but Fark, the offender would have been declared on and you guys would have been scrambling to avoid a war ( actually, given that you hadn't a clue what Fark would have done, you probably did scramble in the event).

If anyone is going to keep questioning my line of argument, consider this for a moment. In your alliance, a low-ranking member of government exposes to the public an incident or two that could have thrown your alliance into a very sticky situation, complete with screens and logs. Naturally, you're pissed off like Diablo on steroids. But just mere days ago, your Minister of Defence, one of your most trusted members (he'd/she'd have to be to get to that position) attempted to spy on another alliance. It's always been considered that spying is an act of war, and you're now thinking [i]'this person's an absolute retard, they could have gotten us dragged into an alliance-shattering war'[/i]. Luckily, the alliance they spied on lets them off, but for good measure you kick the snivelling !@#$%^& out of government. Now, ask yourselves this: would you have punished the MoD more, or would you have punished Cynic more? One guy who tells the world about some private bits of info (which, as some NG members have made clear, aren't so private at all) or another guy who almost got your alliance rolled? Or hell, do you punish them both about the same amount?

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[quote name='Ruler with Plan X' timestamp='1312387734' post='2770972']
Gather intelligence is not automatically a rogue action, spying away a nuke is a rogue action, gather intel is what you do at 2am when you're hammered and think it'll be funny. This is not the first time someone has done this.
Is that what they told you? That the guy was hammered and randomly spied a Fark nation? Maybe they did it for !@#$% and giggles? "Spy on Fark, they won't do anything, amirite?!" I hope you know that the people you're dealing with, those who used to be Poison Clan and IFOK, Hydra and SLCB, not a great many of them had much honour.

[quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1312387902' post='2770976']
Please don't talk about PR..most of NG government has years of experience and know what they are doing..so you don't have to worry about our PR its more than fine if that is whats bothering you.[/quote]
Well you certainly don't know anything about PR, not after that bad case of Batman. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

As for others in NG government...meh. Derwood and kriek maybe, everyone else, not so much. I mean, to be fair, they're just not really into PR. No-one can blame them to be honest.

[quote]You really are butthurt. And Yes i am a 'wannabe' Mastermind. I think Pacifica does offer a lot of jobs and i advice you to get more stuff to do seen as you have so much time to show us how much butthurt you have right now..
Erm...I'm not butthurt. Don't make me repeat myself, you blathering idiot.


Ladies and gents, Diabloz is our first 10-year old wannabe criminal mastermind, give him a round of applause.

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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312389378' post='2770984']
Erm...I'm not butthurt. Don't make me repeat myself, you blathering idiot.


Ladies and gents, Diabloz is our first 10-year old wannabe criminal mastermind, give him a round of applause.

First of all, the people we care about their opinions have already stated their view in this thread and they have supported our actions..

Secondly, Please don't ever attempt to be humorous ever again, because you are truly awful.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1312349235' post='2770784']
I agree Cynic was being stupid to make another of these topics, but he was top level gov in Non Grata posting a public spy report they did on Fark. That's far more of a CB than anyone uses for anything anymore, but always stuck as a solid CB regardless of what happens afterward or was agreed on before. So this is the best CB Fark will have before the next time they fight a war to honor a treaty due to someone else declaring somewhere.

It would be a shame if Cynic's efforts go to waste here, with what he's giving Fark and allies right now.

What you fail to realize is that FARK is not an alliance of s#@!heads. They are not sitting around praying someone spy their alliance so they can attack somebody on the other side of the treaty web. They actually just prefer to be left alone (anathema, I know). So while many may be sitting around burning as much mental energy as possible trying to figure out how to spark the next great war*, they aren't. The alliance typically does not fight unless the offending alliance is practically begging them to fight with them (not because they can't, but because it's not what interests them, and legitimate opportunities for war come frequently enough for them). This is not such an occasion.

You want a war with FARK? Attack them. Don't beg them to attack someone else for your enjoyment. You look like an idiot.

[size="1"]*Judging by the discourse on OWF, it's surely enough mental energy that, if harnessed, you could toast bread ... lightly ... on one side ... maybe.[/size]

Edited by Krack
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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312381076' post='2770913']Childish nonsense.[/quote]
You're making my arguments stronger with every key stroke. I'm betting NPO gov is starting to wish they still employed their regular membership "gag order". No one can be as stupid as you come across so you are obviously just looking to cause trouble. Whatever... have fun rattling your sabre... or dagger... or whatever.; It's been explained over and over. You don't seem to like it. That makes me happy. You are just going to have to deal with it. :)

Edit: Removed runaway tags.

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Vladius Dreadfire I am not sure what your prob is with NG, but it is YOUR problem! You do not speak for the New Pacific Order and YOUR problems have no place in this thread, stop posting.

The NPO respects the decisions made by NG and FARK. This was their prob and they handled as they saw best, which is their sovereign right to do. Not sure why everyone else wants to be involved or pass judgment.

Vladius Dreadfire, I look forward to seeing you around our forums <_<

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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312388832' post='2770979']
No I read them, but then I'd have to ask why is NG shifting stories? First you were all like "zomfg Cynic you !@#$%*, you leaked all that private stuff, pzi for u" then you were all "nonono Cynic is being punished for something he did way before" and now you're all "the two incidents are completely unrelated! we resolved one long before the other! whoop de doo!" Seriously folks, tone down the lies, it ain't helping with the way other alliances look at you.

You stupid, bro? (Yeah, character attack right there boy :smug: )

If you even bothered to read anything (doubt you did), you MIGHT have realized that the stuff he did way before WAS the leaking of the private stuff. They are one and the same. Hell, Cynic went out of his way to prove that to you by reposting what he leaked in this very thread. Are you really too lazy to look at what the original poster has to say on the issue?

And then, if you bothered to make that connection, you might realize that the two incidents are, in fact, completely unrelated. Now you're going to have to tell me how the story is being shifted, because it all looks very consistent from here :huh:

*edit* disambiguating OP.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1312390671' post='2771005']
What you fail to realize is that FARK is not an alliance of s#@!heads. They are not sitting around praying someone spy their alliance so they can attack somebody on the other side of the treaty web. They actually just prefer to be left alone (anathema, I know). So while many may be sitting around burning as much mental energy as possible trying to figure out how to spark the next great war*, they aren't. The alliance typically does not fight unless the offending alliance is practically begging them to fight with them (not because they can't, but because it's not what interests them, and legitimate opportunities for war come frequently enough for them). This is not such an occasion.

You want a war with FARK? Attack them. Don't beg them to attack someone else for your enjoyment. You look like an idiot.

[size="1"]*Judging by the discourse on OWF, it's surely enough mental energy that, if harnessed, you could toast bread ... lightly ... on one side ... maybe.[/size]

This is a potentially fatal mistake for FARK. When an enemy gift wraps a CB for you and lays it on your doorstep without even needing an elaborate set up to trick them into it you really should take it.

You can bet that quite a few alliances would have taken it against them. Especially with their latest FA path of upgrading with Polar, antagonizing NoR/Mj and all their SF ties with all the bad blood they've built up.

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Fark have missed a trick by not pushing for at least token reps for this. It makes them look weak, against a potential enemy in the next war.

(And yes, I realise the irony of me posting this, but unlike me, Fear released the spied info – and he spied against an alliance which actually matters.)

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1312402868' post='2771116']
This is a potentially fatal mistake for FARK. When an enemy gift wraps a CB for you and lays it on your doorstep without even needing an elaborate set up to trick them into it you really should take it.

You can bet that quite a few alliances would have taken it against them. Especially with their latest FA path of upgrading with Polar, antagonizing NoR/Mj and all their SF ties with all the bad blood they've built up.

Meh. If someone wants a war, none of that other stuff matters. Frankly, MK and TOP's latest stunt has put them in the same situation NPO placed itself in during the summer of 2008 (after it separated from and then orchestrated the attack on Polar). They may have won the latest war, but to do it, they had to demonstrate themselves as completely untrustworthy to the rest of Planet Bob. NPO attacking Polar directly resulted in Karma a year later - it was the point where everyone else said "You know, they just manipulated everyone to screw an alliance we hate, but next time they may manipulate everyone to screw us. It's got to stop soon or we won't be able to stop it." My personal opinion is MK and TOP are in that position now.*

If they were smart, they'd just say to themselves "Well, we accomplished some of what we wanted (second NPO beating)," and call it a day. But my guess (pure speculation) is the only way MK got TOP to agree to go after NPO was the promise that Polar was next. So now MK boxed themselves into a predicament. They made a deal with the devil where the smartest exit strategy puts them in the place where Polar is right now.

Could a group work behind the scenes and potentially gather a group to attack XX? Yeah, it could happen. And could they win? Possibly, but I doubt it. And unlike NPO using meatshields, I have to believe XX isn't dumb enough to beat on the underlings; the ringleaders on the aggressive side would be the ones to be hurt. I can't forsee any way in which it would be productive for them to even try. And after it was over, it would just further strengthen the perception that one side is just trying to stir up incidents and settle old scores while the other side was minding their own business and forming coalitions for defense.

Sure, there are a lot of dumb and naive alliances (and alliance leaders) on Bob, but eventually they wake up. Put another way, GPA may have got beaten down, Polar may have been excommunicated and pounded, but it resulted in NPO and IRON losing half their NS. Anti-social behavior always catches up to you eventually.

[size="1"]*You know you've screwed up when you made NPO sympathetic.[/size]

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1312406237' post='2771154']
Meh. If someone wants a war, none of that other stuff matters. Frankly, MK and TOP's latest stunt has put them in the same situation NPO placed itself in during the summer of 2008 (after it separated from and then orchestrated the attack on Polar).


Could a group work behind the scenes and potentially gather a group to attack XX? Yeah, it could happen. And could they win? Possibly, but I doubt it.
Are you completely divorced from reality?

MK-GOONS-Umbrella started the war on NPO. TOP came in much much later as a counter to other alliances.

Also, the last part made me laugh. I have to assume you are one of those people who say completely outlandish things in order to provoke a reaction from the world at large. There is no way someone could actually believe the things you do.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1312415245' post='2771267']
Are you completely divorced from reality?

MK-GOONS-Umbrella started the war on NPO. TOP came in much much later as a counter to other alliances.

Also, the last part made me laugh. I have to assume you are one of those people who say completely outlandish things in order to provoke a reaction from the world at large. [b]There is no way someone could actually believe the things you do.[/b]

... says the guy who is suggesting TOP had absolutely nothing to do with NPO's recent beat down.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1312416225' post='2771288']
... says the guy who is suggesting TOP had absolutely nothing to do with NPO's recent beat down.

They came in much later...like I said.

I believe it's been widely known that it was Roquentin's idea. He was not in TOP, and indeed, not in MK at the time either.
Thanks for playing

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