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Everything posted by Montezuma

  1. poorly? doug henning is completely cashed out after giving us millions and we r having fun with mc nugget. just see where he will be Monday morning lmao
  2. hey cool war count y u so obsessive with junka? real question what he do to u? u just like to say things because its popular to hate on him or did u actually do something bad to u one day or something? I don't know u and we have no problems so I am just asking a friendly question
  3. we respect u Neptune who wouldn't look at ur casualties but u choose to defend mc nuggets spying and all he says about us even though u know us and know we did nothing to do. if u want to go back and forth with rukunu and kindle for the next 1000 years I'm sure they will like more casualties and war counts but this is really about lord dipping sauce and his refusal to leave us alone and his spying his threats his public talking and showing of spying to make us look like we would just allow him to do whatever to us. so have fun I guess fighting animalz for the next bazillion years lol I will stay low and keep slapping around doug henning I made tons of him dipping sauce u wasted all ur money ur contribuations and now tomorrow ur wars exipire and I hear ur going to get really taught a lesson lmaoi was just sent to make sure u cant get into peace mode and have a little fun but tomorrow the real games begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u should have never spied on us and just left us alone on the owf u know us u know ur in big trouble little mc nugget lmao
  4. we have fought wars where we had 15 or less against 60 nations even 100 with many wonders but what did we ever do to u anyway y r u making fun of us or acting like we cant fight we have many good fighters in our alliance and this is just the first round of wars we r just warming up see whats up in 3 months from now because believe me this will still be going on for a very long time
  5. well mayor mc cheese maybe next time u will show some respect to la famila and mind ur own business and keep from having spies in our alliance then be stupid enough to show the world u r spying on us ur so stupid u let us know right away u should have kept ur stupid little mouth full of mc nuggets and u would have still had ur spy in unknown dumb ass lmao I look forward to a very long war with u u will provide casulaties war counts and xp fun for a very very long time mc nugget cause guess what u cant sweet talk ur way with rukunu any more I showed him all the stuff u posted on the owf he didn't know that's y u got peace the first time but now he knows so keep talking we got a lot of more for u mc cheese!! lmao besides from what I hear he is giving kindle charge of the war so u can really really forget about any mercy or peace !!!!!!!! viva la familia viva la lpcn #shouldofjustleftusalone #junkaisbetterfriendthenueverwere
  6. man they thought legion was asleep and then CRACK right in the head lmao
  7. lmao mayor mc cheese to future generations who see this post this idiot posting above is lord dipping sauce he is a coward and a traitor who was in a war with animalz and in the middle of it deleted his nation and abandoned us making us fight alone. when he came back he was so ashamed of being such a loser and coward he started obsessing with us lmao its true but funny before him u say a alliance tao in this thread doing the same thing. they no longer exist and this will happen to mayor mc cheese too he will get beat down and delete again this is examples for real fighters who want to join us, this is example of what not to do lmao. and mc cheese do u see me taking all ur friends millions every day? u call those fighters lmao
  8. look at all that xp doesn't look like he has been sitting around like u mayor mc cheese lmao u begged us to beat u down and now we will this is for having a spy in our ranks making threats spying on us and more little nugget boy lmaou coward gonna die now guay lol u crossed the line too many time and now u pay I will go back to rolling around in all the money I have taken from doug lol mr mc cheese y do u have to lie about everything y not just admit ur a coward idiot and nothing special lol u have done nothing yet u try to ride animalz coat tails like u ever mattered or really helped us u never even joined lpcn cause u were too scared of constant fighting lmao ask any animalz brother about u dipping sauce they say they either never heard of u or that u r that pendejo who deleted his nation after abandoning us like the coward and chicky poo u really r lmao roflmao I hope this war goes on for 1000 years and this time the vote seems to be in my favor since everyone now has seen ur posts about us and knows u have a spy with us and people know more now cause they never saw owf and didn't know u talk so much so u done boy!!!welcome to the jungle u deep fried liar u think we r punks well we will show u puto viva la lpcn viva la familia aniamlz #mcnuggetisacoward #monstersisadiplomamill
  9. roflmao u try too hard mc nugget look at u trying to take credit for all our work u have to remember ur the one who quits and runs deletes ur the one who surrenders do not try to take credit because u have done nothing u ment nothing in goon wars all aniamlz say it ur a coward lmao we were just going to ignore u and let legion whoop u but u had to keep ta;lking and talking and talking so now u pay we will see how tough u r and how long u last I hope we stay at war for years but u will probable be like the other alliance who threatened us and made fun of us on this very forum TAO................where are they lmao?? they r where u will be soon dipping sauce!!! u should of just left us alone in peace but u kept coming and talking and threatening so now its on!!!!!finally!!!! ALSO EVERYTHING U SAID ABOVE WAS A LIE AND U KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!UR JUST JEALOUS LMAO viva aniamlz viva eternal war with dipping sauce!!
  10. Fun facts about animalz ~ ~ ~ 1. animalz has never has a protectorate and has never needed one. 2. for the first 6 months of its existence animalz funded itself purely on raids since no alliance was willing to buy tech from us out of fear of goon 2.0 retaliation. 3. for the first two months animalz was a one man alliance the took on over 100 goons. that man is still standing and his enemies are long gone. 4. one of our members has the highest war count in cyber nations. 5. our members at one point or another have been sanctioned on every color sphere. 6. animalz is named after its founder, rukunu, who was known as animal when he fought in goons because of his fierce fighting style. 7. animalz have a perfect tech dealing record even though most of its history has been constant war. 8. animalz has never surrendered in a war. white peace has been the max. 9. the "z" in animalz makes it look cool. 10. animalz is a founding member alliance of the lpcn.
  11. u see its hard to know "how they think" since senor mc nugget lies so much cut junka a break would take a team of interrogators to cut through lord sweet n sours lies lmao no I wont be ok until u surrender to legion and become slaves to two separate agreements since u lost ur last two wars and really bad and in a sad way I should be fine soon though!!! ur one of the respectable monsters I'm told not like mayor mc cheese so I really don't want to see u get rolled as much as I want to see this lying puto get smashed u didn't come on the forums lying and disrespecting la familia and ur a fighter to be sure so whatever I know u really do like ur war count and casualties so lets hope they wake up so u can get all the priceless things money cant buy on bob viva la familia viva la lpcn viva supreme warlord rukunu y supreme triumvir junka
  12. was this message for me? if so don't worry about it if not I sorry for confusion.
  13. legion don't worry in the middle of the war they will cry for peace and mayor mc cheese will delete his account and then come back like he is something scary or important lmao then in order to save some pride they will come here lying and lying and accuse anyone who fought good of some made up stuff mcnugget says everyone laughs at how stupid he is!! monsters is a diploma mill unaccredited college and don't worry I have fought two wars along side them where they clammed up quick abandoned us and all around mcnugget shamed himself lmao so have fun beating him down hes a softy drown him in bar b q he loves it lmao! talk is cheap lord dipping sauce an u have proved ur all talk pray legion has mercy on u lmao
  14. there is so much wrong with all this sigrun is a senator and was not pushed out, and snx senators are lpcn senators because snx is in the lpcn which means all the members are too. the lpcn is not a leaderless movement really I mean u called urself the leader a 1000 times and even said u were like the main boss and said sigrun and rukunu just had basically joke titles and u and u alone decided who is lpcn and all that the comments u made about this are all over but junka never made any of the crazy claims u hAve about having authority or final say he didn't inherite the lpcn by pushing out senators he inherited by animalz and sigrun voting him in. ur so crazy in the very same thread u say "The LPC is a leaderless movement, where anyone can rise to the moment and help lead people." but then u say "I reserve the right to revive the LPC under my leadership" u crazy bro u don't even make sense like its been said if u care about lpcn join animalz and after a while I'm sure rukunu might let u have his triumvir position since he isn't all about politics anyway and then maybe u can convince the other two tri to start having a vote with in the whole lpcn to see who will be "supreme triumvir" and then get ur old position back like that but crying and going crazy on the forums will get u nothing guay believe me is it u care about the lpcn who has been doing great since junka or is it u care to be senator and supreme triumvir??
  15. first of all ur an idiot who attended monsters university which is a diploma mill and non accredited university secondly Einstein was wrong about a few things and there is no beginning and there is no end if u take big bang cosmology to be truth ask what happened an hour before the big bang confused people will say there was no time before the big bang time and space were created with the big bang there was just nothing but there was something there was an 'HOUR' before the big bang and there will pass events and time today tomorrow 10,000 years a million a trillion to infinity ur mind isn't capable of understanding true cosmic time infinity third tesla has much better ideas of it then Einstein and the Aztecs and others tesla is a much greater man then Einstein much like rukunu is a much greater man then u mc nugget 4thly the laws of physics and gravity/time/space whatever do not apply on bob for bob is the state of mind of a giant who is actually a speck on another giant beings nail who is actually a speck on an even bigger giants nail and this goes on for trillions of giants until we get to the biggest giant who lives on an infinite plane. so thanks for ur comment lord dipping sauce now go back to obsessing about us on lpcn related forums lmao
  16. junka didn't do anything bad to the lpcn all he did was make sure brown was peaceful and willing to put aside our differences (something u should learn to do) to make sure that happened and something u should know I think u don't understand is WE INVITED JUNKA TO JOIN THE LPCN he didn't come demanding to be supreme triumvir the position was offered to him by animalz and sigrun u need to GET THAT INTO UR BRAIN MAN!!! he is doing nothing but helping the lpcn be what it was supposed to be and not UR PERSONAL ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no and I am surprised when he loses he pretends like he isn't trying if ur a true fighter u fight until ur broke cruise missles anything to do damage not just sit there and get beat on then say ur not trying that's so lame I cant believe methrage the great is doing this. did u have us all fooled for so long did ur wonders blind us of truth???!!!!!! the truth is junka did more good for the lpcn in the first 10 mins of his taking supreme triumvir then u did in 2 years and that's just the facts sorry man animalz is doing great there is no stupid war going on and everyone is having a good time working together u have to deal with that!! apologize for attacking us deserting us with no word and then come join animalz and help the lpcn if u ever really loved it viva la lpcn viva la familia animalz
  17. time is an illusion not linear, but circular but not at all people use the thing they call time to pin point events like work at 7 school at 930 u know but it doesn't exist its not a force there is no true beginning or true end
  18. I always thought a Mexican restaurant would do good in England I bet there are not many and it seems british people like spice
  19. whats ur obsession with animalz about? I never even heard of u until this thread supreme warlord rukunu has ordered all of us to stay off the forums because he says its a waste of time and most of u r haters who don't make sense so I will do what he wants but I have permission to make one last statement I asked for it so I'm all good here - - - - lord mc nugget is a pendejo and will drown in sweet and saucebiggest coward on cn 4 sure!! methrage I will always remember fighting with u before u went completely crazy thanks for those times but u cant disappear then come back and expect to call so many crazy shots this is y we question if u were really friends because a friend would say good bye and give reason and not just leave in the middle of war also if u loved the lpcn so much y didn't u let it be cool when u returned the lpcn was doing fine u put urself infront of the entire lpcn ur wants and needs over the lpcn as a whole just because u came up with the name doesn't mean u have more power then sigrun or rukunu u all started it together and equals and if 2 of the 3 founders say something then it is so. I wish u would understand that, respect junka and what he has done for us and help us but u wont because u think junka did something bad to the lpcn but he didn't things have never been better since he joined so stop saying animalz doesn't want him EVERY SINGLE ANIMALZ I TALKED TO SAID THEY WANTED JUNKA IN I have heard nobody say anything bad about him. we do not need to be liberated from him he voted for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we need liberating now from u but my men are handling that u chose lord mc nugget who doesn't even care about lpcn if he did he would have joined long ago u choose that deep fried piggy over the warriors who found time and time and time again with u and voted for u and were ur true brothers? that's sad man. and u chose him because of ego not for love of lpcn because if u loved lpcn u would be happy to see the peace and everything we have been having since after the war u r one guy out of all lpcn who didn't like junka that's not enough to votes to get rid of him sorry. so to recap, lord dipping sauce is a coward chicky boy who is destined to drown in bar-b-q, all animalz and CA support Junka position, and methrage rather ruin a good situation because of ego then rejoin (lucky we even allowed that since he left with out saying anything when he could have at least told us he was leaving) viva la familia animalz, viva la lpcn!!
  20. we also fought hard for freedom to choose and we chose junka and u couldn't handle that so u attack the family and also u allow the guy into ur alliance and even make him a general did u only use us for vote and fighters to help fight against junka we r not ur personal army we never answered to u and will never we don't answer to anyone but supreme warlord rukunu lpc isn't a monacry people have the right to choose what they want and the lpcn sigrun ALL OF ANIMALZ neutral shoving and all of the family choose junka u are welcome as a brother if u stop this even still but STOP NOW lol nice war count true warriors run from battle lmao ur no warrior!!!!!!!! try fighting 3 years straight then come ta;lk to us we have nations who have more wars then ur entire alliance lpcn has been running great with junka y do u want to ruin it? if u really cared about lpcn u would do whats best for it u think attacking animalz is best for lpcn??!!
  21. ellen u r so obsessed with us r u going to dedicate entire program to talking about us nice 10 man alliance ever since i see u have these stupid little alliances that do nothing and u just try to sneak around and fail lmao u post in other alliances stuff because look around ur alliance has no threads its just not important. its all over the monsters vs animalz problem was solved because of rukunu and hitchcock being friends or something i hope monsters doesnt say bad things about animalz or any brother and we wont say things about them thats what rukunu said the deal was. we left lpcn for many reasons hope junka and methrage can get along and make it great!! we will always love u meth but we outty not ur fault not junka fault but we got to spread our wings and do something else junka didnt tell us to do anything for the record this is our choice u know us u know nobody tells us what to do! one last time- - - - - viva la familia, viva la lpcn it was great we all r true warriors!!!
  22. No sir, how it works is morphine runs his mouth, then you challenge him and he sends someone to fight you he doesn't actually fights he just runs his mouth. the owf is different then our places to chat this place is crawling with cowards like McKnight and morphine lmao
  23. At least he attacked its the first step for the midnight to become a big Mac. im going to love these next 7 days!
  24. Yeah i would have ga but I lowered my defenses so baby boy would attack and by sound that i cant deploy or attack. don't worry about me at reset ill attack
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