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infinite citadel

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Everything posted by infinite citadel

  1. Had to hit someone Also LE didn't even know I was hitting any CDT members so no blame to them, this was me and only me. Edit: Not to mention I wasn't even LE since the 3rd day of this round
  2. Congrats on the completion, it'll be interesting to see your jump as you arm up.
  3. [quote name='infinite citadel' date='19 April 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1271716911' post='2266885'] Bump from MK [/quote] I don't remember posting this
  4. This was a good read, thanks for putting in the time to do this
  5. [quote name='Walker Texas Ranger' date='07 May 2010 - 12:39 PM' timestamp='1273246726' post='2290286'] Ah, Pacifica. The one constant of Cybernations. Utterly destroyed twice, yet they still return. Pacifica shall outlast us all, to the chagrin of all surviving members of the Great Wars. [/quote] Third times a charm!
  6. Good read, I remember the day you guys had the recruitment drive and was amazed (I was big into recruitment at the time and just gave up since every new nation that joined was going to FOK). I also remember you guys in the UJW. Most of all I remember FOK being kick $@! allies to MK since our treaty was signed. Here's to another 3 years of FOK
  7. That still doesn't change the main part of my post.
  8. It really wouldn't be a fight at all for the AUT in a standard duel, since he has such a huge advantage. I see where Penkala's coming from, if you're going to do a duel at least be a man and have a fair fight. It'd be different if the advantage was small, but 3 military wonders, 1000 infra, and 400 tech is a pretty big gap for smaller nations. The AUT's major stats: Technology: 562.12 Infrastructure: 1,999.87 National Wonders: Foreign Air Force Base, Great Monument, Great Temple, Internet, Manhattan Project, Pentagon, Social Security System, Stock Market, Strategic Defense Initiative Nation Strength: 12,475.202 Penkala's major stats: Technology: 100.21 Infrastructure: 999.99 National Wonders: Manhattan Project Nation Strength: 4,069.783 Edit: You guys aren't even in range of each other
  9. This is an awesome treaty, two of my favorite alliances [img]http://thecastlehall.com/boards/Smileys/kickass/frogcool.gif[/img]
  10. [quote name='Chickenzilla' date='05 May 2010 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1273102858' post='2288224'] Or don't use facebook. [/quote] Or don't want any of our friends on facebook to know we play CN
  11. [quote name='Methrage' date='25 April 2010 - 01:30 AM' timestamp='1272169792' post='2273876'] Are you saying the applicant AA for NPO isn't under protection via surrender terms or breaking the terms is justified? I wouldn't know for sure if the applicant AA is under protection having not been involved in peace talks for NPO, but NPO seems to be under the impression it is. [/quote] To further elaborate Lord Brendan's post, read my post I made earlier about the improvements/nukes.
  12. [quote name='F15pilotX' date='25 April 2010 - 01:08 AM' timestamp='1272168484' post='2273835'] There are reasons why habits are formed. Good show by Londo, at any rate. edit - infinite citadel, see Londo's post above. [/quote] I saw it after I posted, it took me a while to find the original surrender thread so I could double check my facts before posting
  13. Is that guy even a real applicant? He has had his AA incorrectly spelled for 179 days. Also unless your original surrender terms have been revised (which they may have been, I'm using the information available to me. Forgive me if so.) he would be breaking surrender terms by having 15 nukes as well as various banned improvements.
  14. 106 was the best, but this one works well
  15. This was harder than I expected, I think that some alliances could go either way so I split them up into tiers. Looking back on it, I tried to be unbiased, but I put 0 of my allies in the lower tier Upper (MK/TOP 1 and 2, everyone else in the tier are very close and could be rotated around imo): Mushroom Kingdom The Order Of The Paradox FOK Umbrella Fark Orange Defense Network Federation Of Armed Nations Poison Clan Middle (Great fighters, but not quite the same caliber as the upper tier): The Grämlins Nueva Vida Athens Nordreich (They did well in the last war, I'd like to see them in another large scale war before moving them into the upper tier) Nusantara Elite Warriors Siberian Tiger Alliance Viridian Entente Ragnarok New Polar Order Lower (Each alliance might have their good fighters, but they also have a ton of fluff, which is why they're here): Global Alliance And Treaty Organization RnR Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations The Foreign Division Random Insanity Alliance The International Sparta Independent Republic Of Orange Nations Mostly Harmless Alliance Guru Order Multicolored Cross-X Alliance North Atlantic Defense Coalition M*A*S*H The Legion
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