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Everything posted by Logan

  1. Raise hell, our loyal protectorate. We are hoping we will get a chance to join you on the battlefield relatively soon.
  2. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1295311516' post='2579097'] THE LINES! (i see them) [/quote] Compared to the ones you cannot see of course. Congrats on this fantastic treaty. I wish both of you happy fun time in the near future.
  3. I am sad to hear that you are departing from us dear friend. How I long for the days of OR in which we could converse on a daily basis. You are one that will hurt to see leave than most others around here. Take care, hope business for you booms, and thank you again for the favor a couple months ago it has been a marginal success.
  4. Thank you everyone for the kind words. Stay tuned for further projects.
  5. Well at least you get some sort of delayed gratification. Glad you didn't retaliate in some sort of vigilantism.
  6. [quote name='Sweeeeet Ronny D' timestamp='1291906597' post='2534866'] No wonder you guys are terrible at Tetris, look at your new flag, that's a terrible place to put the long piece... Oh and grats and stuff. [/quote] You know first hand of our great Tetris playing abilities.
  7. Considering TSO's recent circumstances I'd say this is a pretty nice thing to do.
  8. Thank you for your work as Game Developer Pollard.
  9. [quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1291070608' post='2526049'] You've made this clear many times before. [/quote] I needed to keep tradition.
  10. Sad, you guys were pretty cool when you were around. Have fun in iFOK.
  11. You guys were always a pretty attractive alliance. I am sorry for the ex-members who are now temporarily displaced.
  12. Some of you will be rather disappointed.
  13. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288505597' post='2497852'] I do hope that "you" is third person impersonal, because [i]I[/i] was doing my damn best to talk in private. Then you cancelled. Yes, and you know from me talking to Hereno that I have little time to be around on IRC. You could have brought it up with Arrnea, as ali did. Or PM'ed me. I can't visit your boards (OOC: Not mobile friendly), but I'm pretty sure you have an SOS account, and you most certainly could have tried to contact me here or at my nation. I was willing to spend as long as it took took to take care of this matter, [i]despite[/i] any misgivings and the feelings of my fellow alliance members. [i]You[/i] jumped the gun and cancelled on us rather than dealing with the issue, which, as I've said elsewhere, isn't exactly going to do wonders to make us believe you. It's akin to Diablofan and Elrich offering their resignations when confronted about their plotting. [/quote] The first sentence was impersonal, I know that you were the person to talk to if we were going to get our perspective across. That's why I was hoping to catch you on IRC to talk about it. I haven't had a working SOS account since you switched boards so that was out of the question. I probably should have messaged you about it, but I was hoping we could have a synchronous conversation instead. As you have noted Hereno was very up to discussing this situation, as was I. It seemed to us however your membership would have rather drag this out in public for God and everyone to see than discuss it in private like allies, and we did try to reroute the conversation. I am still willing to discuss this in private but I'm wondering if those efforts will be futile as they have already been. Again, the point doesn't and didn't seem from the outset that fixing ties was in the scope of any of this.
  14. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288483694' post='2497604'] Well, I'm only one man, and one man with limited IRC access. We could have had at least your part behind us now if I could be as active as I used to be. That said, I think the reason this discourse went public so quickly us because Tetris jumped the gun in cancelling. We were willing and trying to settle the issue before they went public, so Arrnea wanted our side as to our reasons out to counter uninformed opinions. [/quote] We weren't going to cancel at all until you began dragging us into these wonderful conversations. Hereno and I have been more than willing to talk with you in private about this, but you guys would rather have you public slugfest. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288503638' post='2497837'] Clearly he had a reason to believe that there was a threat to the security of the alliance. I asked him myself if he had an alternate explanation and was ignored, then treated to Pollard's insulting manner on our own boards. [/quote] You keep bringing this log up like its important. I tried to get back to you multiple times on IRC and you weren't around. Its a game of phone tag that you are trying to blow out of proportion to make yourselves look less worse than us, like this entire grandstanding spectacle has been. So here is my response that I was waiting around to give you. Yes, a large portion of members defecting from the alliance would probably be considered a detriment to said alliance. A security threat? Hardly. I would have rather had SOS remained solidified and stable, but that didn't seem to happen. We tried to remain friends with both sides, that was our greatest fault I suppose.
  15. Really you bring Ali into this? Ali's role was limited to asking if in the event a transition of power went through, that your communications hub would be safe through the transition. I see no wrong doing here. He was looking out for the alliance as a whole, and not a particular side. I figured you would use Pollard's post-cancellation words in your embassy against him in this thread or in the soon to come cancellation thread. The fact that you have shows how far you are reaching to some how put us in a bad light. Few people will take him seriously there. The main argument you have against us is "They knew," and when we say we didn't you say "You should have known then." Should we have? No that's your own internal crap, which is why we were as removed from the situation as possible. As I have already stated our part in this was limited to, if an impeachment does not happen, then most all of our contacts would defect from SOS Brigade, and in the event that happens we would house them until they could set up their own alliance. Like it or not, that is what it is, and your smears to stretch it past that role are wrong.
  16. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288311393' post='2495768'] I can take you on your word that you didn't know more than us, but you certainly could and would have if you had paid an ounce of attention the planning channel you were in. Knowing that michaeru and Mio were planning to betray Arrnea would have been nice, for instance. [/quote] I wasn't particularly aware that any "betrayal" was going on besides the legal impeachment process. As the logs say, we wanted minimal involvement in the internal matters of the SOS Brigade
  17. By the way you could hardly say that we knew more than the SOS gov. We didn't even know any of this was going on until the NsO members got sacked from government and the impeachment process was in motion. Our part in this was the NsO people came to us and said that if the impeachment failed they would leave SOS, and they asked us if we would protect them until they could set up a new alliance. Since it was clarified that this was a legal impeachment attempt and not a coup we did not see it as harboring traitors of SOS. We didn't support them by any means than by saying that we would protect them if they defected, that was our part. This situation was just as sticky to us, when well over half your contacts from an alliance come to you with this, what would you do? As Pollard said, we didn't feel the need to inform SOS gov on things they already knew about. What you wanted us to tell them an impeachment was happening, while it was already in process in their own alliance?
  18. Oh wow haha. Yes, its a common trend lately that VE's political enemies will take every chance to attempt to discredit VE when a member posts in response to a thread that most likely has nothing to do with them.
  19. [quote name='Ginryusama' timestamp='1288148466' post='2494005'] This sounds amusing. You guys only failed for creating your cheap copy of SOS. The charter was amended, iirc, by the help of your current chief/empress or whatever, so did you mean she was a dumbass too? [/quote] Dragonknight is not a member of NsO. Also I would rather see everyone take Dragonkitten's advice and go your separate ways, this doesn't seem to be helping anybodies case here.
  20. Good for both of you for getting rid of a treaty that has little to no standard communication behind it. I am also pleased that two Viridian Entente members posting in this thread are receiving more attention than both of the involved alliances of the OP, they really deserve it for being more awesome than everyone this topic is relevant to.
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