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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1320932062' post='2842669'] [img]http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/9972/captureoqw.jpg[/img] ... [img]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/1794/capture2qb.jpg[/img] Getting excited over arbitrary minutes passing by. What about you? [/quote] It's still 11/10 in real time zones.
  2. [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1320872453' post='2842328'] Yes, when Tetris was told by the involved AA that they could leave then yes. Besides everybody could see that it was 'Game Over' for Tetris. It was not like any one could say that they was cowards running to save their infra. They had done their best, but lost! No shame in that. Tetris keept itself in the war, because of misguided loyalty. If an allied keep your own alliance in war for nothing but their own pride and you yourself has taken damage be on our ability to fight, help or draw enemy fire in any meaningfull way then is is ok to exit a war. Especially when your allieds dont mind and you have already made up your mind to accept the terms of your foe. Yes, and you did it with the grace of an elephant in a glass-knickknacks-shop! Congrats? [/quote] VE can't dictate to Tetris how it decides to leave a war, that is up to them and it was our duty to help them as an ally. Whether it would have not been cowardly for them to leave is irrelevant to us as an ally. I understand you're angry that bigger alliances got involved, but you should just accept your victory and move on.
  3. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1320784188' post='2841798'] Come on VE/MK. You guys should have at least planned this threat business so one of your nations would win all this tech! [/quote] NPO gave us an order, we followed.
  4. [quote name='ShouAS' timestamp='1320767075' post='2841661'] wait, are MK/VE trying to go back in time, because the amount of spinning they are doing is warping spacetime [/quote] What spinning? Our stated goal from this thread was always to get Tetris peace, which we did. [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1320776876' post='2841744'] NSO had said they was free to leave! So yes it is a litte difficult to understand! Good then he got it as he wanted! and they rest of us got to see VE for what it is! [/quote] Is it really that hard to understand that Tetris would not want to leave the field of battle without their ally? And yes, you got to see us help our ally get peace, congrats? [quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1320785657' post='2841805'] So why not just threaten NSO for their obstinate refusal to admit defeat? Why threaten war against the Legion for acting on a just casus belli? [/quote] They both held up peace, the terms are irrelevant as stated in the OP. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1320798914' post='2841914'] On that note, why threaten NSO for assisting their Mutual Defense ally? EDIT: That refers more to Legion's handling of the peace deal than VE and MK's desire to end the war... don't take it out of context. [/quote] Because NSO was one of the main culprits in keeping this war going on for so long, along with Legion.
  5. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1320745716' post='2841564'] P.S. I'm Dark Lord. [/quote] This is the important announcement.
  6. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1320754744' post='2841593'] No, you're very good at pointing at GOONS in an irrelevant manner as well....don't forget to blame this on us. [/quote] Where are GOONS reps from this war?
  7. [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1320735474' post='2841531'] In that case it was done in a lets just say clumsy way. All you should have done was to ask, and you would have been told that Tetris was free to leave the field at its own convenience. It would have spared you a lot of bad PR, and keept you out of our hair. [/quote] You act as if this was not blatantly obvious to everyone. Tetris would not leave the field of battle without its ally, why is that so hard to understand?
  8. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1320719010' post='2841411'] You deffinently wouldnt...first off you were looking after your PR which honestly this hurt...second attacking Legion and NSO wouldnt mean just attacking them two it would mean attacking their allies [/quote] If we wanted PR, why would we have made this announcement? Our only goal was to achieve peace for our ally in Tetris, the rest is irrelevant.
  9. [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1320691701' post='2841197'] You mean you forced Legion to give NSO the white peace that they wanted. What you did was not in any way balanced! It was not noble and it was not necessary in order for Tetris to get peace. But I am sure that you know this. I see/saw this as an attempt to escalate the conflict in order to roll our friends. [/quote] If we wanted to roll you or your friends we would have went it when the war started or just right away instead of giving you 72 hours.
  10. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1320684205' post='2841129'] Please, save it. All your "ally" had to do was say "war's over" and it was over for them. I obviously wasn't involved in the negotiations, but that doesn't seem to be in dispute by anyone. And, of course, there's the little matter of this being a war your "ally" provoked and begged for. Your leadership is congratulating Legion for victory despite the harassment it has received, when your leadership (and alliance by proxy) was harassing them up until the moment of victory. I'm about as VE-neutral as can get on Planet Bob, but when you look foolish, I don't mind pointing it out. [/quote] Our ally was staying the war until their ally who came to their defense was able to negotiate peace. Maybe it's a foreign concept to you, but I find it to be very honorable to not leave a war without your ally, especially when you were the one being defended. Yes, we are congratulating Legion on their victory because they earned it. We didn't "harass" them until the war reached a length which we felt unacceptable. [quote name='Nedved III' timestamp='1320685402' post='2841145'] [img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/131/896/gaijin4koma2_peersblog_1200684608.jpg?1307579749[/img] [u][i][b]MK and VE when they announced the 72 hour deadline.[/b][/i][/u] [img]http://media.ign.com/games/image/article/738/738102/gaijin4koma_peersblog_1200684654.jpg[/img] [u][i][b]MK and VE now that peace is announced.[/b][/i][/u] [/quote] You're an idiot. If we wanted an escalated war we could have defended Tetris from the beginning.
  11. [quote name='kolsara' timestamp='1320683861' post='2841128'] i think the main argument against this, is that tetris could have had a seperate peace but chose not to, essentially keeping themselves in the war. I don't believe tetris was forced into anything. [/quote] And them being our ally, we decided to help them out by forcing both alliances to come to a conclusion in the war.
  12. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1320676774' post='2841065'] I like this idea 1000 times more than the secret santa idea. [/quote] If you want I'd be willing to help you on this. I'll be on IRC later tonight.
  13. Can we just do 3mil or 100 tech as a gift, or more depending on our generosity? This might make more people want to do it as it doesn't cost RL money and doesn't give away any privacy. (Plus imagine if MK has to give money to GOD, would be hilarious)
  14. What does Menotah think about this? Also, kudos for "doing something about it", for what you believe in.
  15. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1320654169' post='2840971'] That's rich, in light of the fact that yesterday, you were the one primarily threatening them. [/quote] God forbid we do what we can to end a war for our ally.
  16. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1320660523' post='2840982'] You paired with an alliance that suggested if NSO would not agree to surrender terms Legion would have to surrender to NSO. You also threatened an alliance(s) and by application their allies for offering more than fair surrender terms with attack if it did not account for the stupidity of one of your allies' treaty partners who in no uncertain terms was involved in the original dispute that started the war. In doing so, you essentially raised the prospect of an escelating war over the actions of an alliance that you personally have stated were quite out of bounds. While I respect VE in having a horse in Tetris still on the field (Notwithstanding their refusal to withdraw because NSO found admitting reality unsavory,) pairing with the alliance you did whom for a period of time prior to this stunt had been attempting to find a way to escalate this war privately and publicly made little sense, especially with the motives provided in the OP. To me, it's not surprising that many are not exactly ecstatic or rushing to give you a gold star for this endeavor. [/quote] Where did government say that, exactly? The only thing about the NSO-Legion front that mattered was that the stagnation of peace between them was forcing Tetris into a situation where they were taking damage well beyond what we found acceptable. If we had only threatened either Legion or NSO with war, then you may have a claim as the bias of our decision, but the fact of the matter is that both were the targets of our announcement. If MK wanted this to escalate why wait until now, and do so in a way that forced the combatants to peace? Ultimately this has all just been conspiracy theories that were ultimately proven false.
  17. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1320634860' post='2840818'] Voted no because I'm a bleeding heart moralist. [/quote] Always knew it.
  18. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1320632628' post='2840779'] Lol Tetris lost to LoLegion, WAEgion or Legion, whatever it is now a days. However, on a side note, congratulations to Legion for sticking up for themselves. Back to the drawing board folks. [/quote] No one is surprised Tetris lost.
  19. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1320627341' post='2840732'] All !@#$%^&*ting aside, I could see this as a strategic victory for NSO since their strategy was to not to surrender and they didn't. [/quote] Don't encourage them.
  20. Clearly this didn't work and we rolled Legion and NSO didn't accept peace to let it happen etc etc etc. What happened to all the conspiracy theorists?
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