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Everything posted by Alex987

  1. The overall numbers have stabilized though, CN has been hovering around 11,000 players for a while now.
  2. It appears everybody from 1-5 is going to get knocked out this round unless something changes, quite a few upsets. (Also, the Open World RP section of the forums just passed 1,000,000 replies)
  3. Yeah I can see how that's hard for people who don't speak a language.
  4. Can we be a bit more positive and also have the "Largest X" growths? :P I guess mergers will account for a lot of that, but I'm sure there are some that wouldn't. Edit: Nevermind, it's pretty easy to see on the spreadsheet. Pretty interesting stats, thanks Rota
  5. Are fireworks illegal in California?
  6. Thanks Gopher! No I meant an update starting from today until the end of survivor :P. Our Applicant AA is disappearing anyway thanks to the new alliance system.
  7. Yeah I suppose.... It's an interesting question of which idea will have more variance, because if it's maintained across the whole time period the one-time gains have less of an impact but will occur more frequently. I think it'll all balance out in the end for a more stable distribution. It'd probably be more boring though, so I don't mind much either way. Would a start-to-finish update after Survivor is done be possible so we can see who grew the most overall throughout the whole Survivor period? :D
  8. After every round do the gains by the alliances reset, or do they carry over and every round after is added onto the previous rounds' results? The second option would be more stable, while the first one will probably lead to more upsets.
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