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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. Looks like a fun idea, I wish you luck.
  2. [quote name='Lenny N Karl' timestamp='1321883144' post='2848088'] Compare those to the terms NPO got and tell me it is abuse. losing a war does not mean you were abused, it means you lost. Happened to us before, happened to you before. if this is the way it is supposed to be, everyone would be moaning and crying about some war from the past. But as usual, it is only the same CERTAIN alliances doing it, moaning about their severe and total beat down by NPO yeeears ago. But please, continue to keep trying to shove every kid on the play ground hoping to stir up a fight. perhaps the self-esteem you are looking for will be found in the continued belittling of others who don't follow in your pitiful mold. I will agree that I saw no point in a statement on these forums about these war games. you got us there. lessons learned for our current leadership who were only trying to have some fun. Gotta remember that if we want to have a party to only let our friends know. Otherwise the sociopathic old coot from down the street comes by and pees in the punch as always. Plus I don't see NATO's name on that anywhere. you bitter "guilty by association" types need to grow some short hairs. /rant over, not worth it //everyone have a nice short week! [/quote] The OWF is a terrible place.
  3. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1321406262' post='2845281'] I'd rather watch major global events occur while I'm out of office and then claim they're the inevitable result of my past works if good and the inevitable result of other people's failures if bad. [/quote] I was more referring to the next chapter of CN history after this inevitable one, should be a fun time.
  4. Congrats to the newly appointed, especially 1337 and SPH. Enjoy retirement Ardus, though I expect you'll be back in government when the time is right.
  5. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1321296248' post='2844656'] I'll be smug whether the road I tread leads to glory or ruin, thank you very much. [/quote] I can confirm this.
  6. [quote name='LordDarknessOfLight' timestamp='1321294173' post='2844645'] I post with my respects to Kaskus, you guys have fun and same to Grata. Now yeah, I said neutral because like I said, thats what I learned. That does not mean completely neutral we are neutral in general but when feel threatened, we make a move in what we see fit. [/quote] This is fair in regards to our membership. We really don't care about people until they start messing with our friends.
  7. [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1320368052' post='2838044'] Reading all this makes me a little more happy in the world, I always think I'm behind but all I have to do is read these war chests and see these nations with like 250 mil, it makes me sleep better at night. Obligatory TRAITOR!!!!! [/quote] Umbrella makes my warchest feel small. I am the 99%
  8. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1321265666' post='2844538'] theres a hidden article 3 if you guess what it is you win a prize [/quote] csm gets dibs on tech deals
  9. Congrats guys, you've been around quite a while and are chill people.
  10. Impressive growth Deinos, well done. Congrats Umbrella.
  11. [quote name='Sang Amurwabhumi' timestamp='1321078995' post='2843604'] I will, so help me God [/quote] Please do.
  12. [quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1321238344' post='2844409'] everyone knows you never go full retard [/quote] Glad someone else caught it.
  13. Celestial Being hereby...wait nevermind. I recommend going to peace mode right now until you learn what everyone is speaking of here.
  14. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1321051019' post='2843371'] If everything and everyone was completely honest, you'd have a lot more of alliances called "generic grouping of nations #56,891", "our idea of humour is using 2003 memes" or "I just wanted to be Emperor of something". I guess you'll just have to live with it. [/quote] So true.
  15. Shouldn't this be in World Affairs?
  16. If you were doitzel, it might be more groundbreaking.
  17. [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1320961233' post='2842867'] Please also read the Bold parts If you do the following should be clear. 1. No one could think that Tetris was cowards had they left the battlefield without NSO. 2. The only one that keept Tetris on the Battlefield was Tetris itself! WC, I am not angry, I just dont belive that you only did this to save Tetris, If it had only been for Tetris then what did you need MK for? Why make thoose ill choosen threats about hitting both NSO & Legion when every one could see that the only one you could do any real damage to was Legion. Not to talk about that stuff about 'saving' us all from bad posts on the owf Also we only have to deal with the fact that that a bigger alliance got involved, we dont have to accept it. [OOC]I said elephant [OOC] [/quote] MK offered to be a part of this and we accepted. Their reasons are their own and unimportant to us as we knew our goal going in, and we achieved it. If we wanted to roll Legion we would have done it from the beginning, I don't see why that's so hard to grasp.
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