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[quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1304517984' post='2705988']
Didn't we do something about it?


It isn't working, so you should try something else.

Like breaking your own peace offer. That would be fun.

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[quote name='Lord Velox' timestamp='1304518281' post='2705991']
About what?
I don't understand what you're talking about.

Neither do I, to be honest, but I'm just going to keep posting anyway.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1304517578' post='2705985']
Erm, so sorry to cut your rant a bit short but...I'm not staying in peace mode. I've been bugging our IO's to let me out of peace mode for months. And if you guys hadn't made it into a peace demand, I would have actually been able to leave then too. Sorry if you were trying to read between the lines, but the point isn't that you can't touch my nation because of some hippy shield...the point is, that in three weeks, all that's going to be different is that I'll have less NS, and will have had a lot of fun with some Umbrella, MK or NoR nations. I'll still be here, and i'll still be pissing in your victory soup.

So yeah. You've kinda missed the target there. You get points for the effort though. Keep trying to do something about it.
No harm done; that rant as you call it still applies to nearly everyone else on your side, even if not you personally. Actually, it's kind of cemented by the fact that even people who want to fight are being forced not to. I'm picturing you all in little metal cages. I get as much satisfaction out of watching smug people rot in peace mode as I do actually fighting them.

EDIT: Removed a misread section. Still morning for me.

Edited by Beefspari
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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1304518397' post='2705996']
No harm done; that rant as you call it still applies to nearly everyone else on your side, even if not you personally. Actually, it's kind of cemented by the fact that even people who want to fight are being forced not to. I'm picturing you all in little metal cages. I get as much satisfaction out of watching smug people rot in peace mode as I do actually fighting them.

EDIT: Removed a misread section. Still morning for me.

I'm being "forced into" delaying what I would already do, so it can be used as leverage against your side because you want me to do what I wanted to do, therefore I'm not doing it because you want it until we both agree that we want it?

It sounds like an incredibly complicated marital arrangement.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1304518229' post='2705990']
It isn't working, so you should try something else.

Like breaking your own peace offer. That would be fun.

If we break our 'peace offer' wouldn't it just go back to us kicking the crap out of your sacrificial tier while the rest of you chill in peace mode?

I mean, the status quo was alright but c'mon.

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[quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1304518707' post='2706003']
If we break our 'peace offer' wouldn't it just go back to us kicking the crap out of your sacrificial tier while the rest of you chill in peace mode?

I mean, the status quo was alright but c'mon.

But you'll be doing *after* I get out, so I get to have more fun! Plus, the whole "I told you so" will make the factions in favour of eternal war stronger.

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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1304518491' post='2705998']
I am, for lack of a better word, disgusted by this whole pedantic affair, and I am ashamed to have been a part of it, voluntary or not.

[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1304517877' post='2705987']
You're such schoolyard bullies.[/quote]

ODN and Sparta are both tied directly to DH, thus support GOONS. My suggestion would be that if you are genuinely that disgusted would be to work within your respective alliances to change their FA policy. Else, laugh it up with the clowns, you're paying for the performance.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304519235' post='2706008']
ODN and Sparta are both tied directly to DH, thus support GOONS. My suggestion would be that if you are genuinely that disgusted would be to work within your respective alliances to change their FA policy. Else, laugh it up with the clowns, you're paying for the performance.

Hyperion, at least, is making a joke.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1304519287' post='2706009']
Hyperion, at least, is making a joke.[/quote]

I was picking out some quick examples. I've seen others post here from alliances directly or indirectly tied to GOONS lamenting the circus and I find it interesting how so many have such problems with their behavior, then have no problem enabling and empowering them, or do nothing but wring their hands. "Do something about it" doesn't necessarily involve picking up a rifle.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304519235' post='2706008']
ODN and Sparta are both tied directly to DH, thus support GOONS. My suggestion would be that if you are genuinely that disgusted would be to work within your respective alliances to change their FA policy. Else, laugh it up with the clowns, you're paying for the performance.
Obvious joke is... apparently not obvious enough for Hal.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1304518796' post='2706004']
Well, at least the discussion didn't devolve into some kind of silly, acrimonious exchange.

This is why I love you, Walrus.

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It is not enough to destroy all of NPO's top tier plus get the reparations you wanted, now you want to claim NPO is crying? NPO has a right to talk as well you know without it seeming like "crying". They take what they've been given and will meet you best they can. Or should I say GOONS have been whining this entire time? MK or Umbrella?

I don't though. You got what you wanted, surely that is enough for you without demanding they relinquish their pride as well.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1304430993' post='2705149']
Go back and read my first post. Did I claim we done it alone? NO you blithering idiot.

Why argue saying we got aid falls if that's what allies do for there friends you blithering idiot?

Why do I need to humble myself on here? I'm here to brag about their side commenting they would never pay reps, clearly they were wrong. Umbrella know I have mad <3 for them, amazingly this is not the only medium we use to keep in contact with allies and friends, a concept that may be foreign to you I know, again insert blithering idiot comment.

Again for the 2nd time so you maybe absorb it. Would I cry if we were overturned? Rhetorical question, NO. Will I welcome the time it comes. Rhetorical question, YES.

Your argument is full of spacker fail. In fact everyone of your points previously were complete !@#$ that held no relevance to my first post in the slightest, maybe this is what threw me off. I ignored your spacker talk in the first paragraph.

So instead of randomly coming out with !@#$ and putting forth arguments that had no relevance to what I originally typed you should quit. You know if your argument of "your gonna gets what coming to you next time" would have more weight if you actually involved yourself with our destruction instead of playing a safe card.

Mr. Nakara,

I have not interest in rehashing points that neither of us are willing to yield on. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to take part in this war, but those who my existence depends, and who are wiser than myself, choose their path. As the game currently sits, the day you get yours is inevitably the day I get mine. While I don't want to die for the sins you have committed, my allies will have need of me and that is a cause I'm willing to hang for. I hope that the winds of change come and moved things far enough that I will get to see you on the battle field as an enemy, so that when you surrender I can personally make you eat your words, but nobody can predict the future and so its just wishful thinking. I want to end our discussion civil, and so I thank you for the discussion. I had hoped it would have more substance than it did, but non the less thank you.

Edited by Muddog
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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1304521284' post='2706022']
Mr. Apocalypse,

Now what fun would that be?

I could understand that it might be fun if there was a point to this debate, but it's just senseless bickering about who cried the hardest or whatever. There's nothing to be gained from this apart from making yourselves look like dicks and unless there's something worth arguing the toss about which hasn't already been done to death, it'd be great if we all could just get on with finding/making something else to talk about.

Just a suggestion, I'm sure this thread will carry on in circles for another 15 pages anyway.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1304522149' post='2706027']
I could understand that it might be fun if there was a point to this debate, but it's just senseless bickering about who cried the hardest or whatever. There's nothing to be gained from this apart from making yourselves look like dicks and unless there's something worth arguing the toss about which hasn't already been done to death, it'd be great if we all could just get on with finding/making something else to talk about.

Just a suggestion, I'm sure this thread will carry on in circles for another 15 pages anyway.

Mr. Apocalypse,

I agree with you. It would be interesting to see merit and class to the debate rather than petty bickering, however as you have pointed out that is nearly impossible to do, as the thread quickly fills with unintelligent drivel and pointless hails. I'll continue this discussion in PM as to not derail the topic.

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