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Everything posted by Montezuma

  1. And isx treaty with u is same thing bozo hypicrite lmao we didn't cry when they made a treaty with people we hate and have no respect for.
  2. Why would our attack on lord dipping sauce effect ur war at all u r not fighting cobra so it's not a prob we r attacking lord dipping sauce cause he attacked our friends simple mc nugget think she is tuff mc nugget gets dunked lmao
  3. animalz is a family and we don't like to be split and we want voters and believe me rukunu will never let this happen and just to be safe I think u should ask anyone because I don't want u to look like ur poaching our brothers that will get government mad and give them reason to attack so be careful vato edit - also if u know anything about animalz u know our members r free so y would they want to go to aevum to get an objective of freedom when they already have it in animalz?
  4. lmao awwwww poor baby lol I'm in animalz that's all we did the first 2 years except we were not fighting cobra we fought goons 2.0 and we didn't have nukes or sdi so don't u cry to any animalz about being against the odds or fighting broke sanctioned and with no weapons u call two weeks of a beat down hard times u haven't seen war lmao but kanabis is gonna make sure u do!! viva aniamlzviva cobra!!
  5. no I haven't even considered as long as my point gets across what is the millennial age group maybe I am I heard that before but not sure who exactly fits whats before and after millennial?
  6. war screen looks like kindle is slapping u around ellen and everyone else fighting you ur alliance is just ruined where r u going to go now that ur alliance is destroyed ??when is roal leaving peace when will he defend his alliance lmao? so ur a liar and a bad leader and fighter??
  7. congratulations 2 cool alliances!! ftw tf
  8. he probably thinks u care because of all ur posts u see when u post a lot it shows u care and I remember years of animalz just beating the crap out of u lmaoso stop lying
  9. That's y u mind if business and keep ur mouth shut u don't even read u just post dummy lmao now look how stupid u are lol. Because u can't read u r confused and accuse us of things we didn't even do then blame me for style of post. Don't blame me cause ur stupid blame urself pendejo Roflmao.
  10. R u challenging me to fight knowing I am so far out of range it would be impossible lmao? You challenge people u know u can't fight to look cool but be safe at same time lol again y r u disrespecting we don't know u never talk to u y harass us then? Y make problems for no reason what did I do to you? I don't mind fighting but I just don't get Y we get harassed and talked about by people we don't know and never even talk to lmao.
  11. y don't u find ur own business and stop bugging people with ur stupid comments pendejo?? we r nobodies trophy y would u start trouble with us?
  12. when is roal coming out of peacemode so 100% of ellens alliance can be in shambles??is there no honor among lesbian talk show hostesses lmao ellens alliance is what America would look like if rosie o donnell or ellen herself was president lmao its so nice to see backstabbers and chicky poos like ellen and her friends get rolled!!!! COBRA!!!
  13. I don't know but I know ur an idiot do u even play the game or just come and post stupid stuff here lmao ur nation sucks u never do anything cool or interesting in game like what is ur point lol??? u r the worst at war prob due to ur math skills lmao ur just so annoying please stop posting non of these threads or topics have anything to do with u because u do nothing!!
  14. STONEWALL animalz will always have ur back!!!good luck with the wolves cool alliance!
  15. Maybe a one on one fight with kindle would be best last time u guys fought he kind of hand his hands full I will message him and let him know to contact u for a one on one duel I'm sure he will be happy to fight.
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