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Everything posted by gunzzz

  1. A shoutout to the Nameless One of NPO for letting me anarchy him before he deletes. (http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=538969)
  2. No one cared for this thread anyway... Except for Loki but that's not saying much
  3. Not really.:. Being anti globalization( as in not giving into free trade policies) and creating nationalization policies that have been around longer than Marx doesn't mean Marxism or communism. But yes, maybe if the US started to do tariff policies and some nationalization policies thst have been in their history since the country started, maybe the west would be better. But thst is hardly a cry for communism
  4. So china is communist? Can all the commies that know it's basic principles stand behind this? I highly doubt it, for they debate about this all the time... Frankly, china's policies, especially in econ, is more influenced by tariff and nationalistic policy that not need be communist at all. Works by F. List or Alexander Hamilton for example. Frankly you guys remind me of free marketeers, ask where in hell have they've seen a free market system around the world, and you'll have people debate for years on such a simple question Edit:damn you, you editor!!!!
  5. As another ex-DRNmember, I can agree with this... Though basically as soon as HB downgraded it's treaty with drn, that's when things started to get real bad. Trying to deal with that plus an egotistic drn sovereign was a pain in the ass
  6. dude, just a simple explanation on how this argument is idealogical , or I call bs... It really shouldn't be thst hard to explain...
  7. You clearly don't know what an argument means.
  8. I get what you are saying, I just wouldn't necessarily call it communism or acting in a communist nature... It's too broad of use for me to derive any meaning from it.
  9. Alexio is a punk.... Oh hi alexio <3
  10. Arent you emphasizing the case for commie alliances a tad bit much here?
  11. Hey now, at least we make the best moonshine in the world
  12. Proof in point... Even commies get confused on what the basic principles are of communism. My goonie ass can't be that stupid then.
  13. I only have frets on my guitar, not my head.... And you are the one calling me stupid... Sheesh
  14. He is just pissed because NPO doesn't have a boner for him as he does for NPO.
  15. Going onto the mercy board is an optional action. People go on there on their own to end raid attacks and be on the no attack list. Goons even have to do it if they fuck up... The terms are really simple, like some MS paint or funny essay, that shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to do. Bottom line is that if you go on the mercy boards for peace, just do the damn terms, or else get flamed on. If you don't want to do the terms, then don't sign up for the goons forums and ask for peace on the board. It's really that simple
  16. and we all know that is wishful thinking... We don't even trade tech with umbrella, we only trade tech with fellow goons... We're evil that way
  17. As a person that likes to raid a lot, thus having a low NS (and probably never going to be a buyer of tech),I support this commie in trying to get me more money!!!
  18. Somebody has a stick up their ass... Once you guys figure out what the hell communism is, I'll look into it, maybe... maybe we can have a tea party with Obama, Castro, and Stalin and talk about the greatness of Marx and communist theory Ill have nacy pelosi to host the event :)
  19. Most commies I talk to basically have the same ideals as anarchists. Plus the way la Marx talks about communism, it seems more in tune with those anarcho-commie types instead of the way the commie gov in game is set up, which is a heavily militarized type of gov, maybe more in tune with Stalinist. Fuck do I know though, I'm not a commie, thank god, too much indecisiveness in the philosophy to get me interested in it, let alone figure out what the hell it is
  20. I think you should be a true commie and always have your nation (and nations in your AA if there are any ) always in anarchy...
  21. Oh yeah... VE might be a good choice :P I do show my skepticism of this by saying "maybe" and "might"... Also hey rey
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