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Everything posted by Montezuma

  1. here is a question for methrage there is this new cobra army thing that was started by Lucius who is a tca member and usually they hate on the lpc should we attack these guys for false flagging cobra and taking in cobra fighters? edit...they say the dark Templar protects them
  2. just like a sleazy nova nation asking to fight while im in the middle of a war and have 3 personal wars going but I don't care send some of ur nations to hit me and I will gladly destroy them just check out my war page I already beat up ur guys so bad in the past and will again just tell them to attack(I apologize to everyone in c0bra and the lpcn for sleazy's intrusion on our war thread. they don't have their own business u see so they have to be in our talks). sleazy nova x high jacking our thread LMAO what else is new??! I am not a prize fighter I am a solideri don't duel I war vato!!!send anyone in my range to hit me and see what happens I know u want to fight in this war so bad y don't u just say u want to help c0bra and Kashmir y beat around the bush chicken??!! attack me and see what happens but be men and just say u have nothing to do and u hate the lpcn cuz ur so jealous of us and u cant stand to see what happened to c0bra and Kashmir when they sidelined methrage for no reason!!LMAO u want us so bad so fight! look u chickens ask a guy who is in the middle of war to fight lol that is so funny and sad so tough lmao the boy emperor speaks!! little Romulus lmao. I have 3 wars I am beating c0bra as usual just like I used to destroy on ur meat shields u asking me to fight while I have these wars and have been in wars proves ur nothing but a chicken emperor!!but please we all know u want to fight why hold back chicky emperor? u lost with dk, and tao helping u, now we will just roll u up and smoke u!! sweet sweet kannabis getting converted to smoke as well....I trash talk ur alliance because it sucks and because when we beat u two times it was..... #easiestwarever of course u would wait until we were in war long to start making challenges. here is mine Romulus I have war slots to attack full so if u want a fight send one of ur patty cakes to hit me if not stay out of our business got it little boy emperor augustulus lmao lpcn 4 life
  3. join the liberated Goons!! About Goon Order of Neutral Shoving: We are an alliance of well mannered businessmen who seek to make the brown team, all our friends, and ourselves economic powerhouses. We are strongly anti-war, anti-troll, and anti-aggression while being pro-peace, and advocates for brown economic growth. Join us today!
  4. he can talk and fight at the same time pendejo its called multi tasking and it seems he is doing good at it unlike u who cant seems to talk reason or fight LOL this was a sweet victory because its always nice to see liars and back stabbing traitors get rizzity wrcked scrubski
  5. roal y are u posting in this thread u joined sleazy nova x and that alliance has nothing to do with this war so stay out of our business didn't ur new leader junka lunka tell u what happens when members of sleazy nova follow around the lpcn sticking their noses in our business? u get wrecked scrubgo make a thread about the lives and times of sleazy nova nations and post all over it. make sure the thread includes talking about how much junka wishes he was methrage and how the lpcn gives them reason to live and how u all love being junkas farming meat shields LOL LMAO u and the cult of Layton c0bra cobra zero are perfect example of what happens to backstabbing traitors and now u work for junka lol the boy emperor u pick the worst people to follow just wait until lunka leads u into a war and leaves ur nation a hot mess while he takes all the aid from whoever is dumb enough to send it to him rotflmao how many times will u bet on a dead horse
  6. no good sir traitors and liars should never be admired remember they openly said they knew animalz would jump in if they hit methrage and they had zero reason to tangle with animalz since I personally know from being in animalz that they had nothing but high hopes and good intentions for cobra, they tried to treaty with them and do business and everything and all they got for it was betrayal and cobra signing treaties with animalz enemies to spit in the face of those valiant warriors who should be admired la familia animalz I have only known methrage for a short time so I cant say his accomplishment before I started knowing him but since I known him he has fought against the toughest alliances in the game held his ground never to waveru can love or hate the lpcn as LIBERTERIANS we will fight and die for u to have the right but don't say the lpcn isn't a accomplishment for him against all odds he became senator, cultured the animalz sum and organized probably the most loyal group of nations in bob into a extremely dangerous group of fighters u can say all u want that the lpcn isn't bad ass but that doesn't make it true all it does is prove u cant keep our name out of ur mouth or our organization out of ur mind. methrage has accomplished a lot. u margrave on the other hand are a unknown. u have done nothing. built nothing. have been part of nothing really special. I challenge u to post here and now greater accomplishments than methrage has. I challenge u to show an prove why u are greater than methrage. its impossible becuz ur not!!ur not even on his level not even good enough to lick the dog crap which is ur alliance plus a good of Layton idol worshippers off his boots LOL!!so please for the world to see tell us what u have done other than follow lpcn members around making stupid comments. what makes u worth anything? y should anyone think u are a greater man and nation leader than methrage? there is nothing his accomplishments greaty greaty greaty out weigh and out match urs lpcn for life!!
  7. no just u and those who follow u its easy to prove u see u said urself that by attacking methrage u knew animalz would help him u knew u would basically be attacking animalz too so u entered a war well actually u blinded sided a man who was peaceful towards u after he just fought snx and doom at the same time knowing that would be an act of aggression towards animalz. this is important because u knowingly and willfully took the option to attack a alliance who were very cool with u from the beginning also tried to treaty with u and be friends and I know animalz was personally nice to u before this war and never gave u crap about teaming up with cashqueer even though u teamed up with a known enemy of the lpcn. u betrayed people who were rooting for u and had ur back carnal, that's y u die not only that but u try to throw dr strange under the bus for no reason telling us he lied and blah blah, yet he fessed up long ago u know ur going down and u wanted to take strange with u people make mistakes fess up apologize and move on that's the man way and that's what cobra's new mandarin dr strange did. those are two good examples of how and y ur a traitor vato...............u stay with the ones who use u as meat shields because now ur pride is in the way and its too late to save it u will let ur followers burn because u want to look like the man let me tell u that's a terrible look! a leader who cared about his alliance would swallow his pride and do whats best for the people u are not capable of doing that so dr strange has been crowned new mandarin so just hand over the alliance to him, and step down. ALL HAIL DR STRANGE THE NEW MANDARIN OF COBRA!! lpcn GOONS animalz limitless nexus Sigrun and Co the final countdown and welcoming cobra
  8. also really cool flag methrage would u please make the new lpcn liberated goons flag for us??!! please please!!
  9. wats wrong junka lunka not getting any attention now that ur not fighting the lpcn? need to follow senator methrage around and post on his threads for anyone to remember u exist lmao!!!! I wish so bad u would pick another fight with the lpcn so we can go back to destroying u at least ur guys are organized and u took at least a little time teaching them the very basics of war cobra didn't bother doing any of that I am not saying lunkas fighters are good just better than cobra if u don't have the balls to attack and just want to creep around our threads since ur importance left the minute u peace with us that's so sad little boy emperor little Romulus augustalus well I am the ostrogoths pendejo remember that!!!! u don't have doom or tao to help u we love the idea of dr strange taking the wheel, joining lpcn, and booting Layton from the aa ALL HAIL DR STRANGE MANDARIN OF COBRA, AND BROTHER TO THE LPC!!!!!
  10. looks like u missed ur objective guay lol!! y do u harbor the guy who is the cause of ur rolling? how much evil does Kashmir have to do to u for u to realize u were, are, and will be used by them until there is nothing left of u. boot Layton from the alliance an appeal to methrage based on the grounds of ignorance. reading the beginning of this thread is messed up just seeing how confident and cocky ur team was on the first page, and now on page 16 both ur alliances are nothing but ashes and shame lol I don't know if its too late but methrage is understanding and kind hearted boot jack, renounce those who used and abused u, pledge ur loyalty to the lpcn, and lets have some fun. this beating cant be fun, and its terrible Kashmir or urself would send in all ur noobs to get slaughtered by a supiorior enemy
  11. how does it feel to be rolled when u were so very sure u were going to do the rolling its so fantastic that this became what it is because u Kashmir meat shields really thought u were just going to roll limitless nexus and march off into the sunset singing songs of victory but now u see a lpcn parade marching through ur backyard and not only u but ur "protectors lmao lol" can do nothing about it except watch our forces march in triumph across ur lands karma karma karma!!!!! u tried so hard to be a tough guy raider alliance. real war is much different then raiding isn't it? animalz is professional at both sucka!! I am currently destroying ur leaders nation and he is broke tell kashqueer to send him some aid so I can steal it like I used to steal doom aid from snx. daaang son that just happened!! one things rukunu stresses that is so true. on planet bob loyalty and BALLS is everything, and pixels are nothing. you have no balls since u ran from the goons and went under the wing of a protector which is hilarious to us. oddly enough that is also the reason u have no loyalty, well that and how u left the lpcn when times were hard if u would have stayed with us ur alliance wouldn't be burning to the ground, u would have loyal friends, and u would be enjoying building with us. now u die with the very same people who tricked u, and used u, and then got ur alliance destroyed. I don't think it has set in for you yet. cobra is ruined. u really should have practiced war and worked ur way up before u even thought about fighting guys like animalz and ln and the lpcn. some of animalz best fighters didn't even bother to fight in this war because they knew u would be an easy roll and felt some newer less experienced guys needed some practice just imagine if everyone got involved!! surrender to methrage, and take his viceroy. or merge into goons! u want a future or to burn with the people who made a mockery of u and ur alliance and ur work. LPCN for life And to all our open enemies thank you for being men and open about not liking us instead of acting like these traitors who smiled in our face then attacked from the back we respect war and enemies but some deserve no honor!!!!
  12. these kids would have never lasted in animalz visayan, and its great too see u its been awhile give my regards to rukunu and kindle let them know the occupation of goons is going great!!also do u think cobra knows that they are going to lose a ton more in this war then they would have fighting goons? more losses and non of the honor since fighting goons against all odds is honorable and jumping on the bandwagon just to get ur little culo spanked is the exact opposite LOL
  13. all I was tryin to say was its funny that the ones who were supposed to protect u ended up being the ones that caused ur rolling and ur not beating animalz they are running all over u. I didn't want to ignite a who did what and all that argument I just wanted to point out how hilarious it is that ur protectors couldn't protect u or themselves lmao. ahhhhh the irony u said u knew what u were getting into but ur complaining about others or too much war or too many people fighting u guys don't know what war is and im guessing ur first major war will be ur last kannabis is right u should just stop commenting here and fight take the beating then u all can go join different alliances or start a new one because there is no future in cobra it makes terrible choices and its the blind leading the blind all its leaders have been horrible u recruit quantity and not quality ur fighters are terrible. I am currently beating 3 of ur guys with ease #secondeasiestwarever or maybe even first since snx fighters are much better and more organized and active then u guys and also its sad that u left us for Kashmir we would have shown u true friendship and loyalty its funny because after all this time u still don't see that KASHMIR USED YOU TO GET METHRAGE MAD THEY KNEW HE LIKED YOU GUYS AND WANTED YOU IN THE LPC SO THEY SCOOPED U KNOWING U WERE TO SCARED TO MARCH INTO BATTLE WITH US AND WOULD CHOOSE THE SAFE WAY WITH A LOL "PROTECTOR" LOL LOL LOL AND YOU GUYS FELL FOR IT THINKING IN THE LONG TERM U WOULD BE BETTER OFF BUT NOW LOOK AT YOU!!! LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO YOUR ALLIANCE! ALL IN THE SAKE OF METHRAGE AND THEIR OBSESSION WITH HIM. THIS WAR STARTED BECAUSE OF THEIR OBSESSION WITH METHRAGE THEY COULDNT LEAVE HIM ALONE AND NOW YOU HAVE TO BURN WITH THEM. WHY DONT YOU GET IT??!! YOU WERE USED, AND CONTINUALLY ARE BEING USED! VIVA LA LPC SIEMPRE
  14. lmao let me see if I follow....ur protectors the people who are supposed to protect you end up needing u to protect them so you both ended up getting juked and ur boys don't even send u any aid im sorry not ur boys but ur actual protectors so the ones who u ran to for protection ended up being the cause of ur rolling lol the irony... VIVA LA LPC
  15. To: Emperor Montezuma From: ebizimo tonbra Date: 4/13/2016 7:01:09 PM Subject: war Message: How dear you declare war on my peaceful country. I promise you, I will not give you rest until I completely bring your country down to ground zero. This war will continue for years and ages to come, because Niger delta is a peaceful Nation developing at it's pace until bloody you came along. Signed. President of NIGERDELTA. Received Message To: Emperor Montezuma From: ebizimo tonbra Date: 4/15/2016 9:39:14 AM Subject: Peace Offer Message: A peace offer has been submitted by ebizimo tonbra for the following reason: Cessation of Hostilities As soon as both nations accept peace the war will end. If either nation attacks one another this peace offer will be automatically canceled. To: Emperor Montezuma From: arif2016 Date: 4/14/2016 6:16:23 PM Subject: RE: War Message: You do realise I am within range of personally attacking you ....soooo easily ? And have multiple times the troops and tanks you have. One simple military purchase to bring me in range , I declare war on you then the I max out my military raise you to rubble. Just save me the effort. Better yet I could just put out a call for all in range to destroy you , you're attacking a small member nation who doesn't have ass much influence .... One call to the alliance from myself will see it you are engaged you and your bum chum member
  16. roal ur alliance betrays the LPCN and signs a treaty with a group who openly hates LPCN after being friends with LPCN first and even being started by ex animalz, strike one, then u guys start getting brainwashed during the Lucius era and get all cozy with crimson army which hates LPCN and all of the sudden ur votes start to fade away, strike two, then you help Kashmir blindside LN for no good reason, strike three! to add a cherry on top of this dog poopy sundae u insult rebel :facepalm: , and trash talk animalz in this very thread. so u deserve everything that is coming to u. :war: any cobra member who wants to join a respectable alliance who does not get used like cobra was used by Kashmir can join animalz occupied goons (or the restored goons depending who u ask) :awesome: just join, change to brown and vote sephiroth, after that pick a target in cobra or Kashmir and attack :gun:
  17. oops I forgot to say GOONS are declaring on Cobra and Kashmir in defense of LPCN :war:
  18. methrage is not a bully its just people like Kashmir keep him low ns I mean think about it where is the honor in attacking a nation who just got done fighting a big war with snx? if people didn't just attack him constantly he would have time to build and then fight bigger nations but since people attack him non stop its like this. he didn't even do anything and he was attacked for no reason don't cry that the only people meth fights are low ns if people wont even let him build. this quote I posted above is by a man who is willing to destroy his nation and always talks about methrage yet claims he is sick of methrage but non stop posts about him this guys are lunitics and cray cray!!! cobra is going to be destroyed now too :war: people complain about methrage getting too much lime light yet make posts about him. he wasn't posting much after the snx war but then he gets attacked and his enemies make posts about him complaining about how much attention he gets and people who pay attention to him are stupid by they make the posts and comments they make no sense at all!! :facepalm: methrage is a good senator and a good friend and anyone who disagrees is a hater and if they really don't like him or are sick of him they wont attack him or make posts about him or sell down billions to fight him :gag:
  19. to me new is one of the coolest alliances I have read about them so sha-la-la-la :popcorn: * the "sha-la-la-la" that was sung should be sung to the tune of the "family ties" t.v show "sha-la-la-la"
  20. Npo can get ready for.... #Easiest War Ever..... :smug: :awesome: :ph34r: SNX = :gag:
  21. this alliance has died didn't even last a year was a terrible and pathetic experiment :awesome:
  22. it was all b.s...that's why they had to post so many memes and stuff on their alliance recruitment thread so they could reassure themselves constantly that they didn't suck. tao was a epic fail. does anyone want to see the new statistics that just arrived in from nasa? there grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr8!
  23. yes please no more flaming here our alliance is a peaceful one and we do not want to be associated with all this bad energy we just want to have a good time and play a cool game!
  24. GOONS would like to officially declare their freedom from the hands of tyranny!! we are now rightfully again in the power of RUKUNU and the universe is again in order :awesome: we will work hard for peace on brown and we will work to grow everyone's economy and help in times of need for money or war :war: GOONS also takes times to express our support for the LPCN but we also love all brown alliances even SNX (not sure if there is anything left of them but if there is we love it!!) this is an official announcement I wish you all a great day!!! :awesome:
  25. links to the new war pages - - - - - operation dog pound - http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Operation_Dog_Pound war on terror - http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/War_on_Terror I take my job as historian very seriously and these are the most accurate accounts of the wars o/ lpc n la familia :war: :gun:
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