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Everything posted by Krihelion

  1. [quote name='HawkeyeNation' timestamp='1342569791' post='3011311'] Enjoy the rest of the war. [/quote] thank you i will good sir
  2. [quote name='HawkeyeNation' timestamp='1342568975' post='3011307'] Nope, that's not at all what I'm saying. But if you all want to beat your chests about gaining a "surrender" from an 18 member alliance of which 2 were in wars, then have at it. [/quote] I'm sorry that they are incompetent, 18 people are easier to command then 200+. They [i]are[/i] a protectorate of TTK, can't expect much.
  3. [quote name='Scandalous Rumour' timestamp='1342568871' post='3011305'] I already picked mine up. I say we say this counts as a new front and get a different coloured one for the second round. [/quote] Agreed, 8 medals for this war!
  4. [quote name='Scandalous Rumour' timestamp='1342568615' post='3011301'] If your honestly proposing that TTK is dragging a battered and confused micro back into a conflict it cant handle then you are clutching at straws my friend. [/quote] I think they understand our feelings and are sending people to the AA for us to fight for medals.
  5. Should find a new protector, there won't be much of TTK left.
  6. All hail our glorious master, Zoom.
  7. Also if you are nuked without a FSS, all your troops come home.
  8. [quote name='LOLman789789' timestamp='1342107731' post='3009184'] We at the Sword Alliance would like to stay OUT of the Dave War and we will stay OUT for now. However, we would like to wish both sides good luck, but especially SF/XX & Allies, for we believe that a victory by DH/C&G & Allies would be detrimental to peace and order in Cyber Nations and cause Permanent Anarchy and Chaos in every nation in Cyber Nations. Therefore, we will reaffirm our non-belligerence in this post AGAIN: WE WILL STAY OUT OF THIS WAR FOR NOW!!!!! This is a message to BOTH sides, so don't get any funny ideas regarding us. We may be small, but we are determined to grow and help establish a new world order, one where peace and security are guaranteed, and where a nation can succeed in it's life without going through the horrors of Global Wars like this one. We don't want a Great War 4, and I'm sure none of you guys want one either. That being said, we also do not want to get involved in the Second NoR-LSF War, even though we verbally support LSF. -LOLman789789, King of the Horensians, Leader of the Sword Alliance -Undertaker1099, King of the Undertakers, Second in Command of the Sword Alliance. [/quote] I am sorry sir, but you are too late. By that I mean SF/XX have no chance of winning bru
  9. You were attacked between your attacks, messages just after the update lag for some reason and come a few minutes late.
  10. I wouldnt mind a reset, and would actually enjoy it alot more. If the war system was redone and some bugs were worked out. But of course, the people who donate all the time would leave the game, so admin will never do it.
  11. are you admitting defeat to non grata
  12. [quote name='Winston Smith' timestamp='1341359284' post='3002883'] I can see where this goes from here... RoK finds the culprit... sentences him/her to ZI, the individual runs to NG... BANG... CB right there, MK style [/quote] RoK would forget about the person after the second week.
  13. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340597684' post='2995222'] He should send you more aid so you aren't in bill lock anymore. [/quote] Im not bill locked though? Your dudes keep giving me free money.
  14. [quote] <@Artigo[NG]> BIGZ COME AT ME BRO <@Artigo[NG]> http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=34341[/quote]
  15. I look forward to the peace thread in a week.
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