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Everything posted by gunzzz

  1. Smartest thing this guy has said. I mean,why can't you suggest to admin to send this mass message?
  2. I'm glad we are finallly teaching the English how to drive, especially in case of a snow storm.
  3. Death to npo!!! Reps increased to $500 billion gazillion for taking so long to peace out
  4. Just hold tight until the war is over. I'll call my buds to raid you again... You were so much fun
  5. Or it wasn't... How will we ever know?! The horror!
  6. Rota should join IRON... Just imagine the destruction it would cause!
  7. They are busy reading their 12 books of warfare ...watch out r&r, they're coming!
  8. the biased opinions of some is a factor
  9. As a new member I'll say what got me to stick around was tech raiding. Before I did thst I was in an alliance which didn't allow tech raiding, drn. They didn't even have a war guide so I was ignorant of the war aspect of the game. I left after leadershp issue ruined the alliance and joined a starting micro, which failed due to leadership. I was going to quit because of fustration of not finding a stable alliance. Goons requested I join them and thats where i learned to raid. Ever since then, i find it fun to raid, see people's overreactions when I raid them and met some decent people to raid with
  10. The game mechanics are so damn simple... To make war guides that are ever so long like you claim is a waste of time.
  11. Please do... We at least have proper war guides
  12. How bout this... Both alliances suck!!! That said, r&r are the recruiting whores of cn, you pretty much lost that battle
  13. Well it's a good thing I didn't listen to you franz and join ng when I was looking for an aa. I mean, I can understand that shit happens, people get tired of other people in the same aa, so they kick people they get tired of. But at least the aa should have let you know that they were tired of you and not just kick you without you knowing anything about it and to do it at a time when you couldn't be on due to vacation. What a dick move
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