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Everything posted by Alex987

  1. The OP is pointing out that contempt is a large factor, not that it is the only factor. And you as the self-appointed speaker for C&G (as shown above) verified it in the other thread a couple of days ago. So either you speak confidently about authority and knowledge you do not possess, or you're running the spin cycle on high right now in this thread. Edit: And actually the OP was VERY VERY clear in the fact that when he referred to contempt he was specifically not talking about hate. In fact he actually says "I would argue that it is contempt, not hate, that drives politics" -1 Reading Comp
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaHvb-CFE4E
  3. Phew, good thing we're back to 200 now!
  4. :O temporarily down to 199 members. This is bad feng shui.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vflEN1eiX8
  6. Terminator :| /me stabs with 9 inch bowie knife
  7. I knew it looked like the flag of Norway. Best of luck
  8. Indeed, I feel bad that I jumped in against Spaztik in the first round when he wasn't expecting to have an opponent XD. Would've been better if we had a chance to start from the beginning.
  9. 200 members, sanction, and 5,800,000 NS!
  10. Well that's where we disagree. Just by virtue of the fact that recruiting alliances are the ones looking for new members, they are taking members that wouldn't have the activity to look for an alliance and do their research on their own. Sure after those members join eventually their activity may increase or decrease, but that's identical for alliances that don't recruit as well, so that variance cancels out.
  11. Fair enough, though slot usage success doesn't necessarily connect to war success, especially since it's easier for sellers to fill slots than buyers. Hence why DT has been heralded multiple times to have fought very well in the past war, and yet their slot usage isn't ridiculously high. Ability in war =/= high slot usage. Even though the common thread is activity (ability in war <-- activity --> slot usage), it gets diluted and changed by multiple factors along the way for significant differences. My original point was that the tradeoff between quantity and quality is inherent. You cannot have both more quantity and more quality without exceptional outside work. Their definition of "competence" very clearly favors their style of alliance in that the primary factor is activity per member, rather than aggregate impact. Recruiting alliances naturally accept the tradeoff of less activity per member (since they're going out and getting their members rather than having their members come to them) for increased overall impact. Of course, as you said that increased impact also couldn't be used since there was an excess on one side and a shortage on the other, which also reduces the raw numbers advantage that propagandists keep emphasizing. That is a larger factor than the idea I was arguing, I just brought my point up because it was a bit of a pet peeve to keep seeing the same thing repeated :P. It obviously wasn't the best war, but as usual there's a lot of propaganda chucked at the wall to see what sticks to make everything seem more polarized.
  12. You got votes when you weren't even there, I call shens :ph34r:
  13. I agree, the theme is bad. In order for the connotation to match, GPA needs to leave its neutrality :P o/ and all that
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2hhqWzIwU8
  15. Bump it up! Onward to 10th place!
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