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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1322765937' post='2858348'] If NpO doesn't want their help then they should have told them to stay out like it appears they told RIA. [/quote] I agree.
  2. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1322765182' post='2858329'] I am in agreement with this viewpoint. I just don't see why Polar would request STA/UPN's help but not RIA. [/quote] Are you sure Polar requested STA and UPN enter? (not being sly, I'm honestly unaware)
  3. [quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1322723612' post='2857964'] I'm in, it'll be interesting to be trained in the ways of chefjoe and Ivan Moldavi [/quote] chefjoe isn't even close.
  4. You mean you're going to teach people how to RP in CN? Nonpossible. Anyway, I've got time so I'm interested.
  5. [quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1322698332' post='2857371'] I see a lot of butthurt (either that or crummy attempts at amateur psychology) here because SF aren't getting drawn into this as quickly as some would like. Patience, people, patience. [/quote] I'd have to agree with this guy here. Besides, isn't this whole war about IRON and TOP getting revenge anyway?
  6. Wasn't aware AZTEC was around still, have fun all. Except WAPA, roll those guys STA.
  7. [quote name='masterbake' timestamp='1322601466' post='2856083'] Didn't STA do exactly that same thing in BiPolar? Fighting for Polar then fighting for C&G? [/quote] I specified it to fighting for both sides at one time. STA went from one to another after their front on the first finished.
  8. [quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1322540202' post='2855472'] That is a lie. I've seen the Dilber with my own eyes. He is no myth. [/quote] Was he wearing pants?
  9. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1322539123' post='2855446'] roll Janax. [/quote] I agree. Also congrats.
  10. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1322520397' post='2855119'] IIRC hasn't FOK also done this? [/quote] Not sure, if they have then I modify my statement to 'one of the two'
  11. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1322511821' post='2855034'] Two days of warfare (and a couple more hours) but more than five extra days of serious rumors. It's as if their political branch reacted but their military didn't. If you think we're enough of a threat to justify this hasty treaty, we should have been enough of a threat to make them get ready too. Unless they had hoped this treaty would deter us and we called their bluff and they've since been scrambling to get their alliance ready. [/quote] Escalation builds in stages, we both know they'll show up when they think it bests suits the coalition as a whole. RIA is the only alliance to ever fight on both sides of a war at one time for their allies, and for that at least I respect them. I'm fairly certain they never expected this treaty to ever scare anyone.
  12. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1322506817' post='2854990'] Reminder that they have an SOS treaty. [/quote] Well played.
  13. [quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1322506091' post='2854980'] To compare RIA in this situation to Valhalla last war is completely idiotic and quite embarassing. I need not explain why the two situations are completely different. The fact of the matter is that NpO was aggressively attacked by the forces of TOP/IRON. RIA, you signed a treaty giving your word to defend your 'friend,' Polaris. You should be ashamed of yourselves. [/quote] It's been 2 days.
  14. Seems like you guys are good allies and very genuine, although perhaps lacking in knowledge on how warfare and politics work around here. Haters will always be there, just learn your lesson about this mistake and apply it for the future. Have fun Avalanche and IRON.
  15. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1322461321' post='2854507'] pretty sure if you want us to come in so badly you know how to correct this, you've already declared one war without a CB that have any relevance to the past 2 years, why not another? [/quote] Holy crap learn to shut up.
  16. [quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1322457444' post='2854278'] If this was an SF led operation I think we'd be into the third or fourth chains by now. Sadly we are but cogs is a much more hesitant war machine. [/quote] You and Mogar are probably the only reasons people actually have started to dislike RIA at all (besides those who always have)
  17. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1322447826' post='2854157'] I lasted until the tears of a certain group of people threatened to drown me. I've never heard so much bawing in my life. [/quote] Or until your terrible warchest ran out.
  18. [quote name='Kochers' timestamp='1322344941' post='2852897'] Update coming soon, including new NS data! [/quote] Awesome, thanks.
  19. [quote name='WalkerNinja' timestamp='1322429230' post='2853997'] Supporting cast of legends: Comrade Vader Josef Thorne ElBruc OchoCinco [/quote] I would add Philosopher, Bakunin, and USBR for the GW era.
  20. Impressed by plenty of these, good job guys.
  21. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1322325107' post='2852569'] Great read my ass. I'm astounded by my horrible grammar. [/quote] Fun times regardless.
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