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Everything posted by Alex987

  1. Ok interesting, we were on opposite sides on my screen. Also since there's no oDoAP option, should they be entered as oDP or MDoAP? Just to keep it standardized...
  2. This web is interesting because every time I load it up the balance is slightly different with all the alignments in different locations (although maybe I just happened to reload it whenever a new treaty was added) Thanks for the work LoSS :) Question: Do the bigger dots and alliances "pull" closer, or does alliance size not factor into the distance? I notice some lines are longer than others for the same alliances, what factors into that? Type of treaty as well?
  3. MI6 with an 8% jump after signing with TOP? Methinks it's their new viceroy. (Also no spell correct for "Methinks"? It's an actual word?)
  4. Alex987

    attn world

    Come on Ardus, TPF-TSI but no R&R-NATO or R&R-TIO? :popcorn:
  5. Yeah that's because people aren't trying to flatter/court them quite like all the name drops of how impressive DT was in the last war :D
  6. Ugh, back to the generalizations :( (even at 2 pages later Bob) PS: Why are Fark even in the incompetence discussion at all? Seriously, they're one of the better fighting alliances in the game, they just don't have the stats anymore because they've been hit hard.
  7. Well as of now we're up by .01 in score, let's see if we can hold it :D
  8. Uh oh maybe not, it's going to be close.
  9. Shh, we want the assassins/spies to go after kata Garion :P
  10. I'm predicting #9 by update today!
  11. Well we put them all through various conditioning competitions, and the Top 5 every week get to leave the AA :P
  12. Damnit Schatt you beat me to it. Everybody's looking for something.
  13. I wasn't around for Karma so I can't speak to specifics but again contempt is not an on and off switch, there are different degrees and intensities, just like there are different degrees to anger and happiness. Saying that these things are binary is a tremendous oversimplification for the purpose of an advanageous comparison for the point you are trying to make.
  14. Whoa big member dip for GATO coming up, must've been a lot of ghosts.
  15. Ok but now we're getting nitpicky. The assumption you're making is that contempt is an on/off switch, which it is not. There are degrees of it which change depending on the reasoning behind it. The OP said "Perhaps politics has always been this way, but it seems worse now.", which is a perfectly reasonable statement. He wasn't saying "contempt didn't exist at all until recently".
  16. I know I missed an opportunity there -_-
  17. One does not simply outgrow R&R
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