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Everything posted by Montezuma

  1. To: Emperor Montezuma From: leggomydrew Date: 2/10/2016 8:07:37 AM Subject: Peace Offer Message: A peace offer has been submitted by leggomydrew for the following reason: Cessation of Hostilities As soon as both nations accept peace the war will end. If either nation attacks one another this peace offer will be automatically canceled. Edit: please tell your alliance friends to stop messaging me begging me to leave animalz and come to snx. I'm not going to go they are wasting there time.
  2. Man that was an easy war victory tastes so so sweet also methrage doesn't run animalz rukunu does so stop trying to get us to fight or try to make meth look bad or make rukunu feel meth is trying to take over or any stupid plan you have to make us fight with each other. your so easy to read and the war we just won was so easy to win. congrats friends in monsters and limitless n they were no match for us!!
  3. Sweet success!! In a way I feel though like I just beat up a 7 year old gurl lol. Easy win :war: :gun:
  4. pretend court??!! So, so....so you never really thought of me as an ambassador, and you were just playing me the whole time making me believe I was something special? *sniff* :gag: I'm so freakn' butthurt rite now and the only cure is leveling snx :war:
  5. :frantic:CONFUSED!! aRE ANIMALZ FRIENDS with cobra or not? I hope so :wub:
  6. yeah this is all very confusing but I was told that the war was over and that it was a "white peace" because nobody surrendered and nobody had to pay for damages peace was just made because all this wasn't going anywhere. when I asked I was told that my alliance is only at war with Goon Order of Neutral Shoving, and Goon Order of Negligence Oppression and Sadism. Is this true?
  7. IMO both sides are pretty tough. Respect to every one involved :war:
  8. I'll join I want to see what TE is all about been wanting to start playing it for awhile now.
  9. Eddard has the passion, and the heart of a warrior. I like this guy. Viva Eddard, Viva la familia! "When the revolution comes few will be spared" "It is better to die standing then to live life on your knees" - Emiliano Zapata
  10. So kind of like G.I Joe? Seems interesting but aren't you afraid other alliances will try to attack you because you are openly saying you are criminals? And won't it hard to get tech deals?
  11. If anyone is interested in buying tech from me please send :ehm:
  12. Welcome back. Nice charter. Not sure how you guys used to feel about AO, but I hope we are friends now. :awesome:
  13. Awesome update. I love RP threads like this. I will be keeping up on the latest Horensia news!! :popcorn:
  14. Is there anyway to tell if during the times more nations existed there were more inactive nations as well? Could we figure out if even though there are less nations now there just as many or more active ones as before?
  15. Liked your guys themes. Good luck amigos can't wait to see what the future holds!! :popcorn:
  16. I thought I read he didn't even play anymore...Did he re-roll or something?
  17. This is actually an awesome alliance to be in with members who are willing to teach newer people (like myself) how to build, trade, and do tech deals. Good alliance for smaller nations to join IMO because there are more tech buyers here then you can shake a stick at lol. o/ AO
  18. Why don't you start your own alliance?
  19. Congrats! It may be due to the fact I'm relatively new to the forums, and CN politics but observing the development of alliances and how things work and why they work (or don't work) is pretty exciting. o/ all of planetbob!! Can't wait to see what the future holds :popcorn:
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