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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Interesting, interesting .. Two alliances I like for entirely differing reasons - good luck to both of you from here
  2. I'm not even gonna bother reading this thread or getting involved in what may or may not be happening ... Just gotta say this is good for TIO - now, come back to White
  3. [quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1313758590' post='2784530'] NSO just loves announcing things. I eagerly await a third topic informing us of the triumphant return of youwish. [/quote] But we've already reserved our next announcement slot for the declaration of GOD
  4. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1313668755' post='2783848'] Pretty good. Thank you for asking. (Now to make all VE-NSO conversations this cordial. ) [/quote] heh .. hmm .. Well ..
  5. [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1313662717' post='2783826'] I was hopeful you could announce this with our 2.5m NS milestone, but everytime we get near, some !@#$% deletes or leaves. [/quote] heh - we've been experiencing that in our little flutter just under 3m ..
  6. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/0/01/NSOWhite.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/46/nsoannouncementbanner.png[/img][/center] In the interests of moving past this afternoon, and continuing our efforts forward; I'll keep this brief. YouWish has parted company with this world, he'll be missed around the Order. Hopefully he'll return to us soon. However, as such, as Dark Lord of the New Sith Order - I hereby ascend to the throne of the [i]Emperor of the New Sith Order[/i]. From March of 2009 until today; nothing has stood in our way. Nothing has slowed us down. We overcame all, and we shall continue forward. We shall continue upwards, and we shall continue continuing. [b]The strong will survive[/b] Rayvon, Emperor of the New Sith Order
  7. I like you both, but that's really a bit of a !@#$%* thing.
  8. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1313307053' post='2780419'] The only hard part is planning treaty chains, match ups, working cycle control with nukes, and making sure the token retards in your planning channel don't do something stupid. [i]That is the kind of stuff that coalition chans involving NSO have never done right, and that is why they haven't been a challenge.[/i] No, we haven't fought them face to face, but we have faced the products of their efforts and I am sure that MK's plans will far exceed [b]anything the sith have ever conjured up.[/b] [/quote] [i]We didn't have any control or sway in those channels and were actually quite frustrated ourselves at some of the things coming out of them. That's a little presumable and short-sighted to accuse us directly.[/i] [b]It's all rolling out to plan so far[/b]
  9. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1313303802' post='2780396'] Why, what? [/quote] [color="#0000FF"]*Rayvon points to the OP[/color] [quote name='foxfire99' timestamp='1313303863' post='2780397'] He didn't say a [i]lot[/i]. Growth is growth. [/quote] True true. That context thing.
  10. I wouldn't consider .5 land each day as growth. Unless you're spending money on infra every single day. Tech every single day. How many slots you got?
  11. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1313302527' post='2780362'] but that's pretty damning evidence that at least some polar folk (Grub, no less) would rather stagnate than grow and get their ass kicked. [/quote] Maybe you took him out of context
  12. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1313270666' post='2779925'] For once we get to plan agianst an actual challenge, [b]which the likes of NSO has never provided.[/b] [/quote] [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1313280402' post='2780108'] Why would we disband because of a war? I was referring to when we will all probably disband at or near the end of the game. [b]As in, before the end of the game, if you are still around and we haven't done it already before admin gives notice of CN shutting down, we're going to roll you.[/b] Did you think I meant we are disbanding because of the coming war? [/quote] We've never been toe to toe, speaking a little out of place saying we've never provided you a challenge. Others who have met our toe will tell you otherwise. Why wait? If, as you just said, we're of no challenge. Roll us and be done with it. Or - are you gonna be yet another to run your mouth off against us and walk away without trying? I dare say we have you defeated already. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1313288879' post='2780238'] 1- [b]I shouldn't need to contextualize anything for you. In fact I know l dont have to.[/b] You have been around long enough that if you honestly believe we are going to disband, then you are a grade A idiot. Losing a war has marginal long term effect anymore anyway what with modern warchests and all. We'll all be rebuilt in a few months anyway, so losing a war isn't that scary, if at all. 2- We have an actual relevant war to deal with at the moment. Rolling you isn't conducive to having success in the coming conflict. [/quote] It's not contextualizing for [i]us[/i], it's for yourself. Having your statements in the proper context is quite important. It's a very valuable asset within the spoken languages. If an alliance spent as much time !@#$%footing around as you have, I'd hope they have sizable enough warchests to be able to rebuild quickly. Yes, a relevant war. We'll see you there. Good to know that, for such a minimal challenge, that you admit we could ruin you enough to not be able to fight in a couple months time (Admin knows the war isn't gonna break out till after Halloween anyways) .. We are that relentless.
  13. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1313199637' post='2779004'] Polar will be rolled. Polar will suffer. Polar will be destroyed. Polar will survive. Polar will rebuild. Polar will thrive again. [/quote] The life cycle of a Moldavi Order. Yevgeni .. Why???
  14. Just another bump in the road, a river to cross. Too bad the bumps had to be the heads of our allies, and the rivers their blood. We stood fast, weak and beaten - but we stood for them. Here's to many more rolling heads o/ The Sith will march on.
  15. [quote name='Master-Debater' timestamp='1312243248' post='2769503'] I love it! Glad to see the treaty as well. [b]Due to circumstances beyond my control I cant put in as much work for the BTA as I would like[/b] to so Rudy has stepped in and is doing a great job at it. Mindless Hail! o/ [/quote] Sad to hear - been a very long time old friend. Good luck Rudolph
  16. [quote name='scotch' timestamp='1312343683' post='2770728'] i give this 2 stars. Legion gets 5 stars if they demand the identify of the spy. If they don't get it, RV is harboring a criminal and then we get our war! [/quote] How many alliances do you expect Legion to fight? That's a lot of spies out there passin notes .........
  17. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1312308929' post='2770186'] I tried, but you were too small [/quote] [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1312328645' post='2770467'] Well aren't you cool. Now grow a pair and have one of your members attack me. [/quote] Still Is this where I'm supposed to say 'come at me bro' ? Go buy a dozen CMs
  18. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1311933441' post='2766872'] Wouldn't it be a shame if someone was to start spying the many, many, many NSO nations without max spies. Your AA isn't special or any more prepared to fend off random spy attacks than Legion is. Edit: You yourself don't have max spies ffs, stop being a hypocrite. [/quote] Our AA is special. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1311948191' post='2766940'] You might start by giving him the funds to buy his own CIA so people won't feel the need to feed him these reports.... [/quote] Don't encourage him [quote name='Domingo the Honored' timestamp='1311975447' post='2767250'] I don't want to see Rebel Virginia on our forums. [/quote] Then I guess you're stuck with me as I'm the only one who clicks through there Also yes.... Does this need to be started again? I mean, they already have little self-esteem left RV ... Let's find something better to do with out time
  19. Goddamn... I go to sleep and this is what I wake up to?? Your move [s]NPO[/s].. err .. [s]VE[/s] .. umm .. [s]SF[/s] ... uhhh .... [i]*gives up*[/i] Hmmm ... The Sith have broken the game ROLL KEAN Pollard
  20. Not accept. Misleading subtitle. Happy birthday Shroomies
  21. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1311872009' post='2766243'] Tomorrow [/quote] I forgot to tell my gov you were merging into us
  22. [quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1311795559' post='2765485'] It feels good to be on the dark side [/quote] That's a damn fine lookin signature you have there - needs more Prophet tho
  23. Will you have more model boat propaganda art to go with this war?
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