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Everything posted by Montezuma

  1. look at ur alliance ellen lmao tell that chicky poo roal to get out of peace
  2. we have never been abused by junka junka didn't take the triumvir position it was offered to him he didn't even ask for it it wasn't even his idea it was sigrun and animalz we thought it was a good idea because we wanted brown peace and we had been fighting junka for years and it was just a stalemate boring we'd attack they would fight a peace would be made and the cycle would continue it was fun at first but then stupidanyway during the wars we started to respect junka for his loyalty to his men and the time and effort he puts into his alliance he does care about the game I wish more people would because to me its fun and I enjoy it we also asked him because methrage deserted us with no word in the middle of a war he started if anything methrage used us for his personal wars against junka and since we like to fight we just helped for our casulaties and stuffbut make no mistake we r not war trophy or was this even junkas idea. ANIMALZ BROTHERS ANSWER TO NOBODY EXCEPT SUPREME WARLORD RUKUNU!!!!NOT METHRAGE NOT JUNKA NOBODY! all supreme triumvir means is he is most policitcal experienced he speaks publicly for lpcn and guides things but his vote in the triumvirate is equal to the other two so he can be out voted even! military things r a option if we feel like helping except if its a lpcn war which all triumvir agree everyone helps (I think) but I said before we have no real issues with u guys tbc and I take ur word if u really say u were not making fun maybe things were taken wrong lets move on. I hope everyone had a nice round of wars and got some xp for generals and casualties and everything! good luck!!!!
  3. nap is cool but I still think u should join lpcn... @junka would u let him? maybe rukunu would. we need 3rd tri edit: lpcn is more like back each other up political party
  4. we have kindle running as senator not sure his views on sanctioning either but he probably wont unless someone messes with us and even then who knows u guys should vote in the 1st animalz senator ever!!
  5. I posted for u but I don't think rukunu or kindle will agree to this they like junka now. a lot of those guys on the list don't exist anymore too. I don't think anyone in animalz believe the lpcn needs to be saved everyone is cool with where we r at plus we never betray our friends plus if u look at snx forum that's the same charter minus the I think 4 new additions but nothing was taken. JUNKA PLEASE POST REAL LPCN CHARTER FROM UR FORUMS!!! dude u seem to be very interested in lpcn u did homework saw we have fun cool history and more good guys loyal guys y don't u just join us we need new triumvir sigrun is gone maybe rukunu and junka will vote you in!!!! join us but u wont convince us to change u can make change from inside if people like ur ideas.
  6. I was asked by noctis to post this not sure y but here it is Sir Kindle or somebody from aNiMaLz could post something similar to the following, (Only if RUKUNU approves first though) Quote With more sigs as we get more committed to a free Brown TeamThe LPC could function as political entity committed to a free Brown Team like it was originally intended (Gathering votes from people regardless of AA affiliation), while Kingsglaive could be the military arm of it.
  7. is this all over then? and if yes is keres going to remove her insults from her nations page? y should we have problems ?? we cant make u and that's not a good enough reason to attack (even though we have attacked for less we try to behave more now its hard but...) but would be nice and a good way to start the healing process lmao what do u say?? no hard feelings? technically bears are animalz and animalz are bears if u think about it lol we have enemies we really don't like and like I said before we don't even know u so we rather use our resources and fight true enemies not ones like u have been its more fun if its personal is what they say I agree
  8. lmao u keep saying u don't care yet type in big bold red letters good luck getting any of the brothers to post on that surrender thread read our charter we would rather run the alliance into the ground but its ok wont come to that we r better tougher more experienced fighters then u and if u want this to go on u will lose get hurt take lots of damage and have to see us every morning ur threats and all ur crying mean nothing to us ur funny though how emotional u get with personal attacks and ur bold letters lmao I saw ur war screen I see y ur so mad u keep getting rolled and nothing can stop itbelieve me u r no match for usall u do is cry on the forums none of us even care besides me nobody even comes here to see ur tears!!!! here is for everyone to see. we tried to be nice and make peace we didn't attack I sent peace and all we got in return was attacks! keres is a baby who lies and says she doesn't care but puts most tears and energy into forum. someone from the otherside just make a dow on us so the whole familia can get involved and not just me and kindle. lets go 100% tbc vs animalz lmao r u serious??? VIVA LA FAMILIA ANIAMLZ
  9. it is purely political with an option of defense. trust me junka know more about the lpcn then u do man ur the new kid on the block.
  10. please friend lets stay on topic. the topic is the ellen show. Lucius is being destroyed and kanabis is making it funny. I don't want u to get in trouble with the mods. you don't have to start trouble over methrage believe me I knew him. he is gone. just do ur own thing. he was the lpcn leader before junka but left and never returned its ok though junka actually turned out to be a cool guy we fought him for years war after war who would think we would end up friends u got to learn to forgive and forget sometimes I don't want u to have problems with our friends cobra we have history with them even cobra was started by a few ex animalz who didn't like 100% how animalz was being run or something not sure details but I know ex animalz started it and also we warred with them I think and now we r good friends and kanabis is the man so chill don't let this guy methrage who did nothing for u and u never met start problems for u. just friendly advice.
  11. I sent peace and was attacked in return so I don't know what ur problem is maybe the terms were after this round of war there will be peace that's what I thought anyway after I was attacked after actually sending peace. u get way too emotional lmaou say u don't care but u cry the most just chill finish out the round of war maybe that was the agreement not just peace right away. lots of time peace is made but the wars finish out honestly u haven't fought much have u??
  12. i was told to send peace to those I am fighting in order to calm this while we still can all la familia wants is for keres to stop talking about us all the time we don't even know her and still don't know why she decided to start making fun of us during her argument with junka but we r peaceful loving nations who r willing to just forget this ever happened so now its ur choice I sent peace if its denied and I'm attacked back we will know whats up if not and peace is accepted we go back to being strangers who never talk and that's why its weird before this we didn't even know or talk to any of u got us confused viva la familia viva animalz!!!
  13. keres u r so obsessed with animalz oh and ur so brave for hitting a animalz member three weeks inactive and so funny how u post so proud about it lmao!! u start with animalz no0w u cry for someone who doesn't care u post and cry the most lol now ur gonna get other peoples nations hurt because u don't know when to shut up u just want war well ok lets war!its nothing new to us we r animalz hate us love us we don't care but nobody can deny we don't fight and fight goodwe can fight for years if we have to ur nations will all be deleted by then we don't care read what kindle says in messages its all about casualties warcounts xp HONOR OVER PIXELS friendship loyalty!!! we r not scared of u or ur mouth and will fight until cybernations is no more!! u prove u want war because u do nothing to make the situation better just say more things and make fun and threats and u guys attack and blah blah lmao viva la familia!!
  14. o/ cobra I hit three of them for u vatos in ellens alliance because of our treaty and all and because ellen of course lets smash themthey r paying out good to full of treasures when u smash them open million dollar gb's!!!!lets get them casualties and cash carnales viva cobra! viva animalz!!
  15. u r obsessive first u obsess over junka and pretend u don't care and now u r following me around different threads obsessed with me lol leave me alone weirdo nobody cares!!!!!!!!!!go back to trolling junka lmao not me !!!!!
  16. so where r u gonna fight ur wars then lmao ?? obviously not here ur embarrassing urself!!!! I mean come on u really make fun of my English lol?? at least I can speak two languages I want to see u spell in my language lmao!! stop pretending like u don't care to try to cover u just suck at war/basic math/life/and more ur not fighting back because u know ur no match lmao look at u its really sad so ur not gonna fight in the game and ur not going to fight here r u gonna fight? just repeat the same insults and look like pendeja is all u can do and with all ur tough talking and how u try to act tough on ur nation page and ur obsession with Harley Quinn and it turns out ur a chicken, stupid, cant fight, just talk too much lmao yes my English sucks but u suck at everything plus I feel bad for u u have kindle and Hitchcock mad at u lmao good luck with all that oh and it looks like not only u don't care about urself u don't care about ur friends either lol sorry amor u lose lol not even on the level of people like junka kindle or Hitchcock lmao viva la familia animalz all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chicken doesn't fight in game or here lmao what a waste
  17. u guys should join the lpcn its a brown team bloc dedicated to the protection of the alliances and each alliance has the freedom to run it anyway it wants for example animalz and isx are very different and CA is different from those two its a really cool bloc lots of active players we have senators we all back each other up and we got cool history u should check it out. good luck and its good to see brown activity hopefully we can be friends!!
  18. lmfao!!! I just don't get y u dragged us into this lol but whatever more casualties for us we fought lots of people before did we fight tbc and forget? wtf r u about lol??!! viva la familia animalz!! viva la lpcn for someone who doesn't care u post a lot lol
  19. seriously mi amor making war with snx and making fun of me lmao do u really think ur tough?? viva la lpcn
  20. ook u seem like ur clueless on our history so let me tell u guay methrage was never king of animalz and neither is junka. methrage was supreme triumvir of the lpcn and now junka is. animalz answers to nobody but rukunu!!! viva supreme warlord rukunu y la familia animalz viva supreme triumvir junka viva la familia lpcn ps jay kay we r not rogues we are well trained experienced freedom fighters who have complete freedom check out our history or talk to us talk to rukunu or kindle to know what we r really about we can be ur best friend or worst enemy its ur choice
  21. if I wasn't in animalz I would join u and I will fight for u if asked even though I am in animalz we r allies!!! viva stonewall viva la a team
  22. lmao u were saved by ur doom buddies after we were curb stomping u and had u on our pzi list ur just butthurt cause ur an ex faker and u rage cause 2.0 couldn't put us down even though we laughed in their faces we love stonewall though and do not stay in the past like u and mungo so we will defend u if A team is attacked u got to let go chae lol mungo too he is so obsessed with us he even started this new war and now he will get what he wants just let it go chae............just let it go....2.0 is a dream now they couldn't stomp us out viva la lpcn viva aniamalz!!!!! this is y ur a great supreme triumvir and we appreciate u not giving us problems for running our family like we want! viva supreme triumvir junka te quiero stone! chae is a good fighter just needs to not live in the past so much thanks for the help vato
  23. mungo will never be safe! tell us all roal how was ur beatdown? too bad u ruined oot they were good guys but u corrupted them got them into wars left them now they continue to fight while u sit in peace!!lmao coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u use people and for that u will go nowhere and u will be destroyed nobody here will ever trust u every alliance u join u ruin
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