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Everything posted by Duderonomy

  1. Given Hitchcock's posting history, I'll put something in his head, but it ain't a helmet. Now back to the reality show. Can Mussolini and Trotsky really live together on a farm in upstate New York? How will they manage their finances? What happens when *twist* Ayn Rand is revealed as their landlord and demands rent? All this and more on a Planet Bob near you.
  2. This is now closed. Oh, you can still post here until the mod locks it, but I won't reply and nobody else cares to (StarFox and Rey have both said they're done). Franz should be writing the matches right now.
  3. I've got some skid marks if you want to see them.
  4. Not sure who you have in mind, but Bill Alfonso is never afraid to let his feelings be known. Even when it comes to feuding with his higher ups, he doesn't hang up his whistle and never lets a chair in the ring without a disqualification.
  5. With NATO's ties to the supercereal boxers over in Farkistan and the over-the-top lulzist wrestlers in Non Grata, straddling the line between real and fake is something you relish. Well, Antonio Inoki, just make sure you break that butterfly and avoid that beesting.
  6. In the interest of getting this finished before Friday, I'll go ahead and make some suggestions for Franz. If Starfox manages to make an appearance, he's free to change any of these. I'm not as familiar with most of you guys, There's only one feared tyrant of the WWE. While you tried to go your own way, you could not give up your love of the Pacifica dictat and the sweet, sexy arms of that Authority, Letum. You'e got that Pedigree, Triple H. It doesn't get more whimsical than a luchadore, and you are one of Los Bizarros ("The Bizarre") on Bob, the nations of MI6. Get that Sharpshooter ready, Escoria. Works for me. Remember that Margrave and Kashmir are watching you guys in The Agency (aka Doomsphere). You are Randy Orton. The champion of the Pacifican Authority. I'm also going to have a go at CubaQuerida, since Franz said he was interested but couldn't post. While it seems like StarFox101 was leaning towards Vince McMahon, we all know that role should belong to admin. Instead, Cuba is the original monstrosity who wouldn't go down. The one man who could have kept the title all to himself, if he wanted (as admitted by the Hulkster himself). It looks like you do have a posse, Andre the Giant, and its name is Doomsphere. Edit: Switched Saxasm from Kane because we already have a Kane. One pair of Rick Flairs is already enough. No need for two sets of twins.
  7. Are you serial? This is two transistors short of any sort of logic. Behold the pomp and circuitry of the ferrous masses! o/ paramagnatism
  8. Very delicious Your tears provide nourishment moar please k thx bai
  9. I looked up some old Youtube videos, and I completely forgot about the Big Bossman vs. Big Show storyline. I don't know who was doing the writing for Bossman, but he did some really messed up stuff. Like epically unfunny right back to funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhSh35ryueA
  10. BRB have a full bladder and need to mark my territory. o/ our stuff o/ materialism We hold orgies and dance naked in the moonlight. Ain't no party like an NG party.
  11. I know I'd love a chance at it. Sadly, my feelings don't matter as much as politics do. Such is the burden of loyalty, something you'd know nothing about. People criticize Umb for opportunism, but at least Umb canceled their treaties before the war, rather than waiting until it broke out to say "Sorry, bros. I'm outie. Good luck!"
  12. Obvious treaty is obvious. Can't believe this hasn't happened already.
  13. This is how you do it, Master Holton.
  14. Art is usually saved for the recruitment threads, to keep down the pointless bumps.
  15. TBH, this is the most entertainment we'll get until the next global war starts. Give us our meaningless melodrama!
  16. That's OK. The treaty was only good for toilet paper, anyway.
  17. I would also like to add that I am still here even though Cuba and Artigo know I am the source of Syphilpix. I will completely decimate DBDC even though I can't declare a single war on any of their nations. They are greatly dishonored by my continued existence on Bob and I will threaten their sellers without attacking a single one. :smug:
  18. Yet another announcement that has no consequence at all. Oskar should just declare war on Bob in general to save the dozen or so topics that he will inevitably post. Tywin, can you write him a manifesto or something? You're well familiar with persecution complexes.
  19. NATO has already recieved medical attention for Syphilpix. I'm sure there's enough native immunity that they won't need antiviral treatment. o/ inoculations o/ herd immunity o/ getting medical advice from actual doctors
  20. Granted, the US has lots of insane wrestling gimmicks, but I'm not seeing many Japanese wrestlers or Luchadores. Please take this international, Starfox. Don't make me steal your briefcase full of wrestling bios. Oh, and Rey & Franz, I don't think we have a persona assigned for Starfox. Get on that. PS: Stewie, the Big Show is way better than the Rock. Neither can wrestle that well, but Big Show's size lets him do crazy stuff.
  21. I would be willing to accept animated gifs. And Invicta, I hope your counter-spy op worked. ;)
  22. Agreed. Weekly updates are better than no updates or old updates, and give a better idea of overall trends, rather than being subject to minor blips. Daily updates are optimal, but Gopherbashi might need time to work back up to them.
  23. I'm with it, so long as I get his chick, too. I hear she has webbed feet. :ehm: TidyBowlMan knows I have a thing for webbed feet. :v:
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