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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='sandman9913' timestamp='1296456119' post='2612592'] Yeah Avorez will soon be known for doing things fast 1.fastest rise and fall of a regime 2.fastest elsection [/quote] Actually, Xinyan currently holds the record for fastest elsection, as performed by Dr Tu Sek Xi.
  2. Well hell, them elections was over right fast wasn't they.
  3. The Xinyan Republic supports Matthew Hill and his attempt to keep Church and State separate, as it should be. [quote] [b]Classified to Matthew Hill's Government[/b] As I understand your government is attempting to maintain the separation of Church and State--as all governments should do. However, I also understand large amounts of your people are grouping together and attempting to force religion into the government of the nation--a place where religion has no place if anywhere else. Let it be known the Xinyan Republic will support your administration's wise decisions in this matter; we also advise you strongly against stepping down and giving into these foolish demands. -General Cheng Nangjia[/quote]
  4. [s][b]Ultimatum from the Xinyan Republic[/b] "Seriously, what's with all the !@#$@#$ ultimatums. Does no one in this world have patience? We give the world ten hours to shut the $%&@ up with the goddamn ultimatums or we will invade [i]everyone[/i]."[/s] "The Xinyan Republic supports Great Britain in this ultimatum. We urge Portugal to see reason and halt its unprovoked attacks on Espana, lest you ignite an international incident."
  5. The Xinyan Republic severely condemns this alleged aggression from Portugal. Further response is pending as we await further information on this.
  6. "I'm speechless. That must be the quickest rise and subsequent fall of a regime in one nation in history." -General Cheng Nangjia
  7. "What's with all the Communists these days? I haven't missed the latest issue of 'Government Fashion', have I?"
  8. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296423350' post='2611512'] Suddenly the whole of the Federative Socialist Republic blew up and killed all the attacking Cochin forces, leaving only a message saying LOL burned into the crater that was the FSR. [/quote] OOC: What. The $%&@.
  9. Ivory Coast is foolish to think Britain would have made good on its threats in the face of such international support for Portugal. Nonetheless, it is a betrayal of the most pathetic kind to surrender an innocent (as the Portuguese claim) leader to face trial for allegedly false crimes. The capitulation of Portugal's people to Britain's unreasonable demands, the betrayal of their leader by the people of Portugal, is noted.
  10. This front for the terrorist organisation of Yaza Hajin will not be permitted to have any contact or interaction whatsoever with the Xinyan Republic. Any officers of this group found to have entered the Republic will be detained.
  11. [quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1296253125' post='2607984'] "The Union of Arctica does not recognize this as acceptable evidence. Torture is an ineffective ways of gaining information, but is very effective at getting false confessions like this, due to the fact that eventually the pain will become so great, the subject will say whatever the torturer wants him to say. The Union of Arctica urges Portugal not to abide by this ridiculous demand, unsupported by good evidence." [/quote] The Xinyan Republic mirrors the statement of the Union of Arctica in this matter.
  12. [b]Classified[/b] In the Xinyan Republic, the site was blocked and shut down; those who had any indication of being involved with this terrorist organisation were investigated for potential connections to Yaza Hajin.
  13. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295972279' post='2600262'] The sniper situated outside the hotel radioed to the operatives inside to duck and cover as he saw the AFV roll out. He didn't know if the call was effective or not when it began shooting. Inside, the call came too late to make a difference. At least two men had gone down from machine gun fire, the other four remaining took a desperate measure in this time. One of them kicked down the door of an occupied room and dragged out a screaming woman, holding his Makarov to her face. The other three provided cover for him if the Militsiya got far enough into the hotel to find them and their new hostage. [/quote] "Taking Xinyan citizens hostage...despicable," the Direction Central officer spat as he took cover. "Act as you have been trained." The militsiya charged through the door, their AK-74 automatic rifles aimed. They moved up the stairs until they heard the sounds of the screaming hostage. They took cover; the captain signaled for his men to prepare before he tossed a flashbang grenade into the room. As the flash went off, blinding anyone within the room's enclosed area. The six Militsiya then entered the room and quickly lined up shots while the flashbang remained in effect before firing their rifles at close range.
  14. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1295841349' post='2595388'] Turn Acadia into a protectorate of Pravus Ingruo. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94597&view=findpost&p=2595389 [/quote] The sheer amount of realistic RP that went into this is overwhelming. I salute you.
  15. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295811314' post='2594223'] Because my goverment wouldn't like that. [/quote] Your government is a real !@#$%, then.
  16. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1295279334' post='2578632'] The Fist operatives meticulously searched every room for Reséndez. She had escaped the Brotherhood's grasp for too long for this chance to pass them by. As each room was breached and cleared, the six moved ever closer to Reséndez's death. Her room was finally approached and breached. A short burst of Kalashnikov gunfire erupted and the six began their exit, almost as if nothing had ever happened. The other three agents got the radio message from the others inside (if the Direction Central operatives had the right frequency, they would be able to hear it) and they began packing up. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, it appeared they would get out scotch free and be given nice medals upon their arrival to Portugal. They could almost hear Councilor Roybal congratulating them now. [/quote] The Fist agents' hopes would go disastrously wrong for them. "Bring in the Piranha," the Direction Central officer muttered into his comm unit; in a nearby Militsiya station, a MOWAG Piranha AFV rolled out, a 50cal machine gun mounted on its chassis, and six soldiers within it. Within moments it streaked through the streets of Junction 2, halting at the hotel, which was now under lockdown. The gun swiveled to aim right for the hotels windows and doors, where the Fist operatives were now holed up. Meanwhile, the Direction Central agents lined up shots on any openings in the hotel with their sniper rifles; the Militsiya troops unloaded from the Piranha and prepared to breach the door.
  17. [quote name='KingChris' timestamp='1295580434' post='2587653'] "Welcome to the International Broadcasting Radio Station of the Republic of Ontario. And now, please tune in for the President's State of the Republic Speech." "Good evening, my fellow On-" Listeners would then hear static, followed by an extremely high pitched voice that sounded like the result of a genetic experiment gone wrong. "Ontario shall burn to the ground. The awful tyranny that overran Disparu out of Ontario had ended. 20 bombs were dropped on the location of the President's speech, effectively killing all government members that could take over the country in such an accident. Freedom for the native Ontarians!!! "Ok, now I honestly don't know what to do. I guess that since I hijacked the government's access to all communications, I'm in charge now...Bah, @#$% it. Those Imperialist swine down in New York can take this place, I guess. I'm gonna go and dive down Niagara Falls. See all you suckers later. Ayayayayayayaya!!!!" Meanwhile, soldiers stationed all across the country simultaneously facepalmed in shock. They would not notice any foreign armies marching in. OOC: Re-roll [/quote] Not anymore, according to you.
  18. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1295583504' post='2587761'] Enforcing rules via IC consequences is a dumb idea. With rare exception, people will generally not do the long term RP needed to sufficiently punish someone. [/quote] Not enforcing OOC rules IC. What I'm saying is that if people do not want weapons in space, the limitation should be suggested IC, not OOC. Similar to bans on certain weapons of mass destruction in RL.
  19. I am of the opinion an anti-space weapons rule should be IC, not OOC (if said space weapons are realistically viable). IC nations could therefore violate this 'law' and the consequences would be imposed in an IC reaction rather than an OOC reaction. Something like a 'rogue state' sort of thing. Just a vague bit of opinion.
  20. I'm always up for character RP. I think a joint character RP with a group would certainly be interesting.
  21. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1295323124' post='2579919'] My God have mercy on their soles.[/i] [/quote] Their shoes are goin' straight to hell.
  22. I believe IFVs, SPAs, towed artillery, etc, should be kept separate of one another in the numbers. Just puttin' it my two cents.
  23. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1295221649' post='2577839'] http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97165 Well, my government asked UKIM to take over Labrador but Pravus Ingrou stuck his nose where it didn't belong. My government doesn't like that. Past government that is. [/quote] It's IC. And since it does not violate any CNRP laws, it will have to be dealt with IC.
  24. The people of Labrador specifically asked that the land not be touched by Pravus Ingruo, but that the land be turned over to the UKIM. It is nice to see the wishes of the people so honoured by Pravus Ingruo.
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