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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1297229424' post='2626669'] I'd rather go swimming in a pool of spiders, rattlesnakes, and dead babies than be your puppet, JED. [/quote] But that sounds [i]really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really[/i] fun. The former, anyway.
  2. What is the problem? Only that this 'Islamic Circle of Western Europe' has openly affiliated itself with Yaza-Hajin, a group that has long ago shown itself to be an armed, militant radicalist group. For this reason already, any group affiliated with Yaza-Hajin would be banned from entry to the Xinyan Republic, in addition to that we do not permit public groups to hock their religions at the citizenry of the irreligious Xinyan Republic.
  3. I would.... But I have a nation :v
  4. In the Federatsiya Arkhangelsk, citizens were almost always hard at work, rarely having time to idle about and watch television. When the announcement from Ivan Novikov arrived, however, it was taken in by all those available to hear it. The deep voice rumbled through workplaces, homes, even echoing through the bleak metal shells of criminal prison camps as the nation's scum and villainy toiled and worked. "Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, people of our grand nation and those of nations abroad, it is my regret to make this announcement. On this day, in the early morning, the CNE seized three cargo ships moving between the Republic of Brazil and the Federatsiya Arkhangelsk. The three cargo ships were transporting goods and hardware between our two nations and possessed absolutely no offensive or surveillance capabilities." "Two of the cargo ships belonged to the Brazilian government; the third belonged to Federal naval forces. At the time these cargo ships were passing near the demarcation line set between the CNE and the Atlantik Clique, there was no way for these ships to know of the announcement from the CNE about their new foreign policy. And yet they have been seized by CNE forces, and their crews are currently being held by the CNE military." "This is a warning, from Brazil and from the Federation itself. The CNE will release the cargo ships and their crews. Both will be untouched. If neither of these are done, there will be severe consequences. The CNE can pull its little games with the Atlantik Clique--but Brazil and the Federation are not Atlantika. We will not stand idly and allow you to commit such illegal and cowardly crimes. The CNE has no business in the trade relations of the Federation and Brazil. This is your first, last, and only warning. Believe me, New England, you do not want to find out the consequences if you do not follow this warning." Even as Novikov stated this, the fleet of battlecruisers had made a course, moving closer to CNE's naval territory line.
  5. [quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1297208636' post='2626149'] OOC: I'm not quite sure you can imply those reasons for your demilitarization as everything in the thread you cite is classified. [/quote] OOC: I mirror this statement. This is metagaming.
  6. [b]1400 hours, June 13 Palácio da Alvorada Brasília, Brasil[/b] President Isabelle Vieira received the news grimly. Nearby, Vice President Elias Evangelista, Director of the Chamber of Deputies Sergio de Ville, Director of the Council Andre Senna wore similar expressions. Vieira had known long that a feud had run between the CNE and the Atlantik Clique for many years--but to close off a route that was known to be a vital naval trade to all nations? She had certainly not expected the CNE to take such drastic measures. At one time Brazil had depended on that route to receive military hardware and equipment from the Arkhangelsk Federation; now, though Brazil was militarily becoming independent of foreign equipment, designing its own advanced hardware, the route remained important as a naval trade pathway between the two allies. "Brazil will not stand for this," Vieira muttered angrily under her breath. "When has the CNE cared for the opinions of other nations?" Evangelista scoffed in response. "They won't budge, and this will severely obstruct our economic progress. We have been on the rise politically and economically due to our ability to maintain a route with the Federation, but if that route is cut..." "The Federation will not stand for this either," was Veiera's reply. "Novikov may not be doing much on the international political scene lately, but he will not stand idly. Let us not forget, Arkhangelsk depends on Brazil and that trade route for many of its components and resources that it cannot produce itself. The Federation would not be willing to allow the CNE to simply...toss that aside." "Will Arkhangelsk be able to get CNE to budge?" Senna spoke with doubt in his voice. "Considering CNE is the premier power in North America, they may think this is a way to consolidate their own power. In such a case, the likelihood that New England will be willing to negotiate is doubtful." Vieira shook her head. "I would not have expected CNE to pull something like this. Do they really expect to get away with it?" "For long the CNE has seemed to think it can get away with much that is not its domain," de Ville added. "I do not think it will last long at this rate." The announcement came at a time when Brazilian and Federal vessels were long already on their way through the route. The fleet of Averin-class battlecruisers remained at a distance from the established demarcation line itself; however, the ships, placed at an important 'crossroads' on the trade route, remained vigilant and on the alert as commercial vessels from both Brazil and Arkhangelsk passed through. The route they were taking, stopping in Northern Canada to refuel, required the commercial ships to pass dangerously near the border set by Operation Watchtower, of which the commercial vessels remained unknowing.
  7. [center][size="5"]Factbook Profile: República do Brasil[/size] [size="3"]Republic of Brazil[/size] [URL=http://img227.imageshack.us/i/braz.png/][IMG]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/899/braz.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [size="4"]Government[/size] [b]Presidente/President[/b]: [url="http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/7526/bram.jpg"]Isabelle Vieira[/url] [b]Vice-Presidente[/b]: Viscount Elias Evangelista Diretor da Câmara dos Deputados/Director of the Chamber of Deputies: Sergio de Ville Diretor do Conselho/Director of the Council: Andre Senna [URL=http://img37.imageshack.us/i/brazn.png/][IMG]http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3569/brazn.png[/IMG][/URL] Total Population: 202,732,694 Largest Cities: São Paulo - 12,044,369 Rio de Janeiro - 6,147,037 Brasilia - 2,872,995 Fortaleza - 2,657,409 Salvador - 2,626,606 [b]Forças Armadas Brasileiras/Armed Forces of Brazil[/b] - Força Exército Brasileira/Brazilian Army Forces: 539,910 Active Personnel - Força Aérea Brasileira/Brazilian Air Forces: 149,330 Active Personnel - Força Marinha Brasileira/Brazilian Naval Forces: 210,450 Active Personnel [b]Força Exército Brasileira Equipment[/b] - AK-200 Assault Rifle - IMBEL MD-5 Assault Rifle - G36K Carbine - Taurus M937 Pistol - SPAS-16 Combat Shotgun - VSS Vintorez Suppressed Sniper Rifle - Sig-Sauer SSG 3000 Sniper Rifle - KSVK Anti-Materiel Rifle - FN MAG M213 Machine Gun - Igyn 9K40 Man-portable SAM - BA-10 Man-portable SAM [b]Vehicles[/b] - T-102 Main Battle Tank - EE-213 Cascavel Main Battle Tank - EE-12 Urutu APC - BTR-102A APC - BMP-102 IFV - EE-301 Long Range SAM System - 2S31 Vena Self Propelled Artillery [b]Força Aérea Brasileira[/b] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Russian_Air_Force_Sukhoi_Su-35_Belyakov.jpg"]Sukhoi Su-35BM Combat Aircraft[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/MiG-35_airliners_net.jpg"]Neiva T25 Fighter Aircraft[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/F-117_Nighthawk_Front.jpg"]EE-15 Advanced Stealth Bomber[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/E-2D_Hawkeyes_in_flight_c2009.JPG"]EE-1BA Argonaut AWACS[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0c/Russian_Air_Force_Kamov_Ka-50.jpg"]Neiva T12 Attack Helicoptor[/url] - [url="http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/9150/41050117.jpg"]HA-10 Heavy Assault Craft[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Eurofighter_Typhoon_02.jpg"]EE-16 Advanced Stealth Fighter[/url] [b] Força Marinha Brasileira[/b]: To be updated
  8. The wisdom of firing a 30mm autocannon (even if the rounds were blanks) over a crowd of unexpecting civilians seems questionable to us.
  9. The deep stillness of the Atlantic Ocean was almost disconcerting at times. At times, one was hard pressed to realise that below the serene, rolling surface of blue was an entirely different world--one that sank unimaginable distances into deep trenches and dark, ominous caverns. From above, however, nothing of this vast secret universe could be seen--only the relative peace and quiet of the waters, which was about to be disturbed. Slicing through the blue expanse, six battlecruisers, in a 1-3-2 fleet formation, ran almost silently over the water; on their hull, a black, intertwined star set against a backdrop of crimson red marked the fleet to be of the Federal Naval Forces. The route they were on was one that was usually used by commercial naval vessels moving between the Federatsiya Arkhangelsk and Brazil--a route that led close to the CNE/Atlantik Clique's little 'demarcation line'. Since the Federation was uninvolved in the conflicts between the CNE and Atlantik, there was no need for Arkhangelsk to fear any problems with either country as far as violating any agreements; however, given the CNE's naval practices, it would not be unusual for the Federation to be concerned over the security of commercial vessels both from Arkhangelsk and from their allies in Brazil. Either way, it could be seen as a show of force from the Federation--a warning to the CNE that whatever it decided to pull with the Atlantik Clique, any movements against a Federation vessel would be responded to immediately--and with brutal force.
  10. General Ivan Mikhailovich Novikov ran a large hand over the visor of his peaked cap thoughtfully. Seated before him, clothed in similar uniform, were three men and a woman, each looking at one another with empty looks in their dark eyes. The room in which the table they sat at was situated was large and noticeably cold. On the walls hung portraits of history's greatest military commanders--Suvorov, Napoleon, Frederick II, Horatio Nelson, among many others no less worthy of mention. At one end of the room, an ornate double door stood made of decorative oaken wood; the room was noticeably without windows, lit by several unobtrusive sources throughout the expanse. An aire of military strictness and severity hung about the room--an aire that was interrupted as Novikov spoke with a casual tone. "And so yet more news of international scandal arrives at our doorstep," General Novikov, Chairman of the Committee, stated. "CNE and the Atlantik Clique pulling their usual !@#$," Colonel Anna Averin, Officer of Research and Science, replied with a smirk. Averin's long black hair was tied at the back and braided, and her face, plain at first glance but intelligent and clever, possessed a certain quality--a strange charisma. "Typical." "Fortunate we are uninvolved in their useless bickering." The hoarse voice of Colonel Ilya Vrubletsky, Officer of Foreign Affairs. Vrubletsky had served in military and civil capacities in the Russian Federation and, prior to that, in the old Soviet Union. Short black hair intersparsed with patches of grey concealed Vrubletsky's true age. "The Federation of Arkhangelsk cannot afford to involve itself in such petty squabbles," Novikov nodded gravely. "We must look to our own troubles." To this, Aleksei Konev, Officer of Education and Industry, raised an eyebrow. "It would seem to me that we have little to trouble ourselves over." Of all the officers present, Konev was the most well versed in the art of playing upon the minds and hearts of people. He could turn an outright lie into an attractive truth with only a few words. "Actually..." At last, the reticent Nikolai Kolkharin, Officer of the Interior, spoke his opinion. "Would it not be a desirable option to reassert the Federation's influence on the world?" Kolkharin, a veteran who had lost his left eye (and, some say, his soul) to the Second Chechnyan War, spoke little, but when he did the gravity of the room shifted dramatically. "A fair point," Averin agreed. "It seems to me the Federation's influence is waning. Should we not remind the world Arkhangelsk remains a vigilant and ever-present superpower. We have inherited a land that historically has always exerted a powerful influence upon nations of the world. The Federation should not fear to exercise its power and influence." Novikov gave pause to think. It was true that the Federation dominated Eastern Europe and Eurasia, but in recent years Arkhangelsk had neglected to remain involved in world affairs. "Perhaps it is time we reentered the global scene," he spoke slowly, ponderously. "We are, after all, a naval power as well. It would not be difficult for the Federation to increase a naval presence in the region. Not to mention the disturbances down in Central Asia." "Different factions are asserting themselves," Kolkharin added with a minuscule nod. "Supporting one or another militarily could provide us with an important ally in the region," continued Averin. As she spoke, she reached into the pockets of her overcoat and withdrew a canteen from which she drank. "After all, Arkhangelsk has the potential to be able to virtually control the passage of weapons and military strength through Eurasia. And given the state of this continent...I would argue that is a very useful ability indeed." A small smile tugged at the corners of Novikov's pale lips, to hear such words spoken of the country he had carved out of Northern Russia years ago. "Let's start with this situation with the CNE and Atlantik Clique, then. We'll send a battlecruiser squad near the region...in the interests of protecting passing Federal assets in the area. That corridor is, after all, an important naval route between us and our allies in South America. An expression of the slightest fraction of Arkhangelsk's naval superiority. From there, we can continue to police the route...see what our friends the CNE and Atlantika are up to these days."
  11. [center][size="5"]Factbook Profile: Federatsiya Arkhangelsk[/size] [size="4"] Federation of Archangel[/center][/size] [center][URL=http://img717.imageshack.us/i/flags.png/][IMG]http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/2658/flags.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [size="5"]Government[/size] [b]Chairman of the Committee:[/b] [url="http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/2743/tovk.jpg"]General Ivan Mikhailovich Novikov[/url] [b]The Committee[/b] - Colonel Ilya Vrubletsky, Officer of Foreign Affairs - Colonel Nikolai Kolkharin, Officer of the Interior - Colonel Anna Averin, Officer of Research and Science - Colonel Aleksei Konev, Officer of Education and Industry The Federation's government is a military committee under the head of General Ivan Novikov, formerly Director of the Military in the Russian Federation before it collapsed and fractured; he had become disillusioned with what he perceived as the corruption and selfish inefficiency of the bloated Russian bureaucracy. Along with four of his most trusted comrades, Novikov, a popular officer who garnered much support amongst the army of Russia after the nation fell, fought against other revolutionary elements throughout northern Russia, eventually carving out his own territory from north-western Russia and Siberia. Subsequently General Novikov created a 'Committee' in which he placed those officers with whom he had fought to gain his territory, allowing them to utilise their own areas of expertise. The Committee maintains a severe clamp on such things as religion, which is described as a degrading influence on the youth; therefore, it is illegal to preach religion publicly, though worship in privacy is permitted. [b]Location in the World[/b] [URL=http://img59.imageshack.us/i/slav.png/][IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/7422/slav.png[/IMG][/URL] Administrative Zones 1 - Arkhangelsk 2 - Vologda 3 - Kalugo 4 - Komi 5 - Neretsia 6 - Kirov 7 - Perm 8 - Sverdlovsk 9 - Khanta-mansia 10 - Novosibirsk 11 - Yamalia 12 - Krasnoyarsk 13 - Military Zone (access forbidden to all but high ranking military personnel; used for military research, exercises, and experiments) Total Population: 103,500,000 (estimate) Largest Cities: Arkhangelsk - 9,400,000 (estimate) Komi - 5,200,000 Novosibirsk - 2,100,000 Kalugo - 1,000,000 [b]Federal Armed Forces[/b] - Federal Army: 798,000 Active Personnel - Federal Air Force: 215,000 Active Personnel - Federal Naval Force: 168,000 Active Personnel [b]Federal Army Equipment[/b] - AK-200 Assault Rifle - AK-200u Carbine - MP-443 Grach Pistol - VSS Vintorez Suppressed Sniper Rifle - KSVK Anti-Materiel Rifle - PKM-2 Machine Gun - RPG-34 - Igyn 9K40 Man-portable SAM [b]Vehicles[/b] - T-102 Main Battle Tank - BTR-102A APC - BMP-102 IFV - S-400 Long Range SAM - Pantsir S1 Short/Medium Range SAM/Anti Aircraft - 2S31 Vena Self Propelled Artillery - TOS-1 Thermobaric Rocket Launcher [b]Federal Air Forces[/b] - [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-35BM"]Sukhoi Su-35BM Combat Aircraft[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Tu-160_at_MAKS_2007.jpg"]Tupolev Tu-160 Strategic Bomber[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Beriev_A-50_over_Moscow_on_6_May_2010.jpg"]Beriev A-50M Reconnaissance[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/%D0%9C%D0%B8-28%D0%9D%D0%AD_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%9C%D0%90%D0%9A%D0%A1-2007_%2802%29.jpg"]Mi-28 Attack Helicoptor[/url] - [url="http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/9150/41050117.jpg"]HA-10 Heavy Assault Craft[/url] - [url="http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/3488/wizb.jpg"]Sukhoi Su-K1 Experimental Fighter-Bomber[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/A-10_Thunderbolt_II_In-flight-2.jpg"]Sukhoi Su-10A Ground Attack Aircraft[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/10/Pak_fa_in_flight.jpg"]Sukhoi Su-J10 Advanced Stealth Fighter[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/B-2_Spirit_original.jpg"]Tupolev Tu-1A Experimental Stealth Strategic Bomber[/url] [b]Federal Naval Forces Ships[/b] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/USS_Nimitz_%28CVN-68%29.jpg"]Novikov-class Aircraft Carrier[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Kirov-class_battlecruiser.jpg"]Averin-class battlecruiser[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Submarine_Vepr_by_Ilya_Kurganov_crop.jpg"]Kolkharin-class Nuclear Submarine[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3d/Kerch2007Sevastopol.jpg"]Konev-class Missile Cruiser[/url] - [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/AdmiralVinogradov2009.jpg"]Vrubletsky-class Destroyer[/url]
  12. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1296859485' post='2619583'] "We are not flipflopping. We are merely saying that should they invade Africa, which they shouldn't, they should not leave it to rot. If an occupator allowed millions to starve and fend for themselves, how would the international community act?" [/quote] Rebel Army left millions to starve and fend for themselves in Africa? Really?
  13. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1296713051' post='2617303'] First, it's Zargathia, not me. Second, who the land goes to is decided by the two protectors. There is nothing OOC about it: They can refuse anyone if they so wish. Not a good thing, but forcing them to give away land is not going to work. [/quote] I ain't sayin' 'force them to give the land away'. I'm sayin' they're holding it for a specific RPer and as I see it will turn down anyone else who wants Japan. And there is quite a bit OOC about that.
  14. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296696086' post='2616791'] Sorry I missed that . Maybe once your nation's administration changes I can set up a new branch. Which would be cool. [/quote] Actually that's what I was trying to hint at XD With the administration's determination to a) increase involvement and remove influence of the military and b) increase foreign trade and business, the Republic is more open to permitting branches of non-Xinyan companies to operate in the Republic.
  15. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296691604' post='2616708'] Wow just wow. Thank you for the many and quick responses. I don't want to upset anyone so I think I will have the HQ in Sri Lanka due to its capitalist ideals, whilst also maintaining a philippine and URSR branch if that is okay with you all? [/quote] I made a response too you know
  16. Is this kind of like the Cup of Nations that Pravus had going previously?
  17. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1296660774' post='2616205'] I've heard his story. This really is one of the few things he can find solace in. [/quote] Well if it's so damn important to him, when he gets back he can reroll. It's not like we're going to say "NO YOU CANNAE RETURN TO CNRP NEVAR" He can always reroll. I mean, if his life hinges on a few pixels shaped like Japan on a roleplay game, I think he needs to get some help, seriously.
  18. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1296657117' post='2616143'] It's for EvR who's away at the Air Force. [/quote] It's still against the rules. They are holding on to it for a purely OOC reason and when he gets back it will be OOC gifting.
  19. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1296657773' post='2616156'] Well, since EvR seriously wigged out last time he almost lost japan, we all decided it was best to hold onto it for him. I'm not going to go deeper than this. [/quote] If the guy is so damn attached to CNRP it may be for the better if he loses Japan :v
  20. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1296617995' post='2615529'] Has he posted within 25 days? No? Wipe him. We didn't hold Margrave's land for him when he was [b]actually deployed[/b] in Afghanistan. [/quote] As I understand it, it was RPed some time ago that Rebel Army, Koryo, and the UFE moved in to protect the land. However, I believe to be holding the land for that specific RPer, waiting for him to return, would be nothing but OOC gifting and not permissible.
  21. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1296605279' post='2615250'] Would anyone be willing to let me set up a civilian mining company in there nation. I just can't seem to do well as a nation and would rather try something a little smaller. [/quote] I would...but most operations like mining are operated by the military in the Xinyan Republic :v Though the current administration is working to change that.
  22. I'm an incurable self confessed pessimist and I share the viewpoint :v Equality, as such, is more or less synonymous with progress. A society held back by irrational prejudices and inequalities supported by the state has no ability to move forward; it can only devolve.
  23. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1296597131' post='2615040'] Force rerolling. Some people are sitting on huge swaths of land with rich histories and cultures that could provide many players with great RP opportunities, but have gone completely to waste while their owners post once or twice a month. [/quote] I made a proposal similar to this concerning RPers who control ridiculously huge empires and hardly RP.
  24. "Though previously we were skeptical of Britain's accusations against Councilman Roybal of Portugal, this turn of events, the Portuguese invasion of peaceful Espana, goes to show that truly Portugal's people deserve better than the incompetent, tyrannic leaders they now have. The Xinyan Republic supports Britain and Espana in this war, and should it be necessary the Republic is open to refugees and civilians fleeing the war." -President Wu De Ling, official statement
  25. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1296503946' post='2613280'] It is better to die standing than to live on your knees. [/quote] You make it sound as if you are the victim here.
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