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Everything posted by Alex987

  1. A lot of people posting in these Alliance threads recently...
  2. It sounds like the Academy thing is a dealbreaker for you but I'll post anyway because we (R&R) match all your other points. Our Academy is quite easy to fly through in a couple days, especially for a returning member that doesn't need to read everything. The active recruits usually complete it in around 2 days. Just in case you're willing to be more flexible on your requirements ;)
  3. And now I'm watching Pitch Perfect My life is in a downward spiral.
  4. This time it's Spanglish. I'm totally not ashamed to say that it's Enrique Iglesias :ph34r:
  5. Listening to a different Spanish song...
  6. Listening to a song in Spanish, so I'm not going to post the lyrics here :|
  7. Long after the thrill Of living is gone :X
  8. Haha by the title I thought that it was an NpO-GOD treaty and my eyes went wide. Congrats!
  9. Well part of the fun of gifs/memes is that the message they send can be completely different when removed from the original context. The Neil deGrasse Tyson one comes to mind. Was jerdge always in a neutral?
  10. I wasn't joking, kata actually did nothing besides a 1k infra jump in this competition :P It recruited for one day in at least the past 6 months >_>
  11. Also you can verify how dated the quotes are because Arrow is actually happy :P
  12. Yes indeed this, thanks for keeping this all maintained Gopher :)
  13. kata literally did nothing. (That better be part of the quotes for the next Survivor :P) It was fun everybody, let the ghostbusting bring us down temporarily, but not for long!
  14. Erm not quite, this is the Open World Forum for all CN nations. Our forums are www.rnr-alliance.org ;)
  15. Are you saying that R&R is militarizing, but not buying soldiers because that would be the most obvious indicator? :P Ego's point was just that we haven't told people to boost their NS artificially. Keep track of our military levels if you want and see if they change a month or 2 from now ;)
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