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Everything posted by ShadowDragon

  1. It turns out that an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind a facade of order - and yet, deep inside the chaos lurks an even eerier type of order. Greetings friends, heretics, and non-believers, The Holy Alliance of the Cactuar, more commonly referred to as the Holy Realm of the Llama or even the Random Insanity Alliance, recently completed another fun election cycle. We call them elections but they tend to consist of drawing names out of a hat or some other such silliness. Somehow the insane party once again overcame the random party and decided to re-elect Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Eternal Triumvir of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc. This re-elections marks Shadow's 13th term as Triumvir, first taking office back in August 2008, a fact which scares him sometimes... Triumvir: Shadow His re-election maintains the current Triumvirate XI of Shadow, im317, and Hyperonic. We also had the election for the 62nd Cabinet of the RIA: First, for our Head of Economics, the fine people of the RIA have decided to choose the Iron Bank of Braavos. We look forward to their work and they have appointed Ogaden as their representative. Ogaden got the position after running with the promise of "I will continue to annoy and message you should you choose to re-elect me as your HoE, in my eternal and unyielding quest to stuff as much tech into every available orifice I can get my hands into, and some that I can't." This message seems to have been strangely well received by the membership of the RIA. Head of Economics: Iron Bank of Braavos, represented by Ogaden For Head of Foreign Affairs the members of the RIA decided to stick with Biff Webster for another term. Despite once being in service to a heretical cult, he has once again accepted His Holiness Cactuar into heart and has now serves as one of his vanguards. We wish him luck in working with our friends and the approachment and conversion of heretics. Head of Foreign Affairs: Biff Webster For Head of Internal Affairs, we see Croix was once again re-elected and thus will be maintaining his iron grip over the alliance while holding power as the sole remaining representative of the CDS faction in RIA government Head of Internal Affairs: Croix For Head of Military Operations, we see biofantic's return to the position after quickly re-asserting himself after his recent return from the purgatory of inactivity mode as he replaces GrilledSlug who has since shifted to Head of Recruitment replacing hackherhog. The true winner was (the real, not imposter) Tywin Lannister who chose biofantic as his representative due to his busyness managing another realm. Head of Military Operations: Tywin Lannister, represented by biofantic Head of Recruitment: GrilledSlug For Captain Planet, in a surprise upset against Meatkin Pie, we see ReyTheGreat somehow take the position, becoming the 43rd Captain Planet replacing Leo. Captain Planet: ReyTheGreat In other news, here is a lovely stat update for our fair alliance. Some milestones we've hit in the last few months include reaching 50,000k avg NS, passing 13.61 score, passing 3,450,123 NS, and passing 301,000 tech. We also maintain a lovely cruise missiles collection of 339, all created as offers to the great Cactimus Prime. tl;dr; [spoiler] Surprise Cactuar Pirate Attack! [/spoiler]
  2. I bet the reason was that they signed with RIA, thats definitely an acceptable reason since only crazy people do that. Good luck to my friends in NSO and to NPO moving forward. Now none of the orders are allied anymore. With the falling out of order, may chaos and insanity gain more influence and reign supreme!
  3. Happy Birthday to my friends in IRON! :D We'll be joining you on that 8 year mark in a couple months. :o
  4. Enjoy retirement Ego. It has been a pleasure to work with you these past many years. You've been a great friend and I wish you all the best. :D Congrats to Bambi on the Presidency, I know you'll do great. :) Congrats to the rest of the gov too. o/ R&R <3
  5. A not so long time ago in a galaxy close, very close.... A Disturbance in the Force (An Optional Defense and Aggression Pact) Episode I: Give Yourself to the Dark Side. The undersigned alliances, in recognition of our friendship, common values and interests and in pursuit of our collective security, strength, and prosperity, enter into this agreement in furtherance of those goals. Furthermore, the signatories commit themselves to upholding the obligations they freely undertake by signing this treaty. Episode II: Bring Order Chaos to the Galaxy Both parties agree to enter into a state of non aggression with one another for the entire duration of these accords and agree to never conspire or commit acts of espionage against one another. Both parties agree to never give any form of aid or assistance to an alliance or individual that a signatory of this treaty is militarily engaged with. Episode III: Many Bothans Died to Bring Us This Information In the interests of proactive defense, both parties agree that all information critical to the defensive and strategic interests of the other will be forwarded. Episode IV: The Alliances Strike Back In the interests of common development and growth, both parties agree that the development and security of the other has a direct impact on the others strategic interests, and as such requests made for assistance (for diplomatic assistance, foreign aid, defensive war or aggressive war) will be considered with great weight. Episode V: Disney Buyout Recognizing that our interests may not always converge, the parties agree to being able to cancel this pact in its entirety with 72 hours notice. During these 72 hours, it is still considered active. Episode VI: A Disturbance in the Force For the New Sith Order, Rayvon Emperor KirstenMichelle Dark Lord Hereno Sith Lord Adolph Mussolini Sith Lord For the Random Insanity Alliance, Shadow Signature Too Long... See Spoiler [spoiler] By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Eternal Triumvir of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc. [/spoiler] Hyperonic Triumvir, Actually Jeff Goldblum, also known as Kenny im317 Triumvir, Former Elder of PotD, Enemy of Spelling Ogaden Head of Economics, Spammer of Mind Tricks, Droid Coder, Buzzkill Extraordinaire, Protector of Ewoks Croix Head of Internal Affairs, Sometimes itchy Biff Webster Head of Foreign Affairs, Listener to Podcasts, Justitian Illuminati Inner Circle
  6. Congrats to my brothers in CRAP! I remember when you were a wee little crap that needed our protection. I can't believe its been 7 years. These past 7 years have been fun. I'm glad we've remained close for all this time. May we both continue to have much more silly fun together. :) <3 CRAP <3 Chuck :D
  7. :o Neat stuff. I recognize some of these names. Grievous, my old friend, nice to see you back. Hope this works out for you guys. :D
  8. Greetings fellow disciples of the Holy Cactuar, neutrals, and heretics. Today I bring you tidings of the latest government in the Random Insanity Alliance, the only alliance that offers equal citizenship to all llamas! As you can see above our government has indeed changed as of last night. The most glaring change is the addition is Hyperonic as part of the Triumvirate and Ogaden as Head of Economics. Ogaden decided to step back and take a temporary leave from his role as Triumvir to once again become our Head of Economics due to feeling he lacked the time to fully execute his duties. We are happy he has chosen to remain in government instead of completely taking a break. I would like to thank Ogaden for his service as Triumvir for which he first started in October 2012. May he continue to improve and automate our economy via the awesomeness that is RI5. Taking his place as a part of the newly formed Triumvirate XI is Hyperonic. Hyperonic a.k.a. Kenny a.k.a Jeff Goldblum has been a member of the RIA since near our very beginnings and has served as our webmaster for a majority of that time as well. Thus since he has been able to see all our government discussions anyways we figured he makes a good fit. He fought in a bitter and heated election against Arsenal 10 and came out on top by a single vote. May Cactuar help us all. We would also like to welcome Biff Webster back into government as our Head of Foreign Affairs. He comes into the seat after a two month vacancy where we just wandered aimlessly without any foreign affairs. May Biff help guide us through and into many sexy affairs. Remaining in the Cabinet for another term is Croix as Head of Internal Affairs and hackerhog as Head of Recruitment. We hope they continue to perform and serve with excellency. The final cabinet position of Head of Military Operations has been taken over by Vacant after his last stint as Head of Foreign Affairs. He will remain in charge for a short time until we finish choosing a replacement. The replacement will likely be chosen through a duel to the death between some names we draw from a hat. At least that seems like the fairest method. ...and last but not least we would like to welcome Leo back as the 42nd Captain Planet. May he continue to bring pollution down to zero in the RIA. [hr] [hr] Llama Update [hr] At this moment, I would like to recognize the RIA forums, an intergral part of the RIA family! The current RIA forums have been around since April 2007 and have continued to serve the RIA well as a home that many of us love. over the years they have accrued over 350,000 posts, over 28000 topics and over 5.6 million total page views as seen below. Next we can see the most posted in and most viewed topics in the RIA. These let you get a glimpse into the mind of the RIA and what we all truly care about. ...and last but not least you can see that in a surprise upset, the members-only RIA HQ has recently passed the public social board RI as the most posted in board. Will RI catch back up? Only time will tell. [hr] Now we would like to recognize the following alliances for maintaining awesome embassies on our boards: 1. The Independent Republic of Orange Nations! At 3441 posts in 82 topics we have discussed much serious business together! 2. The New Polar Order! At 1549 posts in 76 topics we have discussed how to cause much global instability together! 3. The New Pacific Order! At 1507 posts in 60 topics they are right on the heels of their former Polar brothers. We have discussed many plans for global domination together over the years! 4. The Coalition of Royal Allied Powers! At 1396 Posts in 64 Topics we have done much plotting together! 5. The Nuclear Proliferation League! At 1228 posts in 19 topics we have done much nuclear development together! and apparently like to keep it all in the same topics instead of making new ones like the others! Honorable Mention. The New Sith Order! At 666 posts in 19 topics they are living up to their claim to the dark side! [hr] Continuing with these silly recognitions, I would like to thank the following alliances who have assisted with our growth over the past government term (February-March) 1. Random Insanity Alliance! In the past two months, our number one foreign aid partner has been other RIAers. RIAers have sent approximately $1,446,000,100.00 and 17,100 tech between each other. May we continue to help each other grow and survive! 2. R&R! Coming in second place is our sexy friends in R&R. In the past two months RIA and R&R have traded approximately $264,000,000.00 and 6,900 tech. May we both continue to grow and prosper together! 3. Nuclear Proliferation League & Coalition of Royal Allied Powers Tieing for third place is our radioactive friends in NPL and our crappy friends in the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers. In the past two months RIA and NPL have traded approximately $84,000,000.00 and 1,500 tech while RIA and CRAP have traded approximately $72,000,000.00 and 2,399 tech! <3 you guys. This list is nearly identical to the last one so thanks to our lovely friends above for consistently choosing RIA for your tech trading and aiding needs. :) [hr] Our Door is Always Open The Random Insanity Alliance welcomes any and all who wishes to join her ranks. Our only requirement is you accept Cactuar as your lord and savior. Cactuar forgives all past sins and all you must do is devote yourself to him. Stop by http://rialliance.net if your interested. ]We also welcome any and all foreign dignitaries to stop by at http://rialliance.net to discuss the importance of waffles and how to best cause global instability. Thank you and good night.
  9. Greetings fellow disciples of the Holy Cactuar, neutrals, and heretics. I come before you all today with a most glorious announcement. The Random Insanity Alliance is proud to announce that we have once again hit three million, five thousand, four hundred, and twenty nation strength and Twelve point five score. We have reached this precious milestone numerous times over our many years in this strange world we all inhabit but this one feels just as precious as all the past times. So we shall once again be merry and relish in its majesty. Our history over the past several years has been one of hardships but we have persevered. The following graph from RI5 shows our growth since early 2011. We have risen and we have fallen but we shall never give up. We shall continue to rise. Even if we are knocked down again we shall forever seek the sky. We may never reach our former glory but we shall live on. Upward and onward! Here is our lovely NS donut. [hr] At this moment we would like to recognize the following alliances who have assisted with our growth over the past year: 1. Random Insanity Alliance! In the past year, our number one foreign aid partner has been other RIAers. RIAers have sent approximately $6,516,000,577 and 89,435 tech between each other. We are glad that RIAers have sought to continually help each other grow and survive! 2. R&R! Coming in second place is our amperstandy friends in R&R. In the past year RIA and R&R have traded approximately $2,556,000,000 and 41,300 tech. May we both continue to grow and prosper together! 3. Nuclear Proliferation League! Coming in third place is our radioactive friends in NPL. In the past year RIA and NPL have traded approximately $1,851,000,100 and 20,600 tech. May we both continue our efforts of nuclear proliferation together! Honorable Mentions: - RIA Trade Partner - Our lovely maroon buddies, RIA Trade Partner is an open AA for those who wish to trade or hang out in peace without the hassles or responsibilities of an alliance. We have traded approximately $606,000,000 and 10,350 tech and they have traded $204,000,000 and 4,615 between each other. We hope our maroon buddies continue to prosper under our protection. - Coalition of Royal Allied Powers - Our maroon brothers, RIA and CRAP have traded approximately $520,000,000 and 9,150 tech in the last year. - Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations (RIP): Before their disbandment, our former maroon friends had sent us approximately $823,800,000 in free rebuilding aid following the Equilibrium War. Those above and those unmentioned all add towards the RIA trading approximately $14,457,880,746 and 188,465 tech in the past year! May our economy grow even more in the coming year! [hr] Also, we never really announced our government this month so here it is in case anyone was dreadfully missing the ecstasy secreted from the Holy Cactuar during our announcements. [hr] Llama Update [hr] Our Door is Always Open The Random Insanity Alliance welcomes any and all who wishes to join her ranks. Our only requirement is you accept Cactuar as your lord and savior. Cactuar forgives all past sins and all you must do is devote yourself to him. Stop by http://rialliance.net if your interested. We also welcome any and all foreign dignitaries to stop by at http://rialliance.net to discuss the importance of waffles and how to best cause global instability. Thank you and good night.
  10. Congrats to our friends in TTK and to ODN. You have made great friends ODN, TTK are some of the best to have.
  11. Enjoy retirement Kem. You have been a great friend and an awesome leader. Its was a pleasure working with you for these past couple years, don't be a stranger. Good luck Houston, you have big shoes to fill. o/ NPL
  12. :ph34r: Impressive and unexpected. Congrats to our friends in IRON.
  13. Congrats to our good friends in R&R and GOD. Very happy to see this mess wrapped up.
  14. Awesome job with all the ones you've done so far. Could you do one for RIA too? http://imgur.com/n6pQQDY :)
  15. Glad to see this war behind us. Good luck to all on your future endeavors. Also I'd like to give a shout out to DL - It was a pleasure fighting beside you, you guys were awesome. I hope we have a chance to work together again in the future. :) o/ SL o/ DL o/ RIA You wound me Rayvon. :(
  16. Sorry but nobody told RoK that during VE-NpO. In fact RIA/GOD/CSN/R&R negotiated an agreement with PB to limit counters on RoK to only SLCB and which also allowed RIA to declare on SLCB to help RoK. So thats a pretty bad example to use since we intervened quite a lot to help RoK. >_>
  17. o/ GOD Destroy them my brothers! They have a treaty with CCC. The Christians and GOD would never war. That would be silly. :P (also I don't think CCC is at war with R&R >_>)
  18. Sceenshots as of January 5th: Coalition totals: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Alliance totals: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Alliance by alliance totals: [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  19. All the best to my friends in R&R. May your forces salt the earth of those who stand against you. o/ R&R
  20. o/ R&R I hope you have fun burning their nations once again.
  21. The way all this has fallen has indeed been sucky. Have fun my friends. o/ R&R
  22. We shall not stand for this! The RIA shall work to make the Purple Unicorns a protectoRIte posthaste in order to prevent this heresy!
  23. Such monsters. All glory to the purple unicorns! :p
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