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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. "You gotta be !@#$@#$ kidding me." - Unnamed Xinyan Ranger
  2. Who the hell has fun in CNRP. That's just ludicrous. Everyone get back to being bored, now.
  3. [quote name='Biohazard' timestamp='1292833331' post='2546243'] Happens a lot to us silly Americans... [/quote] Precisely why I pity your lot.
  4. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1292827870' post='2546096'] WOOSH That's the sound of sarcasm going straight over your head [/quote] WOOSH That's the sound of....yeah, sarcasm going straight over my head.
  5. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1292825338' post='2545987'] If you think this is an accurate message, you've seen: A) That I hate liars B) EM is a revisionist [/quote] Not quite the message your bickering is sending out, really.
  6. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1292815254' post='2545379'] You have a twin? The "North" and "Best" would only make sense if there is more than one person. Otherwise you can't compare Sargun against Sargun. [/quote] Unless he has split personality disorder. A rather frightful thought.
  7. Though disappointed by our loss to the Sioux Falls Bison, the Xinyan Rangers will not allow this defeat to drag us down. In the game against UIN Celts, we will play harder and more aggressively.
  8. Nation Name: Xinyan Republic International Team Nickname: Xinyan Rangers Continent: Asia Current World Rank: Not listed Favored Formation: 4-3-3 Playing Type: Defensive Roster: Keepers: [b]Liung Lee Hsung[/b] - 1 Chang Wei - 4 Defenders: [b]Sung Jianguo[/b] - 2 [b]Kai Xu[/b] - 14 [b]Deng Guofan[/b] - 6 [b]Jiang Wei[/b] - 16 Dai Zheng - 3 Feng Yao - 7 An Jin - 15 Akamatsu Junpei - 18 Midfielders: [b]De Wang[/b] - 17 [b]Tian Lai[/b] - 13 [b]Yung Il-Jang[/b] - 12 Meng Lutang - 11 Tao Qiu - 16 Kang Hou - 22 Forwards: [b]Jie Jiang[/b] - 23 [b]An Liao Ling[/b] - 21 [b]Ning Jin - 20[/b] Hui Shi Xiang - 8 Guo Zhuang - 10 Bao Gong Yan - 9 Feng Guming - 5 Penalty Kickers: Jie Jiang Ning Jin De Wang Jiang Wei Tian Lai
  9. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292726593' post='2543467'] "Feel free to comment ICly" invites responses from other governments as generally people are RPing governments and characters in positions of power within a government. People who are in government when they speak publically are assumed to be speaking for the government. If you had Obama go on a press conference and say "I think Mr. Hu should allow Taiwan independence, but thats my personal opinion not the US Governments" he'd look ridiculous. If you invite IC Commentary you should be prepared for that commentary to come from governments. That seems quite common sensical to me. [/quote] Your government is free to comment, that was my point. I was [i]not [/i]inviting you to use my internal RPs to start anything with my nation.
  10. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1292728698' post='2543606'] It is just an offer on our part should Xinyan need help in the future. Do not act paranoid, for that might actually make you enemies. [/quote] [b]Classified Response[/b] We apologise if our tone in our reply was in any way hostile. Due to recent...[i]interactions [/i]with the UFE, the Xinyan Republic has gone on alert.
  11. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1292728432' post='2543599'] Korea is willing to help in maintaining stability of Xinyan, should it be called upon. [/quote] Stability? Our stability is in no way threatened. This was not a revolution or rebellion, not at all. It was a tragic but minor riot that has been ended.
  12. [b]Cabinet Adjourns Its Latest Meeting[/b] Days after the infamous riot at Junction 4, the Xinyan Cabinet has adjourned its latest meeting to discuss several new issues that have been brought to attention. First of the issues discussed was gay rights; previously, the provincial leadership of what is now the Xinyan Republic before independence had prohibited gay marriage. In an overwhelming decision, the entire Cabinet, including the president, elected to remove the clause against gay marriage and fully restore people of different sexualities their rights. "It's quite ludicrous that anyone should have their rights stripped from them for something like their sexuality," Director of the Guofangbu General Cheng Nangjia said of the decision. "It arises from a fear of differences of any sort and in a modern society, a fear of differences can only hold us back." The former provincial laws, Nangjia also pointed out, was preventing homosexuals from joining the military, which was "entirely unacceptable; anyone who wishes to serve their nation may do so." The second issue discussed, brought forth by Director of Education Commander Ku Fei, was concerning the school system of the Xinyan Republic; Commander Fei stated that "not enough money is being funneled into our schools, a rather pitiful statement". The clause Commander Fei suggested would subtract from the military's annual budget and instead add the subtracted amount to the Department of Education and Science, whose budget currently stands at twelve billion; the clause is estimated to increase the DoES's budget to an annual fifteen billion within two years. The Cabinet passed the suggestion, though General Cheng Nangjia of the Guofangbu and Director of Industry Commander Wang Tsu-Ming vetoed the clause. Finally, the Cabinet discussed, of course, the riots that occurred at Junction 4. General Cheng Nangjia, concerned that another such riot could become more destructive, suggested the possibility of tightening security in Xinyan City permanently, as well as creating a law against such protests. The new law would have permitted the military to continue to patrol Junction 4 using tanks and APCs, but with the exception of General Nangjia, Vice President Zeng Tsungtan, and Director of Justice Lieutenant Colonel Gao Zhen, the Cabinet vetoed the suggestion. "Though we are, of course, concerned over the recent outbreak of violence in Junction 4, additional military presence may serve only to create tension," President Wu Zen Jiang said of the suggestion. "At the moment, tensions in Junction 4 are slowly but surely cooling, and we do not need any more military personnel there." In other news, forty of the rioters arrested at Junction 4 are remaining in prison for their charges, which have earned them a year in prison. Ten others, however, who were found to have organised the violence and engineered many of the weapons used, will be imprisoned for the next five years.
  13. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1292724768' post='2543423'] Frankly, if DotCom had just put those particular events as "Closed", Triyun wouldn't be interfering, I suppose. That being said, at least Triyun is constant with his RP personality (as well as I do). It's not like he's suddenly going buddy buddy with a nation that he had almost next-to-no RP interaction because he's OOC friendly, which is frankly very distasteful. [/quote] It was closed but they could [i]comment [/i]on it. I didn't want people using my internal RPs as excuses to invade. Though I'm pretty sure Triyun would have continued with that he was doing.
  14. The Xinyan Republic would like to join this organisation.
  15. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1292712115' post='2543151'] OK, so I'll add "doesn't hold back" to the list? We're painting quite the picture of the horrible human being I am. [u][b]Sal Paradise[/b][/u] [list][*]stands up for things [*]doesn't hold back [/list] [/quote] Jesus, Sal. Stands up for things and doesn't hold back? You must be Satan incarnate. [size="1"]For CNRP that is.[/size]
  16. My IC problem was that you used a simple riot, in which military force was used to prevent violence, as a petty excuse to invade (seems that was your intention). Realistically, the world would simply not allow someone to invade for such a reason. My OOC problem is that now I cannot RP as I like because you will use any RP I try to do, even internal, as a petty casus belli to invade.
  17. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292701449' post='2542930'] OOC: Come on dotCom you spent several months trying to goad a war out of me. IC: "Slandering our good allies names will not win you points." [/quote] OOC: That was back when I was in Europe . Now get out of my thread and stop cluttering it.
  18. [quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1292699305' post='2542886'] "These province leaders have made large human rights violations; we support the UFE's condemnation." [/quote] Apparently your nation is woefully uninformed. OOC: Are you !@#$@#$ kidding me. I'm not a !@#$@#$ province. Now stop !@#$@#$ crowding up my news thread.
  19. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292698724' post='2542877'] "The People's Liberation Army is the army of all Chinese, not just those who currently live under the direct protection of the national government. It is absolutely its right." [/quote] No, it is not your right. Your PLA has absolutely no sway over the Xinyan people, for though they are ethnically Chinese, their nationality is and shall be Xinyan. OOC: Will you please just leave it now. The thing is over, and I don't want my news thread full of this !@#$.
  20. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292697333' post='2542855'] "Your regime's reckless disregard for human rights and attempts to mask its brutality as law enforcement actions disgusts us. Provincial renegades to not make diktats to the United Federation of the East. Respect for human rights will be observed or [b]their will be consequences[/b]." - Official Dispatch from NORCOM People's Liberation Army HQ, Beijing. [/quote] We mask no brutality because there is none. We freely showed footage of the riots; of rioters attacking innocent bystanders and soldiers. Perhaps the UFE would allow the rioters to freely attack your civilians, but Xinyan will not. We refuse to be bullied by you, which is clearly what you are attempting to do here, especially since this 'dispatch' originated from your army's HQ. UFE has absolutely no right to meddle in our affairs and no business in Xinyan whatsoever. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1292697564' post='2542862'] "The blatant violations made by these revisionist provincial leaders are disgusting. We support the UFE in their condemnation." [/quote] We are not 'provincial leaders'. The Xinyan Republic is an autonomous, sovereign nation.
  21. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1292681169' post='2542663'] re: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95266&view=findpost&p=2542395 We all play in the context of a world. What happens in our nations affect all of us. You may RP individually, but unless you're wanting to RP in a vacuum, must realize that the world is going to have its own reactions. This includes exploitation of events you let befall your own nation by potential enemies. This is a social community. My suggestion is that you adapt your RP to events as they happen. If you want your own world.. make one, but I will warn you, having made my own world.. they don't tend to last long or hold much interest. I respect you. I respect the RP you're trying to do, but I will lose that respect if you're willing to sacrifice context and relevancy to isolate yourself in a caccoon of self-indulgence. What's the point of your nation existing in CNRP if you're not going to allow its actions and events to influence the rest of the world and vice-versa? All it becomes is a grand effort in self-glorification in a communal atmosphere. [/quote] My problem is that it was just a goddamn riot. It's not as if the entire nation just up and went into revolution. It was one riot in one junction. I would very much like to have the right to RP one little riot without you and Triyun using it as a !@#$%^&* excuse to invade me. I've just found a nation that I would like to stick with and develop. I really don't like the thought of all the work I have put in thus far being dashed just because you and Triyun, for some reason, will use absolutely any excuse to invade. I have a degree of respect for everyone here, but that respect is quickly lost if I can't RP as I like for fear of you and Triyun. That's not respect and that's not RP, that's you two pretty much using OOC and IC intimidation.
  23. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292684213' post='2542688'] The United Federation of the East does not recognize the excuse of "internal matters" when it comes to protecting the human rights of the Chinese people from abusive provincial governments. [/quote] The Xinyan Republic does not recognise the excuse of the 'Jia Doctrine' when it comes to thinly veiled imperialism. This is not abuse of human rights. The UFE clearly has no understanding of the situation. This was the military doing its duty to put an end to the violent riot that arose in Junction 4. We will deal with this--in fact, we have already dealt with this. We warn the UFE again to stay well away; any attempts to use your 'Jia Doctrine' as an excuse for anything will not be taken well.
  24. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292647091' post='2542313'] "The United Federation of the East strongly reiterates its commitment to the Jia Doctrine." Official Statement from the foreign ministry. [/quote] We warn the UFE to stay well away. This is Xinyan internal matters and we will not tolerate any attempt of the UFE to interfere with us dealing with a riot. This is [i][b]NOT [/b][/i]a rebellion. OOC: I would greatly appreciate if you didn't use this as an opportunity to invade (not only because it's just a !@#$@#$ riot, christ). I have an internal RP plan that involves this, so kindly don't ruin it. I really don't want to have to change how I !@#$@#$ RP for fear of my RPs being used as petty reasons to invade me.
  25. [b]Protests in Xinyan City Explode into Violence[/b] The controversial protests held throughout Xinyan City have been holding the entire nation in a tense suspense, as military and civilian groups expressed fear that the protests would become violent riots. Early last morning, at 10 AM of December 16, at Junction 4 where the protests were particularly intense, this fear was realised. Military officers and civilian witnesses say the protestors at Junction 4, who were being monitored by the military, had begun jeering at and taunting the soldiers, who became gradually more and more wary of the unruly protestors. This continued for two hours until just past ten, when a large rock struck one of the soldiers in the head, throwing the squads into a disarray. Protestors either began to flee the scene, recognising, perhaps, what was to follow. Others began to attack the soldiers as well. Because the troops managed to quell the violence without firing a shot, there was hope that perhaps the situation would stabilise. This was not to happen, however. At noon today, at Junction 4, a new wave of civilians brandishing home-made weapons and molotov cocktails began to attack the soldiers. When one of the soldiers fell to the ground bleeding from the head, his comrades, realising the fatal situation they were in, were forced to open fire on the attackers. APCs and tanks were used to contain the riot within Sector B, Junction 4, but were forced to retaliate when the rioters began climbing over them. When the riot was finally quelled, the death toll was estimated at fourteen, not including Sergeant Wong Liu, a soldier who was killed in the fighting. In addition, fifty rioters in total were arrested and are currently imprisoned for disturbing the peace, assault, attacks on military personnel, and possession of deadly weapons. [Footage would follow, depicting rioters attacking soldiers and attempting to climb over the APCs and tanks] "It was a horrific scene," says Wang Liu, a noted political analyst who was reporting on the scene when the riot began. "But I don't believe the civilians were at fault here. The military should not have resorted to deadly force so quickly, especially bringing in tanks and APCs to quell the riot. If the military had not been present in the first place--if they had not been attempting to intimidate the protestors from their right to free speech--then I don't think this would have happened." Colonel Feng Chao, Director of the Guómín Jūn and directly in charge of the forces stationed at Junction 4, was severe in his response to Wang Liu. "The military was not there to intimidate the protestors. We were there to protect the people. If the troops, who performed valiantly and within all perimetres, had not been present, I believe the rioters may have even turned on innocent bystanders. We are not talking about civilised people here--I was there, I saw them. I was reminded more of apes than people when I saw them jumping and yelling. They were probably only looking for an excuse to grow violent." When asked if he believed the situation could have been treated differently, Colonel Chao said that "the military did the only thing possible to stop the violence. Clearly, from the small scuffle that occurred before the horrendous burst of violence, we can see these people were not going to stop their ruthless violence until the military showed it was not going to let them go ahead with it." Currently, Junction 4, and in particular Sector B, is cleared of rioters, but the scene is bleak. Soldiers continue to patrol the streets, and tanks and APCs are still blocking off the entrances and exits. Cars parked on the roadside and abandoned are burning at the streets, and the military claims they are still searching for bystanders who were caught in the fighting. (will finish--have to go--feel free to comment IC, as always)
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