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Everything posted by Alex987

  1. Alex987

    No Great Leaders

    Innovation is only useful if it improves how things are being done. "Innovation" is not only inventing different methods but different, better methods. If truly better methods were discovered instead of just different methods, it would probably become more widely utilized if the inputs required were sustainable/acceptable.
  2. Matched against RIA in the Survivor Race! :war:
  3. Prepare for payback for that time 2 years ago when you rubbed the fact that you had more nukes in our face :war:
  4. We allow raiding (but require that you complete our Bootcamp and submit raid requests to be approved by the Department of Defense before you are allowed to attack) Not quite sure if you're looking for something significantly more lenient than that (nor do I know the standard position on raiding from other alliances, we do it this way to make any risk to R&R as minimal as possible) As long as you intelligently find decent raid targets that aren't in major alliances or protected micros, your attack requests will be approved.
  5. Whoa you guys have somebody named Bartlet as your Secretary of Development but not your President? :mad:
  6. Ouch, looks like on the Tournament Bracket that R&R and IRON are setup for an early collision if there are no upsets. That'll definitely be tough.
  7. I see everybody conveniently missed Dajobo's comment (which is probably the most important one here), and continue to argue to the peanut gallery because that has a higher success rate? If you want to actually prove somebody wrong you don't sidestep the leader and bury it through debating the people behind him.
  8. Without reading past page 1 I'll echo this man's sentiments. It'll be a painful couple days of change, but it can be dulled with advanced notice and will make the game significantly better in the long run.
  9. Like that sig you had? Where'd you get it from?
  10. I like bandaged nose more. Who beat you up kata?
  11. I'm still a fan of the regular way of doing it :P Seeing which alliance can transfer X amount of people favors the larger ones (and alliances like R&R that might be merging with our Applicant AA since this update fixes the need to have separate ones
  12. Thanks for the update Gopher :D (I also like how the Survivor keeps updating even for positions that have already been accounted for... NG and us have been going at it switching back and forth)
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