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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1319919926' post='2834634'] With RoK absolutely foaming at the mouth and suffering from the brain fever, I doubt we'll see a "surrender" but I definitely can't wait to see the thread which will be regarded as an NSO surrender. [/quote] I hope Legion forces NSO to surrender, will be a fun read.
  2. [quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1319919381' post='2834628'] It's not hard to beat up a coalition half your size. What's hard is beating up an alliance twice your size, which we're doing pretty well considering, you know, being generally outnumbered. [/quote] The coalition was even in comparison to Legion, but keep up the spin. It's amusing.
  3. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1319825229' post='2833748'] Completely different negotiations. Legion insists on surrender for NSO despite them entering the war on the same terms as NsO, IAA and BRA, and yet they refuse to offer the same peace terms. Hypocrisy at its finest. [/quote] Do you even know what hypocrisy means?
  4. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1319821836' post='2833719'] That your allies are having surrender terms dictated to them and losing. It is odd because, if that were true, I would expect VE actually do something. Fortunately that's not true, so we don't have to open up that particular can of worms. [/quote] Impero is representing us quite well to Legion in regards to Tetris.
  5. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1319820648' post='2833704'] 1) No one surrendered. 2) Those aren't the negotiations they were talking about. Also don't you have a treaty with Tetris? This is kind of a weird position for you to take. [/quote] Don't try to spin it, it's obvious they surrendered. Just because they're not paying reps does not make it any less true. Also, what position?
  6. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1319727565' post='2833001'] Except it's hono[b]u[/b]r, mirite? [/quote] GOONS needs to expel this clearly fine gentleman.
  7. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1319803671' post='2833518'] If you were actually involved in the peace negotiations you'd realize that this isn't the case. Like, not at all. It's more of the case of Legion acting like stubborn children because OWF posters who say things without knowing what is going on (like you) make them feel all big and powerful. [/quote] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106320"]So who's speaking without knowing again?[/url]
  8. [quote name='Mergerberger II' timestamp='1319815518' post='2833622'] Grub's retired. It's his job to relive the past and hate TOP. The rest of us are more inclined to focus on the immediate threats to our alliance, like North Dakota or people without mustaches. [/quote] Regardless, without Grub's posts NpO would be viewed in a much better light than currently.
  9. [quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1319759590' post='2833257'] actually, yes. ive even asked them. thanks for asking [/quote] Yet you seem to think you'll somehow get a chance to hit GOD.
  10. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1319008063' post='2828535'] This is quite possibly the worst response anybody could have ever made to the post you quoted. [/quote] It's actually a very good response, but considering how much effort you put into deteriorating Tetris-VE relations up until the downgrade I can see why you would try to save some face.
  11. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1318825672' post='2826892'] So many fine lines. I wonder how your allies see them all. [/quote] I bet you patted yourself on the back for that one.
  12. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1318824966' post='2826868'] Yes I do. Opinions and all that. I think the real crux is that neither did the actual spying...for me anyway. Feel free to paint it as you like. Also am I hearing you thought Tetris did not do enough by removing those responsible from their positions? [/quote] The real "crux" is accepting information vs disseminating it to other parties. Unless you mean Schatt was never spying at all? And that is a different issue entirely, VE had already decided to downgrade prior to the government change.
  13. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1318824476' post='2826856'] Like I said semantics. Were they not already posted elsewhere where anyone could see them anyway? Were the people responsible not punished by Tetris? I don't see much difference. It's fine if you guys do though. They are/were your allies afterall. [/quote] Do you really think a government member [i]accepting[/i] screenshots is comparable to one [i]posting[/i] them on the OWF? You also realize CNtel was not around back then, right? Edit: And no, these screenshots that Tetris got were not on CNtel.
  14. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1318823904' post='2826841'] really? Then explain how they are different. [/quote] SethB never posted the screenshots, he only received them. If you think they're the same situation then you really have confirmed how dense you are.
  15. [quote name='NOMNOMNOM' timestamp='1318823713' post='2826836'] Glorified tech raid much? [/quote] History continues to repeat itself.
  16. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1318822555' post='2826791'] Well maybe foremost and virulent but I'll pass on intelligent. If you were you would know VE held an MDoAP with Tetris until this whole affair and downgraded because of it. They didn't downgrade when SethB did his thing. They rallied the troops and rolled. Basically the same crime...different result this time. Now what were you saying about intelligence? [/quote] The fact that you're trying to compare both situations just shows how dense you are.
  17. [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1318821705' post='2826765'] While I am a bit skeptical of this whole thing going off, the only thing I really have to say is for Arrnea to get out of hippy mode and fight! Stop being a damn coward when you are needed [/quote] A leader should be there fighting alongside his members.
  18. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1318561061' post='2824488'] Didn't we say we did not care if people aided Legion? Did we not invite Legion's allies to give them aid if the wanted to? Read that other thread and you will see that I speak nothing but the truth. Balls in our court eh? What do you want us to do? :3 [/quote] To be fair, you only spoke for TLR and there are other alliances aiding those besides yourselves. Thank you for your clarification however.
  19. [quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1318560020' post='2824453'] GATO refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of the blue NPO colony known as the "New Polar Order" . [spoiler] o/ Friends helping friends. I hereby take back my talk of NpO not getting involved in any way at all. [/spoiler] [/quote] You should post more.
  20. [quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1318559690' post='2824437'] Since when did we have respectable members? [/quote] You have RV.
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