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Everything posted by Alex987

  1. There you go, don't let me dare take you off message. Keep touting the same line, you're really getting inside my head ;)
  2. Also the statements from multiple people saying that Equilibrium was incompetent due to its inactivity and inability to maximize use of a 2-1 statistical advantage are silly and deliberately propagandistic. A large portion of that is due to the nature of such alliances - that Equilibrium had a lot of low Average NS alliances that recruited. And when you're an alliance that actively recruits rather than maintains a small core of members, taking additional numbers with the understanding that some will naturally not be very active is part of the tradeoff. A sizable portion of the reason why Equilibrium had a 2-1 advantage is because that was the payoff of accepting the truth that the average activity would be less. It's a simple acceptance of more quantity that inevitably dilutes the quality. So when people act befuddled that Equilibrium had a 2-1 advantage AND the members on average weren't as active as their opponents, well no shit. Who the hell wouldn't have predicted that? Maybe you can run a large recruiting alliance and pull off the same activity as a small core of high tier nations. It's not an indication of incompetence, it's accepting the natural tradeoff that happens when you run a different style alliance.
  3. We'll see who gets there kata -_-
  4. Well now it's on to #10, SOON
  5. I find a lot of conflicting statements on why people think some alliances are incompetent though. Some say it is because the Equilibrium alliances are sheep and that they do not have the conviction to act on their own and with force. Others say that it is because Equilibrium was divided with multiple agendas and the lack of a uniting vision. And yet some manage to say both. How can these views coexist at all? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  6. :O how dare you steal the honors
  7. 1 member away from both Sanction and 200 members!
  8. .04 score gap between us and Umbrella :ph34r:
  9. We only need a tiny bit more score to get sanction :D
  10. What I find interesting is how prevalent seemingly backwards etiquette is on Bob. Many are openly hostile, but then in private they are more pleasant and less confrontational. Edit: To elaborate more, it seems that people focus much more on displaying their good qualities in private than they do in public.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2K_7-MHt3k
  12. ICE, sounds like a good spy movie title :ph34r:
  13. Sorry sleep is my only requirement :|
  14. Almost there! Watch out Umbrella!
  15. R&R is coming! We will get there soon!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx04PmOltYw Gregorian - My Immortal
  17. One does not simply out-bump R&R
  18. Alex987

    attn world

    Because winter is coming
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