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Everything posted by Montezuma

  1. why did u sanction him? seriously he has always been really nice and cool to me and I will fight along him rukunu and all of the lords of the jungle
  2. well now I know ur a liar and cant be trusted because I know him for a long time and he never was in peacemode never during the many wars I fought with him and besides how long can he be in peacemode with 400 wars under his belt lol ur just a liar who makes propaganda like the child boy Romulus lmao and I don't think animalz cares if sum stuffy big brother types recognize them or not. edit plus he cant even come here to defend himself which makes this all the funnier me and visayan speak for animalz now here on the forums
  3. lmao what a little lying child emperor u cant be trusted to tell the truth at all can u remus I mean augustulus lmao!! lord Hitchcock showed ur lies and u continue to lie u should be embarrassed after Hitchcock exposed ur lying. I beat ur snx guy here is the proof, and the proof of ur lying boy child: http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=805442
  4. if u read his letter to you it says he will stay in peace until he gets his sdi also since I have known him this is the first he ever has been in peace. he also fights a lot so he has bite u don't know animalz members like I do. if he says he will stay in peace till he has sdi in the letter y do u wonder y he is still in peace lol? wow that's crazy he has been super nice and respects me always
  5. they r silent probably cause they thought they and cobra were going to destroy lpcn and ended up getting rolled hard and cobra ended up going from a 41 up and coming alliance to a fragmented shadow basically rocked. Kashmir is silent to avoid any further embarrassment
  6. u liar snx never defeated animalz on the field of battle that's another one of ur illusions little Romulus lmao! animalz destroyed snx and that stats can be found anywherelol #easiest war ever #when boy emporoers get addicted to meth #childlike empress is irrelevant lpcn
  7. haha the boy emperor accuses the mighty rebel of lacking in balls when all Romulus does is talk and all rebel does is action. Goons supports rebel in his cause and will help him attack snx the paper imperium led by the boy emperor and his tin soliders!!! our reasons for attacking junka is 1. all the threats he made against goons on the cobra and other threads 2. his slander of us and friends 3. his uncontrollable desire to follow around methrage who is doing a good thing and trying to make brown great and then abusing this good man all over cybernations verbally 4. he has implied he will make war anyway 5. him sticking his nose into our business trying to get people against us 6. his constant lying goons knows as long as junka is doing what he does he will never stop because he lives for methrage well im sorry methrage I didn't ask for permission but I cant resist any more I hope the lpcn and my friends rukunu and animalz forgives me but I must attack snx!! rebel I am honor to fight with a man like u on this battlefield I humbly do ask though that the lpcn joins this worthy cause against the evil dark empire LET US SHINE THE LIGHT OF LIBERTIANISM ON THE DARK EMPIRE AND FREE ITS CITIZENS WHO ARE BRAINWASHED AND ENSLAVED BY THE BOY EMPEROR!! oh and Romulus let this be proof once and for all that lpcn have freedom to do as they please I didn't ask methrage for permission to declare on snx lol!!! edit: http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=805442 here we go again lol I cant wait to make the war statistics that show u have been destroyed again
  8. the question is where haven't u lied lmao ur master plan was nothing I was in animalz then and all that work amounted to nothing but a temp name change for a day lmao good one genius mission UNACCOMPLISHED all of that planning and work did nothing lmao now look at u I saw ur little letter to Layton u admit ur the kinbg of liars and cant be trusted
  9. incase u need to be reminded I am beating u and 2 other of ur friends and holding a strong stance against strange who attacked me out of the blue shut up how can u talk when I am doing all this too u idiota lmao
  10. ok I sent peace to cherkendo and MasterSanic so whoever takes the peace first I don't care and when they take the peace I will attack roal in a duel I didn't want to send peace to Lucius its too fun beating him but if white peace is made then I send to Lucius too but me and roal can continue our fight? its a deal??!! we can fight many more then one round of war I would like too
  11. first smart and truthful thing u ever said I spent all the money ur chicken protectors sent u and so did they rest of animalz we used the money to leave ur lower tier destroyed lmao
  12. are u going to accept my challenge or not??!! whats with all the talk have one of them peace and ill attack asap? I don't care who peaces just have one so I can attack what r u waiting for ill do this all day every day lmao
  13. that's true but if white peace is agreed then we have to stop fighting if we call it a duel I can continue to beat the crap out of him
  14. have any of the fca guys im beating up send peace and I will accept and attack u as soon as they send the peace
  15. I will love to show the world how to creamate a chicky poo like u mr tough guy at first and after ur beat like a dog ur my ghandi lmao
  16. when u get out of anarchy attack me lmao or have one of the fca guys im fighting peace me asap and ill sell down and attack u now
  17. ok attack me now I want to fight roal anytime I didn't see ur challenge but I fully except u r nothing compared to me? can u attack me now?
  18. ur just jealous because I win wars and u talk smask at the beginning of threads then get beat down then try to be ghandi lmao!! join animalz or a lpcn member nations so we can teach u how to really fight lmao! maybe if u pay him rebel will teach u
  19. I have like 100 more wars then u and have fought tough guys almost non stop since joining animalz so shut up u know nothing about me obviously and if u read u see I ask over and over for agreed white peace to end all this strange is the one who refuses to stop all this he is the one who re attacked for no reason so u don't know whats going on
  20. I want to make peace with fca so I can call out snx members for one on one duels unless the boy lunka wants another war which I know the chicky does only would fight us after we are have just finished fighting a hard and long time many wars in a row with no breaks he is too scared to let us refresh ourselves to fight us he is so chicky paper emperor boy king Romulus with all his Christmas soliders lmao!! don't make me call dog the bounty hunter to go kick down ur toy empire Romulus lmao
  21. send me peace strange and have ur friends do the same and we all walk away just don't try any sneaky attacks like u did last time I sent u peace we a reasonable gentlemen in the lpcn
  22. lmao exactly the boy Romulus is a nobody think about it what would or where would he post posting and directing his attention if the lpcn didn't exist? he would be in his toy empire fighting shadows and listening to crickets lmao y don't u fight lunka lmao? little baby emperor last war he was crushed lmao
  23. I am not just a solider I am the little ceaser of the liberated goons and I was given this title by rukunu himself so I am intrusted with goons I know I am not shakesphere but I get my point id like to see u play this game if it was all in Spanish then I would be telling u that ur language structure sucks!
  24. roal do u not see the war page??!! strange attacked me first pendejo stop lying about things!!! ur a pancake alliance hopper lmao u were defeated too many times and did too little damage to be a factor. have ur alliance agree to white peace and the wars stop and we never talk again what is so hard about that just make sure strange doesn't attack again like he just did
  25. oooooh feels so good I love it!! money money money lmao!!! here is another one of ur friends lol http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=805202 I can do this forever u shouldn't have attacked us first u should disrespect us u shouldn't lie u stupids lmao
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