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Everything posted by Montezuma

  1. NEW UPDATED CHARTER - - - - Since it's creation aNiMaLz has been at war. Constant war is all the family has ever known. Wars against richer, larger, and politically supported alliances. We have carried on the eternal fight. Under these conditions we have strived, grown, and have prospered. There has never been an alliance like us, and there never will be. We submit to no one. We answer to no one. We have come as liberators, and not conquerors. On Planet Bob the ends justify the means, and we need not explain ourselves, or our tactics to any outsiders. We offer freedom through enlightment. aNiMaLz is a Brown Team alliance made up of the finest, most elite raiders on planetbob. We are made up of those who have no regard for loss of Technology, Infrastructure, or Pixels. We have no rules about who to attack, or why. Our motto is honor over pixels, and to lose them mean nothing to us. Those who fill our ranks have the right to attack who they want when they want with complete disregard to the nation their attacking's alliance affiliation, alliance size, or who they have treaties with. The only alliances aNiMaLz members may not attack while in the Grand Imperial War Machine are alliances who have formal treaties with us, or conduct tech deals with us. All other alliances are fair game. Members of the aNiMaLz are free to attack other allied nations (nations who are in an alliance), but at their own risk. An attack by an aNiMaL does not constitute an alliance wide war or conflict. That individual aNiMaL must raid at his own risk, and not expect support from the alliance as a whole if another alliance decides to ZI him for attacking them. Upon joining aNiMaLz nations may not attack any alliance over 15 members, nor may they attack any alliance who has a protectorate for the first two weeks of their membership. aNiMaLz may not attack known friends of the family, treaty partners (obviously), or alliances who engage us in tech deals. Also aNiMaLz may not raid any nations on the brown team. There is an aNiMaLz code of conduct. When raiding or during war we expect the brothers to hold themselves to certain standards. Let your fighting do your talking, and if you must correspond with the nation your attacking conduct yourself in a polite, intelligent fashion. Part of the aNiMaLz agenda is to create a home for those who want to rule their nations the way they see fit. We welcome as brothers every and any nation who have no discrepancies about constant war. Our purpose is to offer the most possible amount of freedom to individual nations. We understand personal vendettas. We get that sometimes you don't care if you get ZI'ed as long as you can damage the enemy for whatever reason. So we allow our nations to do as they please in that regard. During times of war aNiMaLz are expected to defend each other. Raids, or personal vendettas will become a second priority untill the war has been concluded. All aNiMaLz nations must be on the brown team, and vote for aNiMaLz friendly senators. All aNiMaLz must be involved in family trade circles as well. This is for the good of everyone. The Government of aNiMaLz is as follows: Supreme Warlord - Royal Monarch, and Patriarch of the Family. He who is aNiMaL. High Chancellor - Assists the Supreme Warlord in governing aNiMaLz. Mayor of the Palace - Sports a number of hats. Secretary General - Focuses on diplomacy, helps manage the alliance, and keep things copasetic. Never attack another member of aNiMaLz, an ally of aNiMaLz, or a Tech buying alliance. Almost everything else is free game. This alliance is a brotherhood of indestructible nations who refuse to submit or surrender to anyone. By working together we can achieve our individual and collective goals. Signed: RUKUNU - Supreme Warlord General Daniel - High Chancellor Sir Kindle - Mayor of the Palace Lulzist - Secretary General ** The right to attack nations in alliances, or protected micro alliances has been suspended until further notice. Raids are limited to nations who are not in alliances, or alliances with 15 members or under who are not protected. This is for war time, and economic reasons. *** aNiMaLz brothers understand our family is a warrior culture. Members may not surrender in battle. We have never surrendered. We would rather run the alliance into the ground. The true treasure on Planet Bob is casualties, war counts, and XP. The things money can't buy. The first introductory mystery of the family revealed is your nation is eternal. It can't be fully destroyed. Always fight valiantly until the end. Always keep in mind the honor of the Family.
  2. serious question not looking for fights but did monsters and la familia ever have official treaty and if we did would it technically still be valid since no real war or violations have been done other then some smack talking but nothing that really hurt or would cause a breaking of the treaty unless in the treaty it said no saying mean things about each other lmao I know we fought a lot together but I'm not sure if it was through friendship with others like sig and meth or through our own treaty because y would we have helped hardin after methrage was gone if there wasn't a treaty and also one guy says we had one the other says no soooooooooooooo yeah
  3. lmao did a flat earther hurt u??? it has been proven using science and magic that planet bob is the state of mind of a giant who is actually a speck on another giant beings nail who is actually a speck on an even bigger giants nail and this goes on for trillions of giants until we get to the biggest giant who lives on an infinite plane. u must accept this!!!!!!!!
  4. as far as I know junka has not tryied to make lpcn a dictatorship and everyone at animalz is happy with him and our new friendship but we really think u should join lpc last nite at chatbox it was said kindle would step down for u but junka would have to be supreme triumvir because that is the deal and we r men of our word and it would violate our honor to have it any other way junka got legit support from sigrun and rukunu so he has the right cause when u were gone things happened maybe u should join animalz and be triumvir from here if kindle was serious about stepping down because methrage, sigrun, and junka would be a awesome triumvirate. new year 2017 lets start a new page men!!! we need u in the lpcn methrage its just not the same with out u brother o/ and I hope ur back for good and that u can see after so much war with us junka respects and understands how we roll and isn't trying to run us or be a dictator but a leader who makes choices for the good of us all! someone has to steer the lpcn ship lol and junka seems to be a good captain. viva la familia viva la lpcn
  5. animalz will never die hater u need to stop talking about us all the time lmao we all love u and respect u at animalz ur familia 4 life n u know it we were worried u were hurt or sick actually since u were always so active and then it was just nothing but junka is not a bad guy and I hope u guys get along someday but really rukunu and kindle I know for sure hold u in the highest we have fought so much together that bond cant be broke but u understand our reasons for teaming with junka and maybe deep inside u know he is good and will do lpcn proud I will always remember and respect u u r a brother always no matter what remember when it was us like 5 animalz u sigrun vs like 100 goons??!!
  6. u will be missed and u r a brave warrior o/ methrage, the first senator of the lpcn
  7. so lord mcnugget does not accept then?? u prefer to just post lies lmao?
  8. no amigo its truth!! something lord mcnugget runs in fear from. he betrays us and deserts us then he trys to make it like we r the bad guys for being so loyal we didn't look at the fact he left us alone to fight snx and kort but then we help monsters with hardin only to be betrayed again then he crys and acts like we r the bad guys he makes no sense at all he even believes his posts somehow hurt us when all they do is show proof of what he done and how much of a chick filet he is lmao lord mcnugget I challenege u to one on one combat just me and u no alliances no help just us do u except mayor mc nugget?i demand satidfaction because of all ur lies and !@#$ talking again la family for no reason but to cover ur shame u try to talk talk talk convince urself and everyone we r the bad guys when the proof and facts r u abandon us treat us bad so lets do this bring it on I can jump up to ur range if u accept challenge I will glady stay golden ponyboy!!!! o/ aNiMaLz
  9. lmao how did u publicly humiliate us guay all u did was post animalz talking about how ur a chicky boy who betrayed us, but how we forgive u anyway and posts about how we should be on look out since ur raging with shame and guilt for deserting us twice if anything ur posts publicly humiliated urself and it would have been better for u to keep them private lmao u call a guy who was in animalz less then a week and is no government asking someone to join animalz poaching like the family as a whole agreed and said it was cool u blow it up nice try to find a reason to cry little mcnugget lmao posting our messages about how u betrayed us isn't public humiliation pendejo....oh wait it is, but its humiliating for u lmao
  10. well rommy we fought a lot in the past but one thing I can say about u and the reason y I voted yes to the animalz-snx treaty is because no matter what ur down for ur alliance and that means ur probably down for ur friends and wouldn't abandon them u try to make a treaty with monsters, well weird but who cares? how does that hurt animalz anyway? just my opinion. but really I'm very happy about the cobra treaty I love those guys and have had some good friends over there!!
  11. how is there a wow factor there? letting ur alliance be aware of haterz is something amazing to u lol?? the bigger wow factor is how a man could look so much like ellen DeGeneres roflmao
  12. out of the blue or because of u abandoning us? also u started the insults by disrespecting not only kindle but the whole family on the owf forums a bunch of times so not only r u a coward but a liar too we wouldn't need help fighting u even if we wanted to attack we just don't care kick u to da curb and go about our business if u wanna 1 on 1 fight just say so attack do something lmao here if u need us !@#$%*&#$@ lmao
  13. well that is a lie coming from a chicky boy who couldn't hold up for a month at war lmao ur words mean nothing we fought non stop for 3 years so our actions speak for us pendejo here is official animalz message copy and pasted here - - - "We are amazed at these pig's audacity. Regardless we will allow them to babble on, and pursue their feeble attempt to stay relevant. After abandoning the Family on the field of battle...twice...we understand how the SHAME of these cowardly acts would drive some people crazy. We have taken no aggressive action towards these cowards who succumbed to their knees like a cheap whore their last war. Indeed, Kindle letting !@#$%*cock know he is forgiven is no hostile act. Nor is posting an announcement informing the Family that Monsters has gone insane with shame, and that they need to be prepared incase they decide to attack.The more they flood the OWF with slander the more they reveal and expose their traitor guilt, a cowards burden. For now we will ignore all that. We will wait. If they leave us alone, great. If that want to fight let them attack. But really for the most part they need to be ignored" End of message. #MonstersUniversityIsNotanAccreditedSchool #MonstersIsAdiplomaMill now on to the actual topic of this thread this is a awesome treaty!! Viva COBRA y Kanabis Viva la Familia aNiMaLz o/
  14. recent developments tell us u r only part right zog u see what we have discovered is that bob is the state of mind of a giant who is actually a speck on another giant beings nail who is actually a speck on an even bigger giants nail and this goes on for trillions of giants until we get to the biggest giant who lives on an infinite plane.
  15. come join animalz we r pretty active and its a fun alliance with good interesting history and many cool people here to talk to
  16. now its all starting to make sense..the speck on the giant beings nail who is actually a speck on an even bigger giants nail and this goes on for trillions of giants until we get to the biggest giant who lives on an infinite plane.
  17. congratulations to our friends in OoT!! and to TTK.
  18. ok who r u and y should I care I don't even know u lmao y r u talkin to me and talkin random smack? u seem a little off so I will just ignore u seem to not know a lot so good luck with everything I guess hataz gonna hate lol ur in an alliance who is allied to mine show a little class and degrade me in private message have u no class??!!
  19. y r u calling us fruits we fought next to u u know we r tough fighters I don't get y all of the sudden u hate us after u left we still helped hardin to honor monsters friendship and look what happened they all just gave up anyway now we r the bad guys lmao?? I don't hate u I am just confused y u hate ur old animalz buddies and not even that but u even say we r fruits and don't give us the respect u know we deserve as fighters whats ur problem man just cause we decided to team up with junka and try to make brown cool we fought with junka for a long time time to try something new besides he does stick with his friends and cares about his alliance even if u hate someone u have to give them credit where it is due u can still hate animalz (for no reason) but y say we are bad fighters or cowards when u know its not true we did not team with junka out of fear we have fought him many times we teamed with him for the better good of both alliances and all of brown stop hating on us man ur welcome to be friends with us but cut the hate homie. as always viva la familia viva la lpcn
  20. yes u wont call for help u will just surrender and run stop harassing me coward chicky boy im from an alliance of warriors loyal to the cause ur a coward and in a couple months will be a nobody in a stupid alliance cause u sure cant run an alliance how is white sphere?? brown is paradise couldnt be better y dont u come over, o wait u cant ur restricted real men do not have restrictions and u have many lmao u should have never played the family o and stop telling people to hit u if u want to fight just attack like we do never say hit me do the hitting coward chicky lmao
  21. im not alliance hopper like u i stay loyal but if kanabis ever needs my help id prob help if my gov says its ok and usually they do id love to help especially if its against u ill stay put and back up my friends unlike u who have been in so many different alliance and have no loyalty
  22. presicely. water doesn't bend!!!! the van allen belt cant be crossed but r we talking about earth or bob? Mogar made great points makes me think bob is infinite flat plane but individual nations exist on planet bob just in a few different dimensions but citizens of bob are able to easiely go back and forth from dimension to dimension which explaines the over lapping captitals and territory and also the huge amount of area that is infinite as long as new nations r born.
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