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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. Civility during arguments in my CN? What have you done?
  2. This really was a pointless thread.
  3. [quote name='Sweeeeet Ronny D' timestamp='1316807802' post='2806841'] Wait a sec, this is the reason we almost went to war last week? I had to go out and buy some Navy and Nukes and raise my daily bills by 500k because a few monkeys in DT cant follow instructions... Congrats DT you are at the top of my list. [/quote] Thank you DT
  4. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1316705076' post='2805947'] No mercy, just a screw job, just like the business during the last war was a screw job. Of course if you weren't so politically invested in FOK and CSN (through GOD because of the MADP), you'd admit that. See, I can admit that those DT members should have stopped after 24 hours and therefore a day's worth of reparations and a private apology was probably a good idea "for the good of the order", but you...you are in a position that you must overlook certain "excesses" by your allies or stand a very good chance of getting rolled. The VE I once knew wouldn't have had that problem, because the VE I once knew never allowed itself to be placed in that position. Enjoy your fleas. You laid with the dogs, you earned them. [/quote] You're really reaching there.
  5. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1316699958' post='2805897'] Maybe he means they have come off looking like idiots? You have to defend them but, do not tell me for a second that in private you were not wondering when FOK went completely stupid. [/quote] The more drama the better.
  6. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1316684557' post='2805829'] I think he didn't miss the crux of his argument, it was just a little bit weird to talk about something not happening if another thing would not have happened. I mean if I FOK wouldn't existed, neither would iFOK and we would never have started trouble on Purple and Invicta would still be there. In my eyes it's very simple. Yes FOK messed up with authorizing the raid and the attacks that happened until then were not taken into account. The fact remains that DT continued to raid willingly even after they were instructed to stop attacking. This willingness is the key argument here. Both members that continued the raid were a) active every day, b) were (ex) high gov members. So they did read their message (I'm sure they also were told to stop on their forum or irc to stop attacking), but yet continued to attack. And those nations that choose to ignore the request to seize attacks are now paying the reps. I think that is an absolutely fine arrangement. Insulting either alliance and even threatening my allies was quite unnecessary and does not sit well with me. I have lost quite a bit of respect for several alliances over this event. [/quote] Curse you all for making me agree with kriekfreak but he does have the right idea.
  7. Congratulations on your anniversary Argent. If anyone can do a proper transition into a new sphere and fully utilize the new updates it's you and the rest of Pimp Ferrets.
  8. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1316132492' post='2801154'] I knew GOD was getting desperate to find new friends, but this is just getting ridiculous... [/quote] You seem really obsessed with GOD.
  9. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1315881237' post='2799540'] WWJD? He would have a warchest big enough to do the job before doing the job. [/quote] Indeed. One who does not have a proper warchest is not a true follower of Johan.
  10. [quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1315763960' post='2798769'] It could be something as simple as, when you try to purchase 5,000 infra, you just input "5000" and it buys it all at once in price increments of 10. [/quote] If only.
  11. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1315606741' post='2797601'] The main trouble with rebuilding is being limited to buying in batches of 10. It's incredibly tedious to click a gazillion times to rebuild. [/quote] That would be a different kind of suggestion that has been brought up countless times over years. Regarding price for rebuilding infrastructure, I don't think we need anything new.
  12. [quote name='HalpImBeingOppressed' timestamp='1315602909' post='2797556'] Hell yes. This would make it far easier to rebuild for a war, which might cause alliances to take more risks. We'd probably have to make another change to help out new nations as well, since this would make it even harder to get into the elite. How about some starting aid that's somewhat relevant? Cheaper infra for newer nations could also work. [/quote] Rebuilding infra is already much too easy thanks to already having more improvements and wonders than you otherwise would if you just got to that infra range. The only trouble in rebuilding nowadays is pretty much tech, but infra is nothing with proper warchests around.
  13. [quote name='gambona' timestamp='1315593503' post='2797475'] One way to hinder rogues, or an opponent in war is to create a new spy op to randomly change resources. In order to change back you would have to collect. I would like to see the infra rebuilding reduction move over to SE. faster rebuilding would mean less time between wars. [/quote] That would be a ridiculously strong Spy Op. Wouldn't want it, personally.
  14. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1315571342' post='2797367'] Welcome aboard yo. (Sorry I'm late, I was !@#$faced last night) [/quote] Thirsty Thursdays are the best Thursdays. Good choice in Umbrella.
  15. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1315258244' post='2795486'] You know what's good on popcorn? War. You know what to do. [/quote] That would take courage, Kzopp. Most people here are only good for cheerleading, don't expect much.
  16. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1315253920' post='2795448'] Oh, how I wish I would have seen that. It's not every day you get slapped in the mouth twice. How's it taste, GOD? [/quote] Vlad has been misinformed as far as I'm aware.
  17. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1315245569' post='2795363'] I believe Olympus did tell GOD to take a hike. I doubt GOD does anything about it though. All they have are empty threats. [/quote] I love you.
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