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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1293976308' post='2560803'] He's also my Cuba [/quote] Okay, but President Jiang doesn't go for cigars and iconic patrol caps. And she can't really grow a nice beard either.
  2. OOC: If you dare unleash Richtofen on the world, I call rights to Nikolai.
  3. [quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1293981461' post='2560843'] OoC: Rules in CNRP are different from IG. Anyways: modernized. Rxactly. You can't use it. Rules are rules. Just use teh T80U then. [/quote] OOC: This. T-90 was developed after the fall of the USSR and therefore is simply beyond your tech level. You could use the T-80U if you wished (honestly, the T-84 is far more effective, but up to you) but it cannot be 'modernised' because you do not have modern tech.
  4. OOC: Maleatu, sorry for the OOC, but at 20 tech, I do not think you can use the T-90, the BMTP, or the BMT-4, as those three were produced after the fall of the Soviet Union (until 500 tech you can only use Cold War era technology).
  5. The Empire of Twelve Gods no longer exists and thus must be removed from the Mediterranean Economic and Military Union and the Aphrike Treaty. Valencia no longer exists and thus must be removed from the Mediterranean Economic and Military Union. The United Mechodamian States no longer exists and thus must be removed from the Aphrike Treaty.
  6. No, by order of the GM named *muffled garbled noise* you must hand over said information to the Xinyan Republic immediately.
  7. The Xinyan Republic will send the following vehicles: [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Stryker_ICV_front_q.jpg"]MORAG Piranha[/url] [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/UkrainianT84Tank.jpg"]T-84 Main Battle Tank[/url] [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/MoscowParade2009_7.jpg"]S-300 Surface to Air Missile System[/url] [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/RSZO_Smertch.jpg"]BM-30 Smersh Heavy Multiple Rocket Launcher[/url]
  8. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1293870564' post='2559964'] There is one major difference between the RP and RL worlds. In the real world, these states are pariahs, forcefully shunned and attacked by the vast majority of the nations. In the RP world, these states are lauded as heroes, and continue to forge diplomatic ties with the other powerful nations. It has come to the point where every major player in CNRP is now allied to one another. The world is literally stuck the way it is be cause there is no coalition powerful enough to take down one of the top players, which Shadow undoubtedly is, until all the major RPers suddenly go inactive. [/quote] I find myself in agreement here.
  9. [quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1293865088' post='2559912'] -At the Protests- Badger A1 tanks rolled towards the protesters, flanked by a mixture of resolute and uneasy soldiers of the Norwegian Army. The tanks were designed for fleeting attacks in the mountains, thinly armored with a large low-velocity gun. Several megaphones blared out orders for the striking workers to stand down or face extermination. [/quote] OOC: Now [i]this [/i]is how you take care of a protest.
  10. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1293751346' post='2558665'] Quick question, do Tank Destroyers count as tanks? [/quote] They're entirely obsolete, but I would think that they are.
  11. When Nangjia saw Xu, the urge to draw the pistol at his hip and shoot the Commander was powerful. Xu clearly could tell this, and seemed almost to withdraw back as Nangjia glared at him; the wrath was apparent in the black, stone-like eyes of the General. However, Nangjia kept himself calm, and turned back to Kei Shojitsu to hear his proposal. The expression on the General's face changed gradually--calm expressionlessness at first. Then, slowly, a smirk crept onto his face--the smile of a ruthless opportunist. With three nuclear weapons at the disposal of the Ultranationalist faction, the coward Feng Chao and his group would not dare to make a military move. Not only that, but if Xinyan were to suffer a threat... "As much as this cretin deserves painful death for his betrayal," Nangjia's lip curled in a sneer as he glanced sideways at Xu. "Yours is a very...tempting offer." Nangjia knew, though he would not say it, that the Republic had been far from being capable of producing a working nuclear prototype. Xu's skills, applied to Korea's industrial capabilities, would produce results far better than the Republic alone could. "I find your proposal acceptable. This thing," he said in reference to Xu. "would be more productive this way."
  12. When he learned Commander Xu had attempted to escape the Republic...to say General Nangjia was furious would be an understatement. Nangjia, however, was not blinded by his anger. He could tell there was no way Xu could have escaped on his own--which meant the Commander had gotten aid from another group or person. As for the Koreans knowing of the top secret nuclear projects, it was likely that spineless coward Xu had cracked under interrogation--that, or perhaps the Koreans had been involved; Nangjia could not discount this possibility. Nangjia went to the border accompanied at first by a military convoy. Once he was within a radius of the border, he proceeded alone, though his troops were not far off and more than capable of reaching him if trouble began.
  13. We demand to know the fate of the old Cadia.
  14. Lestari


    Xinyan questions the wisdom of granting independence to a country whose leader is named 'A-bomb'.
  15. The reaction to the Xinyan victory for the Xinyan fans was astounding. Though they had been hoping for the best, the Rangers knew they were going against Transvaal, one of the best teams in the world, and had hoped at best to keep them at a stalemate 0-0. Fans rejoiced as they watched Jie Jieng, the team's star player, kick the ball clear past Manos Torgo. "We don't intend to give up at Transvaal," Jieng has said. "Even if we have managed to defeat the giant, we cannot allow ourselves to get carried away. We will play just as hard in our next games."
  16. [quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1293427409' post='2555033'] Here's a brilliant idea, let's quit spamming this thread and instead use it for what it was intended to be used for: OOC comments to IC actions. [/quote] Really? 0_o I thought it was just for, y'know, OOC chatting. I plead innocent. I was only following everyone else's example.
  17. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1293363330' post='2554306'] Also, can someone tell me why Imperator Azenquor has the kanji for "water" in his sig? [/quote] May be a good idea to ask him himself. Just a hunch on my part. [quote name='Ioannes' timestamp='1293403493' post='2554702'] At this point I'm not sure if you're stupid pretending to be stupid, stupid pretending to be smart, or just dumb. Your posts are not funny. For the love of all that is good and funny in this world, stop posting. Adding on to a joke does not always make it funnier. Making a quip after another's statement does not automatically ensure it will be comedic. Understand this and everyone's life gets a little bit better. [/quote] Naw, I think he just utterly fails at detecting sarcasm and irony over the internet. Even if it is so glaringly obvious I can barely look at it without my eyes burning.
  18. [quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1293345366' post='2554192'] I'm tempted to put that in my siggy. [/quote] By all means. Sir dotCommie of the Machine gives his approval.
  19. [quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1293345112' post='2554188'] This conversation vaguely reminds me of an RvB PSA.... What's my title, then? [/quote] Sir SK Wynter of Zetland: Thinks he merits a title
  20. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1293344527' post='2554175'] This is also long. [/quote] Sir HHAYD of Heska: Does not appreciate irony.
  21. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1293339831' post='2554087'] I hereby award dotCom of The Machine his new title: Sir Hypocrite [/quote] I hereby award-- Wait, what. How am I a hypocrite.
  22. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1293337569' post='2554037'] I hereby award dotCom of The Machine his new title: Hard-to-Understand Sarcasm Writer. I hereby award dotCom of The Machine and Markus Wilding of Alvonia their new title: Denier of Difficulty of Deciphering Phrases as Sarcasm or "Serious Business" over Internet. [/quote] I hereby award HHAYD of Heska his new title: Sir Comes-Up-With-Way-Too-Long-Titles, Honorary Person-Who-Cannot-Take-A-Joke
  23. It was a good thing that he had this opportunity now, Xu thought to himself. After the next cycle, the provisions truck would be staffed by military soldiers who would certainly not have allowed anyone to even attempt to bribe them. Once the military was entirely reorganised, there would be absolutely no civilians near this base. Escape from this base, by then, would be utterly impossible. The military was becoming more and more powerful, though President Jiang remained and would continue to remain the ultimate, true power within the Republic. The power that was going into the military was being sapped from the Cabinet. Xu nodded at the instructions of the Xia twins. It was unlikely that the halls would remain unpatrolled, but given his status, Xu didn't think he would have to worry as long as he did not run across any of the NCOs who received instructions from the Guofangbu--instructions that Xu was not to be allowed to leave unattended. "Just one question...where are you from and who do you take orders from?" Two days later, the day the last civilian provisions convoy would enter the base. Commander Xu fingered the USB drive in his coat pocket as he walked down the halls. Glancing up at the security camera focused, it seemed, right on him, Xu found himself hoping that the Xia twins had indeed managed to somehow take out the surveillance system. Once the military was finished updating this base, of course, the primitive cameras would be replaced with a far more efficient system. Apparently, the military did not think anyone would be attempting to escape from this base in that time--indeed, not a few weeks ago Xu would not have expected to find himself escaping from this base. When he reached the provisions trucks, he felt himself tense up a bit, and his eyes widened with anxiety. Standing there, flanked by two soldiers armed with assault rifles, was an NCO, watching over the convoy. Xu had taken the liberty of casting off his officer's garments and donning the uniform of a corporal, but this scant disguise surely would not prevent him from being recognised up close... "Hey! Corporal, you there!" The NCO had noticed him. Xu pulled the patrol cap low over his eyes, casting a shadow over his face, as he approached the NCO. If he disobeyed a direct order, he was liable to end up in a worse situation anyway. "Sir," he said, saluting the NCO but keeping his face low. "I was ordered here to conduct a quick check on the inventory in one of the provisions trucks...some kind of a mix up. The Commander wanted a report." He waited--if the NCO asked for his identification number or his ID card... "...then get to it, Corporal," the NCO ordered harshly. "The less time I spend in this blasted cold, the better." Taken aback, Xu gave a hasty salute to the NCO, who sneered back in response, and then he walked into the convoy's midst to find the designated truck.
  24. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1293330216' post='2553911'] There's no accurate way of predicting what future tech will be developed. [/quote] Sarcasm. It's lost on some people.
  25. I think the limit should be 2250. By then we'll have mechs and spaceships and !@#$.
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