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Everything posted by Alex987

  1. Precedent is the weakest force protecting the neutrals. The strongest is the fact that it is entirely unprofitable to attack them. Nothing is gained, only destroyed. You create an enemy that would not otherwise exist, only to waste your energies on them while others spend their money growing. And politics in its current form is extremely heavily roleplay based. It would not disappear in a purely utilitarian CN, it would just turn into the brand that the neutrals play, mainly solving disputes over rogues and tech deals. And lol Cortath, that's what I was waiting for.
  2. Not really, because not only is it logical, but it is proven that the best way to have stability and prosperity is to be a neutral alliance, not a hegemony. In a competitive world nobody has the extra capability to roll a neutral for shits and giggles since they pose no threat, and there is no reward gained for rolling one. It is a great dissonance to think that what the NPO does is the best way to achieve what you listed. Politics here are played for their inherent handicaps, not their strengths. Its an artificial measure designed to make things more interesting. If Francoism is what you said, it doesn't stand up to reality which is why I question those that truly believe such principles. Or maybe I'm just breaking the fourth wall in this discussion and you're not :P
  3. The two main factors in alliance success are having a high membership motivation and skilled leadership. Whatever methods get you there work. The problem with these two separate factors is that they are symbiotic, and the strength of their symbiosis varies from alliance to alliance. Ideology might work, but I question those who follow it as anything more than a roleplay. For an alliance of maximum efficiency you should always have a handful of "brain trust" thinkers that conduct FA while the rest are mostly devout worker bees, with high motivation from top to bottom. These factors don't necessarily need to exist with Francoism. I haven't paid attention to Francoism so I can't speak to its ability to achieve these ends, but it can be done in other ways.
  4. All good things must pass, I hope you all enjoy wherever you go :)
  5. D: but I can't recruit now. Time to find some slaves in R&R!
  6. Good, it took our secret viceroy long enough. Live long and prosper
  7. Sexy looking flag there, good luck guys :)
  8. Disregard all, acquire Amperland. We bring light to the dark recesses of the globe.
  9. Lol, I found this to be amusing. Though I don't think it takes a sizable amount of intelligence to get past Stage 1, just some activity and ears that work (figuratively :/) I think a 3.5 titled Existensialism would be apt, when you have the worse realization that not only do your friends blow with the wind, but even more anti-climatically so do your enemies. I feel like that's the worst part.
  10. The formation of Amperland is complete! (Copyright Stealthy 2013)
  11. o/ level heads prevailing after a bad start Good luck guys :)
  12. Wait until the second bloc gets up and running. (inb4 people take me seriously)
  13. And that's the end of the thread. Mindless o/s
  14. Rush, Rey (Neo Uruk), and BloodFury (It needed to be said eventually) Will be back later when I have something constructive :P
  15. Well done sir. Grats to our allies in TIO and friends in IRON!
  16. Lookin good :D Edit: This is also way more revolutionary than TOP-NpO. Mjolnir-SF, right guys? Right? :/ And o/ Optional Aggression clauses before Optional Defense clauses.
  17. I will feel a glow just thinking of you
  18. Someday, when I'm awfully low when the world is cold
  19. How many weeks ago was it when you spent a whole thread telling people that NSO would be foolish to go after NpO with no regard for politics? Let's see how many faces you can have in a month :facepalm:
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