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Everything posted by Montezuma

  1. and if u made peace idiota u should have told me there was peace I said I will peace if u leave us alone forever r u stupid lmao??!!
  2. junka y r u all talk and so scared to attack? ur a waste of space get out of here boy Romulus lol and strange ur the biggest coward chicky in the game I didn't do ground battles because I deployed and after beating up two fca guys my odds against ur troops were less then 5% idiot im attack Lucius who is a bigger nation so I do hit bigger u lying idiot lol both u beso mi culo!!lmao
  3. I think he ment how doom didn't defend snx when npo destroyed them. hello? doom defended them against animalz when they knew nobody was in their range to fight most of them from animalz so they sent a low ns doom shill and a ghost from Kashmir I believe to attack animalz while doom just threw money at their shills and snx (we took 99.9% of that money from snx). ma'am I think mr hitchock who hates the lpcn is trying to say that it is annoying (probably mostly to junka) that u defend against what u consider a safe hit since u all r so out of range but when npo attacks u chicken out in a corner like a little mariposita. I agree it is annoying when friends don't defend friends. its annoying when people suddenly demand we let people who attacked us first go scott free and if we don't u pull ur support from us after all we have been through Hitchcock so y do u call chocolate out when u do the same stupid stuff as she does??!! bottom line chocolate is a coward and a bad alliance leader and a liar and a user and a opperunist and only fights when she thinks it will be not so bad, and Hitchcock will turn on old friends in a instant for sum crap alliance who is enjoying 15 mins of fame because they were dumb enough to attck the lpcn FIRST AND FOR NO REASON!!!! viva la lpcn
  4. u never crushed animalz they destroyed u twice lying boy emperor Romulus lmao:
  5. oh ok well I am busy destroying another one of ur nations http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=583226 and don't avoid the fact that u started this I sent u peace and u re attacked and nothing can change the truth about that chicky boy lol
  6. I peace with u and then u attack me pendejo lmao stop crying u kept this war going I will continue to attack u and ur friends until methrage tells me to stop! just say ur sorry for being a chicky poo idiot and we can all go our separate ways lol u have no idea what ur talking about and have made that obvious to everyone ur like junka lunka what r u even doing here did the boy emperor ask u to come help him lmao??!!y didn't u answer any of my questions since u decide to respond to me?? we gave u peace strange and u re attacked u lie too much but I am willing to white peace just to GET U GUYS OUT OF MY LIFE!! or we can handle u lpcn style
  7. Lucius lol I like ur house its nice I think ill stay: http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=805162 send more of fca chickys u guys r making me rich!! surrender! and swear to leave us alone forever!! just go! I am beating the fca leaders no problem
  8. was monsters ever even in the lpcn or were u just friends with us? y all of the sudden u value fca over ur long time friends at the lpcn that's weird but what can we do? all I know is that fca attacked me after I made peace with them because methrage asked me to peace with them and then they re attacked me so that's all anyone needs to know they either surrender to me or we keep fighting I guess because if u make peace with these guys they just like the snakes they r attack u like chickens just like the original attack by them on the lpcn. this is a defense war stop trying to make it look like we started or wanted any of this we have to beat them down to cover our own asses now that we know they r out to get us!! y do u give ultimatums to friends, we r libertarians and we like our freedom to choose what we think best. also animalz is a better tougher and cooler micro then monsters and lpcn micro influence is stronger than ever
  9. yes that person is u lunka now u see the light!! grow some balls and attack. u say U KNOW someone spied u so that good reason or r u scared to fight with out ur doom friends lmao?? roal I cant believe u still talk smack after all ur crying and alliance hoping u should go hide under a rock until everyone forgets how big of a cry baby chicken u r cluck cluck 2 weeks ull cry again and fca will be destroyed lmao Lucius is a joke and getting destroyed by methrage Lucius this war has nothing to do with u u came in late shut up and take methrages pounding butt hurt little boy lmaostrange is the worst fighter of all time him and the boy emperor junka he can barely handle me even though I have been fighting so much and have other wars lmao little baby got beat in c0bra and now will get beat in fca!!
  10. ur terrible at everything lmao!!

  11. how is it glorious following methrage around like a puppy or where is glory in sticking ur nose in everyone business? really there is nothing about ur paper empire toy brain washed soliders or u that is glorious. get wrcked scrub!! I DARE U TO ATTACK CHILD LIKE EMPRESS!! lpcn for life!!
  12. lmao I knew these chickens couldn't be trusted strange attacked me while I fight 3 nations like a coward chicky and I am tied with him strange u suck at war vato lmao!!! methrage owns cobra because cobra attacked him and he liberated it don't cry about it Lucius and strange were not even nations when that happened Lucius doesn't come back and call shots he is a chicky poo lol. we fight this war because the cult attacked us. when the cult surrenders we will stop attacking them and let u two slug it out. we have more right to fight them then u. u left them and started fca when u got smashed y don't u think if u got smashed while fighting for the cult u wont get smashed while being fca fighting us and the cult at the same time? think much lol? Lucius strange and the boy emperor lunka are all tca members and plot against our brotherhood daily! junka just jump in this war and lets get it on and crackin lolill be more then happy to leave this pile of mess once c0bra surrenders to us. now u guys have to surrender to us as well since we are not at war some bad things are about to happen to u for wasting our time. my instinct was right to attack u but now I can really dig in #dumbest alliance government ever even dumber (not much) than the child emperor junka augustulus edit..come on junka u chicken I dare u to finally do something manly and attack ur all talk lol ever time we beat snx we attacked first lol chicken!!cluck cluck!
  13. the war was declared it is the (another) limitless nexus - Kashmir war. there r like a million posts about it do u live under a rock lmao get ur facts straight ok Kashmir attacked limitless and I am helping my friend attack c0bra who attacked with Kashmir I am fight a defensive war duh either mind ur own business or if u want to get into mine get ur facts right first before u talk makes u look stupido lol respectfully good old montey!!
  14. I have sent peace to fca members I am fighting I was told by lpcn bosses they are friendly to us and I was in the wrong. for this I apologize and have turned my guns on c0bra!lpcn and fca together we will wipe the cult from the face of the earthwe will help u set the wrongs right friends!!
  15. I will roll fca and c0bra as they are the same
  16. ok I attacked since u insisted I cant wait to fight more of u send them my way asap methrage controls the cobra sphere and if he chooses to change the supreme ruler's title from mandarin to commander that is his right as the one who liberated cobra from kanabis and Layton u guys need to get on board we will not risk another betrayal I suggest joining the liberated cobra and then turning ur guns on the cult of Layton until u do that I will see u just as a branch of the cult who left the cult due to curb stomping all u were very proud at the beginning of this thread u cant just talk all that smack and then just run to another alliance lol I didn't know planet bob's official language was English so sorry my English offends u NOT!!!I make my point that's all that matters to me at least I know more then one language lmao fca is just the chickens from the cult who left and are now trying to be reason look at roal in the beginning of the thread compared to nowi see right past there bullcrap y should fca get honored by the lpcn just to rebuild and re attack with their new anti methrage protectors they could have chosen any protector and they chose Kashmir of all of them open enemies of lpcn we are not stupid we see ur disrespect and then u attack for no reason u get nothing!!!! fully comply or be wiped out u screwed us too many times we have no choice I am peaceful nation but wont tolerate so much aggression towards my friends!!!right now fca has no rights of anything u still haven't made one war against the cult!
  17. on page one of this thread u were all hard core and bad ass 100% sure u were going to win this war! now look where u are u have done a complete change! u have done nothing to prove u can be trusted u haven't attacked c0bra yet and I just don't see y methrage is being nice to u guys I think the free cobra army should be destroyed with c0bra zero cobra cant be trusted neither can roal strange or even my beloved paisa kanabis. kanabis roal and strange should just pick up whatever pieces of their old alliance they lost and start a new alliance all together and this time not be back stabbers traitors cowards and all that backstabbers because of what they did to methrage and cowards from running from the goon war and hiding to be protected animalz didn't run and took hard hits and they are much better off then u for staying in the war not running and being loyal cobra was started by animalz y didn't u take some of their example? ur just going to have to start over because cobra will never be the same it will never be in ur hands again and ur all just wasting ur time lesson learn do not jump people from behind and get beat like a dog in the street lmao
  18. yeah really I am fighting those wars to help defend my friends who were unjustly attacked I didn't want war or to fight in that war I am more interested in economics and nation building discovering new and creative ways to make money and more!!!!so dot say I am aggressive nation because I don't start wars I just help my friends when they get attacked and after the war go back to peaceful ways
  19. I don't hate u paisa u know todo bien pero jack Layton got to go because he played u I respect ur loyalty and u fight hard and stick with it but its not worth it carnal this pinche guy is playing u guys laughing behind ur back y u honor him so much make a cult for him come on guay u even know its pendejadas ciento percente. I don't want to disrespect u on these forums paisa so lets just be cool and finish this thing and u know whats up but take advice man u can still save it all this pendejo ruined a good thing all because he is obsessed with methrage
  20. lo ciento paisa pero ya estuvo! nobody from c0bra has ever beat me including general kanabis: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=583226&Extended=1 #boot layton
  21. send me 6 mil and in 10 days ill send u 100 tech
  22. I didn't say he is cobra born and bred I said he is the rightful ruler because of the fact he liberated it from the worst enemy cobra has ever had and that's kanabis and because possession is 9/10ths of the law and methrage possesses the alliance. methrage liberated cobra and then crowned himself commander and if anyone wants to contend with him with ownership let him step forth but remember what happened to the last contender kanabisif u want him to hand over the name to you and go back to limitless nexus I don't think ur doing it right. the big question is y haven't u helped stomp out cobra's #1 enemy? finish off the cult to prove u don't have ties and then talk about what to do with post war cobra. I wonder if kanabis knew he was goin so badly wreck himself when he posted this but we all know he thought Kashmir and cobra were going to easily curb stomp limitless and he thought he would be hailed triumphant and look like a bad ass and wow boy he was wrong lpcn aint nuttin to funk with! attack the cult and prove what u got to prove don't get a protector who is anti lpcn from the goons to liberating cobra we have done so much for u and u have been so very ungrateful.
  23. cool video but what does it have to do with lpcn marching all over u guys? also ur guys are brainwashed u lie to them and they don't know what happens here and other places and u ran them into the ground for no reason other than ur pride. u better stay off these forums or I will tell rukunu and kindle u are harassing me and bugging me all over our threads and they will handle snx for sure....again lmao....and with no dk money and no tao to help u what will u do? have those who u protect come and fight for u tao style lmao? u want to be part of this war and part of this thread diss me again and ill get snx involved alright but that's what little Romulus wants to fight us after we have all been fighting for so long he would never fight a fresh lpcn and he wouldn't even fight with out dk or tao support like last time we destroyed them lol where is dk? disgraced!!!where is tao? lmao don't even ask!! lol little girl emperor.
  24. well vato.....doom kingdom is a pile of trash cowards who don't defend their friends u suck the old goons were not legit rukunu is the only one who has the right to hold goons down. if I was in doom kingdom I wouldn't talk since ur the laughing stock of bob lmao full of chickens cluck cluck u snx and tao couldn't beat the little old lpcn could u lol?????shut up chicky pie! edit: lol u threw money at junka lunka and we stole it all edit: lol@dk
  25. well u shouldn't be in this thread anyway since it has nothing to do with u the childlike empress roumulus go to ur alliance forums I have been there they are so funny ur members are THEE most brainwashed people on planet bob with kanabis in a close second also Lucius or strange gave kanabis the cobra power making him the last legitimate ruler of cobra before it was liberated by lpcn kanabis couldn't run it right and turned it into a cult dedicated to a false god by liberating cobra methrage has full rights to the alliance besides possession in 9/10ths of the law guay!! metherage is the rightful and legimate owner of cobra and u guys shouldn't make demands of him he has the right to do as he wishes with it it was ur mistake to leave Lucius and urs too strange now deal with what has happened and accept reality I suggest u merge fca into cobra and destroy the cult and build a great alliance with great leaders but u shouldn't expect methrage to hand of cobra especially since he went through the trouble of liberating it also it was ur mistakes that led to kanabis reign so blame urselfs! blame urselfs! cobra has disrespect the lpcn under all three mandarins so what do u expect him to do? just suddenly trust u? trust is earned and methrage has earned it. THAT IS THE REAL REASON LPCN FOLLOW HIS LEAD!! BECAUSE WE ALL TRUST HIM!! not because we have to or are forced to. do u think animalz would do anything they were forced to or didn't want to do come on those guys are nuts. a true leader can never really lead with out trust. methrage saved cobra and u should be happy and thankful instead u make demands and try to act like he is being a jerk. I might attack fca just to see if the little boy emperor will make a move little puppy who follows methrage around LOL only fighters worse than junka lunka's tin toy soliders are kanabis and his cult I think they drank the kool aid before they started to fight lol. VIVA LA LPCN POR LA VIDA BABY
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